Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is It Friday Yet?

This is my Dad's sister, Josephine. She's now 92yrs young. She looks SO much like Daddy, through the eyes.......
My cousin-in-law, Gerald and my cousin, Roni...Gerald is Roni's brother-in-law.....Wonderful people. Boy, we had a lot of laughs! Makes me want to go make a cup of coffee!!Hahaaa.....
Crystal went and got herself some Bangs!! I Love it Sweetie! She Always had bangs as she was growing up.

Well, this week has really seemed to fly by...Tomorrow's Friday already! Where did it GO? I still feel like I'm on an airplane...When does That feeling go away??Lolol. I DO think I was in Connecticut just at the Right moment though! Seems to be raining like crazy on the East Coast! I would have freaked Out, having to fly through That! It was Gorgeous while I was there.
Well, I'll be posting a few CT. photos at a time. I know how it feels to look at tons all in one sitting, so I'll spare you!Hahaaa....Hope you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Connecticut Bound....

Miss "Wire"......The first greeter upon entering the house! What a little sweetie she is.
This is the lake in front of my cousin's house (Roni & Mike)'s beautiful!

Just some decorations done by Roni and Mike....Note the date.

The house was built in 1814....

Most of the roads in the area I visited in Connecticut...Voluntown, Mystic...Jewitt City...Glasgo. I had a Wonderful visit! I had been missing my cousin Roni something Awful!Hahaa...So, on the spur, I booked flight. So glad I did. Took tons of photos so prepare for a smattering over the next few weeks. The flights were pretty uneventful until, on my way from Hartford to Cincinnati, the Delta Connection flight had mechanical problems and the flight was delayed by 30 minutes...I was the LAST person to catch the LAST flight to Austin! THEN I hear the OTHER Delta Connection flight to NY had landing gear problems and landed...literally...on a Wing and a Prayer! Good Lord! So glad no one was hurt!!

Got to see family members I hadn't seen in years...Lots of laughter and chatter. Of This I Know...I'm Blessed. Thanks Roni and Mike for letting me be a part...of the family.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Brenda Photo Challenge (9-25-10) Orange

ORANGE Apron taken at the Gunther House in San Antonio, Texas....
ORANGE Motocross emblem on the back of my Grandson, William's T-Shirt....
An ORANGE pillowcase.....Hahaaaa....Yes...I was a bad photographer again! I didn't get a chance to get out and about this time to hunt for Orange...In fact, right now, I am HOPEFULLY waking up in Voluntown, Connecticut, where I am visiting my cousin, Roni and her husband Mike! Last week I just decided I was tired...Couldn't go another step...done...out of gas. Hubby couldn't come with me because as Usual, there were JOBS to be tended to. It must have been the look in my eyes that prompted his quick response to my question..."But there's NO reason why You can't go!" So I did. Hopefully by the time this post, I'm drinking coffee and packing up to head back to Texas. Y'all say a prayer for my flight please...One of the jets is a fifty seater and I'll be by a window....great....I hate flying, but I really needed to get back up to see all my family. My cousin Roni lost her twin sister recently and I felt compelled to visit. We were last here seven years ago right after my Dad crossed. I told Roni NOT to tell anyone I was coming so we'll see how That works out...Today is Sept 14th and I leave on the 18th to head up North...Confusing, huh....LOL! I've "scheduled" this post ahead of time. Hope it works! Oh well, the point is, with my pitiful explaination, is...I'll visit all of Your photos HOPEFULLY on Sunday!
Y'all have a great weekend and I'll post about the trip when I get back....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just Testing

Well, I downloaded an app for my IPhone that is suppose to allow me to blog With photos... This is just a test. I don't leave until Saturday, 5:30am... Hope you're having a happy night!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blazing Trails

Hello all....Just a quick post to let y'all know that I'll be taking some time off to fly to Connecticut...just me...Hubby says he Can't get off from work long enough to come with me....SO, I'm Going! MEWHOHATESFLYING......I need to see family (been seven years), now! Hubby and I Are taking off together in October so he says he can't do both. Ok....I can DO THIS!!! Yes, I CAN....YES....I'll fly into Bradley Airport and then rent a car to go the rest of the way to Voluntown. I feel sorry for the poor soul who has to sit next to me....Hahahaaa.....Did you know Delta Airlines doesn't like underwire bras??Hahahaaa.....true! Wonder if they still serve booze...LOL...not really. I'm all Over this post aren't I? Lord, why can't Scotty just beam me there......I hate flying.....I'm a "gripper", as in chair arms...and my eyes tear up...must be from the wind velocity...I think I've screamed once or twice....I can't remember. Y'all say lots of prayers for me....Or, the guy who has to sit next to me...It's a toss-up.

I'll see if I can post from there...I have No idea. DO behave yourselves!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11th, 2001

This is Our memory...Our pain...and together, we made it....through it all. Sons and daughters, mothers and fathers of every color. Democrat, Republican, Independant...far left, far right. Americans, United.
We will continue to fight, to be passionate and protect Her...and Never forget!
God Bless America.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Feed Me! But Don't Touch Me!

Sorry about the quality of this shot...I took it through the kitchen window. This little orphan cat has six kitties. They sneak up on the patio to eat out of Buddy's bowl (Our Other orphan, semi adopted cat). The kittens are fat and cute. If they see you though, off they run. Oh well, they're not the First to see me and run and I don't guess they'll be the last...Happy Wednesday everyone!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Brenda Photo Challenge (9-4-10) Photo Essay

On my birthday, a couple of years ago, I had been Really missing my Mom and Dad. Mom crossed May 14th, 1996 and Dad crossed October 6th, 2002. I had been given a party complete, with balloons....Finding myself alone, I decided to send them a message....I'd send them a balloon filled with Love. I KNOW they got it because..... They sent Me...a Rainbow!

Brenda of Whats Up Down South was the creator of this Challenge...Thanks Brenda! She has ALSO had internet connection woes for the past week or so, so she may not be able to post Her photos this time...We'll see. Go check anyway! Also, a reminder to go back and check for late commers HERE! By the end of the day, I Always find more people have posted photos...
Here's hoping you all have a wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

September...A month of memories. On the 26th, Hubby and I will have been married 38 years. A lifetime. On the 11th, our world changed...forever.