Well, we made it through our lonely little Christmas...sniff-sniff. My GirlChild and family ran off to Colorado so there wasn't any 6AM squeals to open presents. Hubby and I woke up early as usual and just looked at each other....Wow! What Do We Do Now, kind of look....Hahahaaa.....After waking up to kids in the house for 38 years, I must say, it Was different! Oh well, we proceeded to eat breakfast, drink our coffees and be content with what we had....Us...He and I....alone....LOL....SO, moving right along,(Hahahaa...NO! We cleaned the kitchen!!) for our lunch, we had Gumbo! NO more turkey! Gads, I think we would have really been happy with a BIG HONKING old Pizza...with lots of cheese and olives and bell pepper....greasy and hot and runny! (Suck it up Michelle!)
I have always been one to adhere to tradition. Turkey and dressing was a must. Will this change? Is it a sign of things to come? I don't know! But I think we'd best get use to it. Maybe hubby and I will venture off to Tibet...Morracco...Oklahoma, during the holidays...Hahahaaaa.....Who knows. But there Will be pizza. Soon. Hope you all had a great Christmas, and can you believe it??? It's almost 2011!!! Time is really rolling by fast now. Have a wonderful night Guys!
Gumbo for Christmas - sounds good to me! It's hard changing traditions isn't it. We had a very quiet Christmas too this year with only one out of three children able to make it in but I sure was happy that at least one of them could make it. Happy New Year!
LOL, now you know what it's like for just two adults to spend Christmas together! It's a lot quieter!
Geez, where did this year go?! I swear it is all a blur! Hey, I'm coming up on my 3 year blogging anniversary this weekend. How's that for time flying?
We had gumbo and Cajun Boudin for Christmas. The good part: our friends cooked it.
I sympathize with you on your new adjustment....Each Christmas will be different, depending on children coming or going.
Isn't it something how we start off as a couple, and after children are born.....there's all the Christmas excitement, but when they leave ...we're right back where we started.
Pizza right now sounds wonderful, in fact ....that's what we're having tomorrow.
Happy New Year dear friend!
hehe We've had that feeling for a few years now. When Crystal and Kevin split the holidays between the families we got Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve(traditionally we have our bigger celebration on Eve) and his folks got Easter and Christmas Day. The first Christmas we were on our own we staying in our pjs all day and watched a Law & Order marathon. Can I be honest? It was wonderful! I thought I'd be lost but we still have our traditional family celebration and now Matt and I have a nice quiet day to have an 'uncelebration'.
Families dwindle down and new traditions begin LOL
I personally think pizza is always a great tradition!! I may have to use it one year LOL
We used to have pizza every Christmas Eve with my dad. This year, we had subs, and it was so much yummier! lol! I like traditions, too, but sometimes, change is nice. As long as it's not too much change. Then I have an anxiety attack. Yeah, I'm odd. I know.
I was wondering what you and hubby did as I was so in grossed over Crystals pictures on FB and seeing what a great time they had. I made chili. Just my hubby and me ! Pizza does sound good. It looks yummy !!
That is so funny that you mentioned pizza. I told my mom that next year we should just order pizza instead of slaving in a hot kitchen for 12 hours. We ended up doing Christmas on Christmas Eve since we were in for a huge snowstorm on christmas eve. Sooo, on christmas day, I stayed in my jammies,ate left overs and watched tons of "Christmas Story". Next year we are talking about going on a cruise for christmas which should be fun. Want to dump the hubby and go with us? Drinks will be on me..hahaha..I love you girlfriend..now go order a huge pizza!!
Pizza works for me! The gooier the better~! When do we eat?
Hi my dear friend, I was sad to read that you and hubby spent your Christmas without your darling little ones. They certainly add a certain spark to this festive season. Your were lucky to have your darling hubby by your side to share it together. I hope you add anchovies to that monster pizza. I love lots of anchvies,olives, Cheese and pepperone on mine. Enjoy, and I hope the new year is filled with lots of Christmas wishes come true.XXXXOOOO
Our holidays are very quiet as well Donna! It is just the two of us until about four when my daughter and her fiance arrive for dinner and celebrating! It is kind of nice to relax...I guess we have been getting used to it!! Now you've got me wanting pizza...think that's on the menu for tomorrow!! Happy New Year! Can't believe it's almost 2011!!
It was quiet here also, but now it's not. LOL
Happy New Year!! :)
The last few years we have had Christmas with our kids on the day after due to their in-law obligations. Last year we actually went to the show on Christmas day. It was packed, too! This year we went out to SIL's house but the morning was definitely quiet. Plus, we have to get a new garage door opener so no gifts to eachother! The morning was kind of boring, actually!
Our Christmas is getting smaller. Still had the boys here, but all the parents (except one) and grandparents are gone now. My father-in-law doesn't travel, so it was very different. I can't imagine, yet, what it will be like when the boys aren't here...
Wishing you a wonderful, happy New Year!
Nita Jo
Welcome to empty nests. I did the same this year, and nothing left under the tree. I had my holiday the week before. That is why I usually go somewhere fun.I had pizza for you yesterday at lunch getting a bigger one so to have some for breakfast. It never made it through the night.
Blast you! I find myself suddenly hankering for pizza. :)
I understand some of how you felt on Christmas Day.
Traditions are bound to change at some point. Ours have. I really don't mind not having all the hustle and bustle anymore. Next year I might just pawn off my traditional boxing day gathering on some unsuspecting nephew.
Awww... you two lovebirds are empty-nesters... you make me wanna cry!
We don't do "traditional" at our family get-together, Donna- we have homemade hot tamales and chili! (And I have NO IDEA where that started, it's been a tradition since before I was in the world!)
We had our usual Ham dinner on Christmas eve but I would have been happy with just about anything. The older I get the more I'm just ready for the down time that I get. It is strange sometimes not having the whole family together but it's not necessarily a bad strange :)
Ahhhh, Y'all are all so sweet with your comments! Glad to know we're not alone in this feeling!
And I STILL haven't gotten that pizza!!Hahaaa...Suck it up Ac!!Hahahaaaa.....
Ahhh...time for new traditions! (And what fun you could have!!)
Pizza is a perfect Christmas meal...you can never go wrong there:)
Cheers to you in the new year ...coming just around the corner:)
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You have a wonderful blog!
Happy New Year from São Paulo, Brazil!
Just stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year!! May the coming year be filled with blessings!
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