Went for a walk-around at a local garden a few weeks ago and fell in love with the above flower. My flower recognition abilities are shrinking and I find that the name is "on the tip of my tongue" but I just can't spit it out!Hahaaa....Oh well, YOU probably have seen these a million times.
I also saw this....somewhere...Hahaaaa....gads! Well, YOU get the picture. A soda bottle, punch some holes and run wooden spoons through them. Neat idea on the cheap! Hope you all are enjoying your Friday! We do Nothing until Sunday, when we attend Samantha's Baccalaureate service at school then she graduates next Saturday...Just yesterday she was five! Happy weekend friends....
No...I haven't stopped blogging....just been resting. It's actually amazing how much work you can get done when you "unplug" from the internet and Direct TV for a while!Hahaaa....Since we installed the ROKU TV system, it seems we are no longer tied to all those news channels! It was a constant diet of news, news and more Bad news...constantly. I get alerts on my IPhone if something bad has happened and I read the Drudge Report and other news outlets when I need to. It's not the bad news that I object to (wish there weren't any) but it's the talking heads! Over and Over and Over again they report the bad news! Stupid questions like, "How did it make you feel to loose your home?" REALLY??? So, I've unplugged! Doing a little photo editing (I'm not sure of the name of the rose...Could it be a Cabbage Rose?) and trust me, I know it's not great but the doodling around with it was fun. Now that I see them side by side, I also could have super softened the edges of the rose in the original instead of the edits I did...hummm...never satisfied!Hahaa We rested over the Memorial Day weekend. Hubby cooked a bit and then yesterday, we went for hamburgers at Tim and Crystal's new house! It's fun to watch your kids attain their goals. Makes me remember how it was for us in the '70's. New house...new paths. Well, guess I'll let you get back to doing all that important stuff you've got planned. Hope it's a Happy day for you all!
Ok, so Hubby says he needs to run to the store...do I need anything else to go with the pulled pork sandwiches he plans to serve up for our lunch....? No, I say...can't think of anything. Ok, he says... While I'm gone, would you mind mixing up a potato salad to go with the pork? Sure! I'll get right on that! I reply. (smiling sweetly like a good wife is suppose to do) I boil up the potatoes...drain them...add the sweet pickle relish...mustard...mayonnaise...and begin a gentle stirring. Hubby's walking in the back door just as I begin the gentle stirring... "We're not 'gonna have Mashed potato salad are we?" asked Hubby dearest.... Smarta**, I reply. Would have helped if I let the potatoes cool off. When you don't cook enough, you tend to lose your magical cooking powers. And yes, it ended up being "mashed" potato salad. I think I'll keep my day job.
There are SOME pictures that usually just say it all...Hahaaaa....Meet my cousin's dog, Miss Lucy. We got to meet up with John (cousin) and girlfriend, Kitty, on Saturday for lunch and a long chat. John has MS and his doctor recommended getting a "therapy" dog to help with stress. They found Lucy at an English Bulldog rescue shelter and the rest is history. I have always loved this breed of dog because my Mom use to raise them. Sweet dispositions and a loyal friend...you can't go wrong with the English Bulldog. Hope you all have a Wonderful Day!!
Well good morning to you all. Sorry this is late but I haven't been on my blog in a while because it's been such a hectic month around here. THEN! I saw Donna's kind reminder for the Challenge and decided to edit a photo I had taken at our Sami's prom photo shoot...on my MAC...I LOVE the speed of using PSE on the MAC but when I tried to save it, I thought it saved! Well, I can NOT find it Anywhere! I don't use the MAC very often and have totally forgotten the steps to get the photo to the IPhoto file...sigh...SO! Here's a shot of Mountain Laurel from last Spring...talk about PANIC! Forgive me Donna! Next time I'll be better prepared...I hope!Hahaa For more shots in this Challenge, go Here.
Things I Like About Spring... Hi everyone! Brenda has Challenged us again...Things I like About Spring. For me, it's being able to get out and photograph more things...like flowers, food...and family. No matter what's going on around me I can usually find a little peace while holding on to my camera and looking around for someTHING or someONE to "hold still"!!Hahaaa.... If you want to play along OR if you just want to enjoy some good shots, head on over to Brenda's Photo Challenge Blog. and click on the individual links. I know she'd love to have you! Enjoy your weekend!