Well, it's already been a Week around here! Insurance people wanting to come in at work and give us bids on our comp and liability insurance....geez! Getting close to the end of the month And September is the end of our business year....That means INVENTORY has to be done this next month!! So, if you've noticed that I haven't been leaving too many comments lately, you'll know why! Also, I've been trying to get the Brenda Challenge Blog up and running smoothly. I went in and made changes to some of your comments so, now, when you click on the participants names, you'll go Directly to their sites. We'll all get it going! Don't worry. If I'd known how to do Mr. Linkey, I probably would have set something like that up, BUT, since I'm mentally challenged...LOL...this was the best solution...for now, I could come up with. IF Anyone can think of something better, PLEASE let me know!!! But for now, if you'll just make SURE you click on the NAME/URL button, type in your name and website URL, we'll have it made. Your name should be Blue and there should be a little grey head beside your name after you publish your comment.
Example: See the button in the comment section that says NAME/URL? Click on it.
Name: Jose
URL: http://www.jose.blogspot. com
Now, hit the orange Publish button
We went to Williams birthday party last night at Crystals...Had a good time and Finally got to meet...."T"!! (Crystals boyfriend)....Very nice guy and his son was Really sweet. William got a new bicycle along with a bunch of other stuff.
Well, guess I'll let you all get back to doing whatever you were doing...Hope your day is Everything you hope for and that you're...Happy!