Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Something is Better Than Nothing...

As in "blogging" so here goes.... Libby is TRYING to sleep and I keep messing with her...hence, the "eye"!

 Sam drops by the shop and livens things up...
 Libby has fully awakened...with the look of..."WHY?" on her face...
Got the Girlz settled down long enough to grab a quick shot of Mother and Daughter.  Have I said lately that I love my girlz?  Troublemakers both, but much loved.  
Hope you all enjoyed the long weekend.  We did.  It rained Sunday and Monday and was cloudy all day Saturday.  We just read, cooked and generally just rested.  The kiddos were all off doing their own thing.  Sometimes you just have to pull in the mat and recharge.  Nice...
Can you believe it's almost June?  That will mean that in six more months it'll be...gulp...Christmas!Hahaaa...Start planning NOW!  Even do a bit of shopping....I plan to get started now as well so don't think I'm preaching to the choir!  It just means that when the holidays DO arrive, and they will, you'll be finished stressing and be able to enjoy them as well as having everything paid for!  I never charge anymore...I pay cash or I don't buy.  Don't get me wrong...if I buy on the internet of course I have to charge it but come the end of the month, I pay it off.  
Life wasn't always this way for us...we were young and stupid a few times but the lessons were learned and adhered to!  Work your bills on   Share a bit with others that really need a helping hand...locally.  I've learned the hard way that you can't always put your trust in the foundations that claim to "be all about the needy"!!  I want to SEE where my money goes and to help improve OUR community.  Giving to Haiti sounds nice but the money just doesn't get to the people.  Ever.....So look around your town.  See something that would benefit from a little attention?  Jump in!  You don't get anything back but oh, that feeling that you just might have made a tiny difference in someone's life....wonderful.
Jumping off my soapbox now...Hope you all enjoy a wonderful evening or morning!