Thursday, November 29, 2018

Where Has Donna Been?

Video of our trip if you're interested...Want to see it larger?  Click on the player to play it...See YouTube at the bottom?  See the square thingy on the right side of it?  Click on it... 

 I have NEVER done a post this long before so just be forwarned!  Oh well, it was a fun trip with some fun friends and now it's somewhat, recorded for future reference...

Gerald and Ann...Larry's dad and mom

It's been a while since I've posted...I know... 
 Let's see, I think the last one was in July so that means some of you (not on Facebook) don't know that Larry's mom passed away in August.  It's been a whirlwind since then.  The above video is from our trip to Stanley, New York.  We'd had it planned for at least six months and decided to go ahead and go...It was a much needed trip, to say the least, and we had a blast.  We met three other couples (people we had gone to high school with) there at an RV park called Camp in the Woods.  We stayed three weeks!  Really fun.
Then we headed over to see some of my relatives in Voluntown, Connecticut.   I have a bunch of cousins left there still (Aunts, uncles all passed now).  There's one cousin, Roni and her husband Mike, that I absolutely love so, we made the trip.  Five hours from Stanley, NY so...why not...  Call me a bit#h butttt...I asked her not to tell anyone other than her mom and dad, that we were coming. 
 You know how people pretend to love and care about you but never come to see you...never call to check on you...and you're the one who makes the 2,000 mile trip to go see them, for years??
  Summer after Summer you go...they smile and say how wonderful it is to see you...but, that's as far as it ever goes?  Well, I'm SO done.  It's my Dad's side of the family and if he were still alive I wouldn't say a word...but he's no longer here so...I've had enough fakery.  What a shame...their loss.

Roni & these two...
While we were in New York though, Bill and Wanda took us for a ride to Auburn to see the house of Harriet Tubman.  She saved many a slave!

Bill and Wanda Coker, high school buddies who played host at the RV Park...Did I say high school???  Dang!  FIFTY TWO YEARS!!  All four couples still alive and kicking...knock on wood!

This is an antique mall in Voluntown that my cousin Rod use to own...huge.

Roni had taken Larry and I to a pizza place in old, not Mystic Pizza, that was up the road...this place was suppose to be better.  Roni's covering her face because there's an argument going on in the kitchen (open) area...Hahaaa...It was FU this and FU that...the waitress that took our order stormed out...the other waitress came over and apologized, retook our orders then went back to argue more with the Owner!  This went on at least 30 min.  We finally get our food...and Ron was right, it was very good!  Why didn't we leave??  We had no where to go and it was actually entertaining...Hahaaa...

And no, this is a meal I prepared here at home.  Just know you wanted to see the roast that was fabulous! ;0)
Here's our grankids, William and Samantha.  Will's graduated basic training and is currently stationed at Sheppard AFB in Texas, about to graduate again and head to Big Springs, AK for 28 days of specialty training before he's stationed for a few years in Tucson, AZ.
Sami is still working hard in her own beauty salon here in town.  SO proud of these kids!!

This was lunch at a restaurant next door to Cornell University...Go Big Red!  Fish and Chips, delicious.

  Walking is a big part of my every day routine.  I've done 18650 steps before our vacation and am now working my way back up to that.  It took me almost a whole day to do it but, I did!  If I just make my 10000 a day, I'll be happy but it doesn't always work out.

A buffalo chicken wrap we had at a place called Sauders in NY state.  We ordered one, cut it in half...cost came out to be $2.50 apiece with chips and a drink.  Delicious!  The place is owned by Mennonites.

Larry caught a big one...!!!

Bill and Larry

This stuff is wonderful!  Bill fried up veggies in it...geeeezzzz...wonderful!

We all brought something to our little get to gethers...I baked a rhubarb and strawberry pie in our RV oven...not easy to do but it turned out good!

Wonderful fish and chips at this restaurant close by Cornell University.  We sat and watched different teams practice rowing.

Glenda and Ron Byrd...another in our group of high schoolers.  This was their anniversary dinner.

Getting ready to take the Erie Canal 3 hour tour...

Larry got a fancy haircut!

Jane & Henry Medlin...Rounding out the hs group...We all ordered a cinnamon roll...they were HUGE!!!

Onion rings fried in that Drakes Fry can order it on Amazon.  I got the 5lb bag.

See Larry and our FR3 motorhome on the left?  The spot was nice!

Wanda made a blueberry pie...

Sunflowers are grown EVERYWHERE in NY State!!  We had no idea NY was so beautiful!
Jane & Henry...We would gather at Bill & Wanda's spot in the evenings to tell lies and know how men kids on the football team, who out ran who with the ball, who had the most girlfriends...etc...I just looked back at my high school days  feeling like something was missing...

The onion soup I had....somewhere...

Bubblegum petunias

We made it to the Corning Museum in...Corning, NY

Bill's trike...asking Glenda if she's ready for her ride...

I finally got my apple fritter!  Yum

I made a peach cobbler here at home...

Larry bought a coffee bean roaster!!  Now we can make cappuccinos to our heart's desire...and not for almost $5 dollars a pop! 

I made a cherry crisp for Thanksgiving

We all sat around visiting after these guys!

Well, guess that's it for now...Hopefully, I'll try to do better with posting in the future...It's just when Ann passed, everything just kept popping up...seems like there's always something to get done or to go get done...Dr visits are all done now...Larry had a colonoscopy done on Tuesday...all's well.  They caught three tiny polyps just beginning to form and removed them.  People need to have this procedure done!!  It saves lives!!
Have a sweet and peaceful night!

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.