Sunday, March 23, 2025

Spring...Tomatoes, Bubba's, and Trees.

 Good morning, friends...
Well, Spring has sprung, and we are able to get outside a little more, these days.  60's and 70's.  It feels good to see some I got dressed and went to the grocery.  There, I found large bags of over ripe tomatoes!  I just grabbed one bag in case someone else wanted to freeze them, as well...there were only two left.  I never forget to check the sales bins.  

I had already put half the bag through the processor.  I just cut out the tiny bad spots, if any, and crushed them then bagged it up and froze them.

Then, we went to lunch...Larry said, "How about Bubba's"?  Lolol....omg...never again but, I said okay.  

We were seated in the bar area...on those tall tables...with tall chairs...Lolol...what a joke.... Don't get me wrong.  I can climb a mountain with the best of 'em butt...pun intended...besides not being able to hear each other talk, there were two guys, youngish, drinking already as it wasn't quite noon yet...and a workday.  Neither am I a prude but come on...I wanted to leave but Larry said to just stay long enough to try the burgers.  Okay... They were pretty good but at almost $12.00 dollars each...single patty, just the burgers...I think I would have passed, and left earlier...We don't mind spending the money for good food...but, not for good food...loud ambiance and leering drunks before noon... It isn't my cup of tea.  Larry and I just laughed at the $33-dollar final bill with tip...which wasn't high, really...and rolled on down the road...never to return.  We are now officially considered old...and absolutely hate loud and screeching music... 

I also noticed water dripping from the bottom of the fountain bar onto what looked like, a condiment tray.  See where it says, Truly?  Condiment tray.  See the tiny droplets right above it?  Beer....lolol...someone's mustard is going to have that "happy"

We had a tree man come to take out two trees (Insurance company said if we didn't take out those particular trees, they'd cancel service!) I'm so angry over it but we had no choice!  Insurance companies these days are getting pushy!

But in reality, I won't miss this Red Oak.  It dropped giant leaves at the drop of a hat!!  I'll miss the shade, but it could have caused serious damage if high winds had grabbed it.  It was already hanging branches over the patio and house, allowing ants to dance their merry way onto the roof.  The other one was a pecan...that one got to me!  It was shading not only the house but, Miss Kitty's grave.

Next, on my list of this ribbon quilting pattern.  It's a big one and I totally cut it wrong, to begin with!  I'll need to go back to the proverbial drawing board and decide on a different size.  I mean, as it is, one block is huge!  I need to pay better attention!  It can get to be hair pulling time!!

Food Court

Air fryer Chicken 

Air fryer hotdogs on Keto buns...

Two sandwiches from a country store...BLT and Pulled pork that was too sweet!

And finally, Lime & Condensed milk dessert called...Lime Cracker Pie...and it's delicious!

And finally, what's a post without our greatgran, Sloane and our daughter, Crystal... (Sloane's Lolli )

The year was 1978...we were visiting our friends in San Antonio...I made that Afghan for Beverly.  It was my very first.  I'm the one (R) listening intently to the boy- husbands conversation across the room.  It's early in the morning after a New Years Eve party.

Well...I guess I'll let you get busy with your day...I need to get in there and get started on a new quilting block...

Enjoy your week, stay until next time...

Monday, March 17, 2025

Quilt...Miss Sydney Jo, Sloane and Food.

 Good morning, friends!   It's been a while since I've posted!  Two weeks, at least!  But I've been busy!  Yes, I began a project for our Sami's new (still in the oven) baby, Lottie Lynn.  Sam's baby shower is on April 12th and I wanted to have my gift ready!  So... I spent very little time on social networks or the TV and got the quilt top done. 
Do any of you quilters have a remedy for sore back?  I know all the basic tips like sitting straight up...stretch, etc... but have you ever tried a back brace? lol 
Goodness, my back gets sore!

The iPhone camera just doesn't take colored shots well!  The green is too limey...and the pinks aren't true either.  Maybe I should have used my Nikon,

Here's a neat trick I found...When I'm having to count my squares, the material is hard to separate from the layers!  I grabbed my pencil eraser and used it!  Worked great!  But only the red eraser white one didn't work as all.

This is where I carried my quilt top.  I quilted my first quilt myself but am not happy with my work so, I found Sherrie in a town close to me and dropped it off with her.  I should get it back on the 7th of April...that will give me at least a week to add a label and finish the binding.  I'll post a photo when I get it back.

Greatgranbaby #2

This is Miss Sydney Jo Waid.  She belongs to our grandson, Tylar and wife, Sara.  They are stationed (Air Force) in Papa, Hungary.  For some reason, the military said they couldn't have baby there and were told to go to Vienna, Austria...and they had to be there one month before her arrival date!  I don't understand the why of it, at all...oh least she was born in Vienna!!  That's where my grandparents were from!  I love it!  I know they were with them during the birth...Isn't she pretty?!

Even Gampa got in on making baby things!  This is a shelf for Sloane and sister Lottie.  He also made book shelving for them.
Having great grands is...grand!

Now the food Tuesday last Rosa's in Waco.

I saw this on TikTok, so I made it...I Put shredded cheese in the bottom of a muffin pan...then add thinly sliced onion then top with more cheese and baked at 400 for 18 minutes...or longer, if you desire.  You don't need to spray the pan with oil.

SOOO good!!  Locarb, as well.

Larry cooked up some chicken with cream and green beans!  

Then...he got a wild hair and decided we needed to eat something bad!  lol
French Fries and bacon gravy with chives!  OhMyWord good!  You can't eat like this every day...for Sure!

But after the bad-for-you breakfast...he made grilled ribs.  Really good stuff!

And here's our SloaneyGirl ...I think Mommy helped her a bit with the love her over the Moon!

Then her Lolli (our daughter Crystal) got to come for a short visit...they always have a blast!  

And I even got to babysit with her!  I bought her a new backpack...Bluey is now her favorite character.

She truly wore herself out dancing and running around the house.  We are SO blessed!!

Larry also had his CT Scan done (every 6 mos).  Nothing showed up!  Yeah!  Dr said he likes to keep a recovering bladder cancer patient coming in for regular visits (every 3 months) and every 6 months, the CT scan...for at the very least, 3-5 years.

Larry is still doing well with his bladder treatments for the non-existent cancer...hopefully, it stays that way!!

Well, I guess I'll let you off the hook for today! lol...and I'm sorry for not posting sooner.  SO, until next time...

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Finished! ...JoAnn and Dad

Good morning, Friends... Goodness!  It's March already!  I can't believe how fast time is rolling on by... 

And... I can't believe it myself...drumroll...I Finished It!!  My quilt is finished!  I had a spurt of crazy energy and figured I'd best get it done before all those sparking carbs totally disappeared.  (more cake is a bad girl thing but I cannot lie...I partook).

It took me 4 solid days which I'd spend the morning hours working.  I also decided to make a label for it.  It's a gift to our grandson, William who's in the Air Force.  I'm already planning my next quilt that will belong to great-granddaughter, Sloane.  I'll also make one for granddaughter Samantha...daughter Crystal and granddaughter, Sara.  Then there's grandbabies of Sam and Sara who are still "baking in the ovens".  Goodness!  At least they all won't be as large as my first one.  I don't have another large one in me right now.  I may change my mind but not right now.


Don't look too closely at the stitching!  It was a large quilt... I know I sewed "out of line" occasionally...lolol...but I got it done!  Poor William...getting Gamma's first quilt!

I quilted my lines every 2 1/2 matter what.  I know it isn't the best but, the squares were "off" at I just kept going.

But it's done and I'm happy.

Truth right here!

JoAnn's Fabric is closing...dang it!  I stocked up on batting...there were 4 left !!  I just took the two so someone else had a chance to pick up some.  I also found some tracing paper so I can do some applique and some other things.

Our store says that around the first or middle of May...she'll be closing!  I'm not happy about it but I guess it's a sign of the times.  There is a quilt store south of us around 32 miles as the bird flies. They have gorgeous material but also, gorgeous prices.

Well, we finally got to see Larry's Dad at the rehab.  He's not helping himself at all...he doesn't get up by himself... and every time we visit, he's sleeping...and we have to wake him.  It's not a hopeful situation.  He wants to go home and have it the way it was before he became ill...probably won't happen if he's not willing to help himself!  He would have to have a full-time care person...he has the funds, hopefully enough to see him through... right now, he needs to be watched.  It's frustrating that we can't make him understand that he needs to push himself if he wants to improve.  He still has the UTI, they say, and a doctor is supposed to see him today.  We'll see what he says.

Well, I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing.  
Enjoy your week... if you're putting off things, Stop It!  Get up and move... so until next time....