Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leaping and More Posing...

Another pose...She's easy to work with (Crystal) and does everything I tell her...NOT!!Hahaaa. Oh well, work is a bit slow and I'm just waiting for the month to end. It's Leap Year so we have an extra day to work with. If there's any single ladies reading this, now's the time to grab the man you want! They say it's alright to do on this day, so go forth!Hahaaa....
As you can tell, there's not much going on here. Guess I'll now go find something to clean. Y'all have a great day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Playing with PSE...

Crystal Anne...I was needing a photo to play around with this morning so I told her to get her butt outside and strike a pose!Hahaaa....

Well, Google has been at it again! When you click on someone's comment box, notice anything different? I guess it's alright. At least you can widen the small comment box if you need to. Don't know what I'm talking about? If you leave a comment, you will.
Warmer temps here...73 today and stormy looking with a little (not enough) drizzle. It needs to crank it up and rain for a solid week! Oh...and my ROSES are BLOOMING!!! Yes, in FEBRUARY! We have had NO Winter to speak of. I'll bet I can count on one hand, the number of icy cold days we've had here. This makes me wonder about what Summer will do...sigh.
Well, hope you all are having a great day where ever you are...Personally, I'm going to grab a nooner COFFEE!!!Hahaaa...tarts!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Brenda's Photo Challenge (Favorite Things)

My Cameras...
My IMAC...
A Cross that's older than I am....
I like shiny objects...Hahaaa....
My Children and grandchildren...

Just click on images to enlarge...
Sorry to be late! These are just a FEW of my favorite things. Go HERE for More!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday Sami!!!

To our Amazing granddaughter, Samantha...Happy 17th Birthday Little Love! The Joy you have brought to our lives is immeasurable...May you always know just how much you are loved...forever and ever.....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fungus Amungus...

I came across a hint several weeks ago that said if you buy strawberries, blackberries etc., that there is a way to prolong their life in the refrigerator!  Wash them....pop the leaves off the strawberries.  Get a bowl and fill it with:  1 part vinegar and 10 parts water.  So, if you use a capful of vinegar, also use 10 capfuls of water...Get it?  Works with any measurement you need.  I didn't have many  strawberries but wanted to try it out.  Well, after a week and a half, NO fungus amungus!Hahaaa....Maybe it works Huh?  Hope so.  Nothing worse than paying through the nose for fruit only to have it spoil in two days time! 
Well, guess I'll get busy and do something productive...I think I smell a fresh pot of coffee...Have a great day!

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Prom Dress....

Photo was taken by Crystal last night on her cell phone then emailed to me.  This is Samantha's prom dress.  I played around with the coloring of the dress (her reflection) to try to represent it's true color.  Under the lights of the dress shop, it made the dress look bluer than it really is.  It's more green.  Oh well, just something to play around with on a rainy morning...Had to go have blood work done early this morning for my yearly physical next week...Now I'm just in the mood to do Nothing!!Hahaaa....Hope you all have a great and shiny day!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

NEW Word Verification on Blogger!!Grrrrrr

This is getting RIDICILOUS!!!  I've tried, this morning, to leave comments on some of my Blogger Buddies blogs...NOW...there's not just ONE word I have to fight, but TWO!!  See that black sploch?  Try reading it on the blogs! This one was pretty easy but you should have seen Some of them!  Impossible!  I blew this example up so you could see it!  THEN, just when I think I've got it entered correctly, I click post comment and inevitably it'll tell me it's not entered right and to start OVER!  Mostly, it has taken me three to four times to get it done...I just don't have the time!!  I LOVE ALL my Friends, You KNOW this...BUT, I'm BEGGING you!  IF you have Word Verification turned on, DUMP it!  I think, and I'm not alone, that it's really killing people who would love to leave comments but, don't have the time,  if you have to spend 5 minutes or more just to say something, it's not going to happen.
Go visit Your friends and see for yourself....If you don't want to change it, I'll understand.  I promise.
It's been a morning folks...going in for coffee...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

Hope you all have a Great and Swinging Day!!  It's a rainy morning here right now but the Sun is suppose to come out later...I'm NOT minding the rain in the least!  Bring it!Hahaaa.....Now it's coffee time!  Go have fun!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston....

What a great singer she was...Bless her heart.  Here's the link to the video where she sang the National Anthem...I've NEVER heard it sung more beautifully....

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Camera tip!  Did you waste money on a lens hood?  Well, after watching this video, I bought mine at Lowes for $3.59!  The camera shop was going to charge me $26 dollars!!  It's soft black rubber and fit my 72mm lens Perfectly!  Watch the video HERE.
Well, it's beginning to turn colder here...only in the 50's today, 30's at night.  My feet are like ice!  Seems I can never get warm in the Winter...
Hope you all are having a good week so far!  It's Wednesday isn't it?Hahaa...It's felt like Monday all morning to me.  Maybe it's the lack of coffee...'ya think?  Or maybe, donuts...oh, did I mention we've been doing lo-carb again?  I've lost 6 pounds so far.  Maybe by Summer I'll look like Lana Turner...Never Know!  Could Happen!!!Hahaaaa....
Have a happy day!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Brenda's Photo Challenge (Memories)

Memories....hummmm...there's SO many. I thought of this old black and white snap shot taken by my sister back in 1961 when we lived on a farm in Cedar Springs, Texas. I think that was the happiest place I'd ever lived...Mom and Dad went all out to make it the best experience ever for us kids. We lived there for two years before the weird neighbor done lost his mind, thought my older sister (15) was the virginal, Mother Mary, and he wanted to take her as wife! WELL DOGGIES!!!Hahaaaa....We were packed up and sold out faster than you could say, Bob's your Uncle! I think that's what happens when two grown men (in their mid 30's) still live with their Momma...Oh, did I say the OTHER brother thought I might eventually make a great bride as well???Hahahaaaa....I was ten at the time! I KNOW they needed farm hands but....Hahaaaa...
Anyway! I got to thinking about the colors of the old car behind me and my cats, Thomas and Sassafras. So, I colored them to match my "memory".
This challenge was a fun one Miz Brenda...To see more, go Here! Happy Weekend!

Finally One of William!

Sami and Will stopped by the house last night so Sam could use the printer...I grabbed Will and made him sit still long enough to wrestle this shot of him!Hahaaa...."Oh Gammmmma!!"
Crystal and I are going to take Will and Sam on their own photo shoot soon so I can get some decent shots, especially of Will. We use to get all kinds of photos of him as a little guy but now that he's doing "big boy" things, it's been hard to catch him! After All...Gamma doesn't ride dirt XBOX...or football...boring old Gamma...Hahaaaaa...I loves my babies!
Have a great weekend and don't forget Brenda's (Memories) challenge tomorrow!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Don't Look Back...

They grow up too darn fast...Sam will be seventeen on the 23rd of this month. I don't like it but I really don't think there's much I can do about it!Hahaa....The future is ahead of her. I pray it's a happy and safe one...
I watched the Punsatawny Phil ceremony this morning...Yep, six more weeks of Winter left. It really hasn't been cold here yet...maybe this month.
It's Friday already tomorrow! Geez! This week just seemed to fly by. Our Ty (left for the Air Force last January) made it home on leave last night! Hubby and I haven't seen him yet but hopefully soon.
Well, hope you all have a great evening. I feel the urge for a good cuppa coffee...
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.