Two new toys this weekend! The first one is a liquid soap dispenser (Bed, Bath & Beyond) and I LOVE it!! Had my hands full of pots, stuck my wash rag under it and "buzzzz"...Soap on my rag!!Hahaa....Then, I Demanded....my OWN grill to be placed on the patio! Makes it so much easier to grill when you don't have to walk to the back "40" to cook. I made pork ribs and think they turned out pretty good. I still need practice when cooking asparagus...over cooked them! Oh, and by the way...Our buying the grill is Totally Donna's fault (
Cottage Days)....totally!! I couldn't unstick Hubby's face from the photo on her blog post about Their grill...Hubby was salivating all over my computer! Hence...MY new grill. It IS pretty...brown enamel. Should be easy to keep clean. I Also finished the book I was reading, The Help. Wonderful!
Well, hope you all have a wonderful Monday. I need to figure out what I'll be making for supper...on MY grill.
Wow! Those ribs look scrumpt.
So now u have a reason to cook every night of the week?!?! Oh u rock mom!!!! ;)
Oh yum!! I could eat them now (you're making my mouth water).
I read the book, The Help, too. Loved it.
Fun toys!With the asparagus it only takes a bit, I cover with olive oil.Like to roast all veggies, ever done a peach?Find the asparagus on the prairie growing wild and snack on it raw.Some people hunt it like they do morel mushrooms when in season.
I've never cooked asparagus on the grill. I've done zucchini though. Nice new toys. Love that grill that YOU got...lol
Good grief! I take my eyes off you for ten seconds and you go on a shopping spree! I am so JEALOUS! That hand soap thingie had me worried for just a mo as I could not identify the green liquid! NOW I get it! And mercy, between you and the OTHER DONNA (Tennessee variety), you all are gonna shame me into buying my hubby a grill with his name on it! Gorgeous ribs! My mouth is watering. Grill some pineapple next.
I just got my very first gas grill. I love it. I can't wait to try ribs and asparagus! I read "The Help" recently. It's a great book. I heard they are making it into a movie. Happy Grilling!
Wow those that's some very fine looking chow! Love the new toys!
Well, ain't you just somethin'? Good for you. Have fun!! :)
I wondered how that soap dispenser would be and you've just let me know!!
See, now i want Junior to buy me my own grill...although, even though our grill is technically his, I do all the cooking! lol!
Those pork chops look really good. I really like that soap dispenser too!!
I always wanted a Weber, but someone else around here...who doesn't even do the grilling bought a different brand.
That's a cadillac of a grill, and I betcha you're really going to enjoy using it..... Yummy, the meat looks delicious!
I've never tried asparagus on the grill, sounds a bit tricky to not overcook it. You'll be an expert before you know it...
Great purchases. You have a great ability to take joy in everything!
That grill is amazing and the food looks delicious!!!
hahahaha!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! I done flung a craving on ya! I am hooting with laughter here at seeing that cocoa brown grill, exclusive of Lowe's! I'm so proud that you said you had to have your own grill! And this is a great cookbook I got hubby too (along with a cover):
nice grill indeed....Keeps th mess out of the kitchen too!
That's a fine lookin' grill and some fine vittles that you cooked there on it!!
all i can do is laugh -- and of course be happy for you-- enjoy it -- now you two can have 'grill-offs'
may the best wo-man WIN !!!
Don't ya just love new toys! I'm enjoying trying mine out and looks like you will have fun with yours too!
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