This August has:
5 Sundays,
5 Mondays,
5 Tuesdays,
All in one month. It happens once in 823 years. I probably will miss it next time...Hopefully!Hahaaa....More email trivia to entertain you with!
Hope you're having a Wonderful Tuesday. Everything is calmer and quieter here, thank goodness! Hubby and I are planning a little getaway for October and am SO looking forward to it. It's just time.
Guess I'll go find some coffee somewhere...Y'all have a great evening!
Hey.... those are some interesting facts.
It's good to hear that your life is calmer now......October will be here before you know it.... and it's so nice to have something to look forward to...
I don't think I'll be around in 823 years either! lol!
well how about that. very cool. Guess I'll be missing the next one too :)
Hi Delores, We are just plain Worked Out!Hahaa...
Sweet night to you!
Jenn, Hahahaa...ME NEEDER!!
Ann, I didn't know it either...but I hope I miss the next one! Hopefully will be busy on The Other Side!Lol
Oh, I've been through three so far...err... never mind, I'm really not a vampire, really.
Hahahaa...Ok Big Guy, OUT with it!! I'll Bet it's Good too!
Sweet night to you!
haha saw this on another blog on my google reader and shared it on FB. Interesting tidbit.
Very Cool. Anyway who thinks of these things. I'm looking forward to our November getaway it will be comin into Summer to. Yippee!!
I don't think I'll be here either! Only one more week and this month is HISTORY! Hang in there, Miz Donna.
Glad that you are going to get away for a vacation. You deserve it! You earned it! Hey, do you want me to send you a post card from Canada???
I think I'm gonna miss the next one, too! Have a great evening. Tomorrow is hump day!
I like that kind of info !! LOL But, like you, I won't be here for that next time !! haha
You and your hubby have something to look forward, too !! YEAH !!
That is interesting, I had no idea. Glad we got to see this one, 2833 is a long way off.
You are so funny Donna!!! Where DO you get this stuff??? Love it!
Have a great night!
Thanks for the very interesting facts!
Now that is something I didn't know. Thanks for the interesting trivia, Donna and thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, we were indeed blessed that the vet came over to our apartment to see to the cat. I bet you're looking forward to your getaway. Have a wonderful day. Jo
I hope to see a bigger pay stub with this, I take it the check will be in the mail.Glad to hear you are planning something fun.I can feel that smile on your face.
Donna.... I wanted to reply to you, but couldn't find your e-mail...I'm too disorganized.... anywhooooo.... You weren't suppose to see me standing on the wood block.
Thanks for sending the info about the toothpaste 'squirter'..... only problem is that David wouldn't understand how to use it, but it looks like something I should order and use it for him and me.
Thank you sweet friend!
That is so cool! I can't wait to tell TG and the kids! What a great little piece of trivia, Donna dear. *kisskiss*
So many 5s have me at 6s and 7s.
Glad to hear you are going to take a holiday, you need to get the heck otta Dodge.
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