Two new toys this weekend! The first one is a liquid soap dispenser (Bed, Bath & Beyond) and I LOVE it!! Had my hands full of pots, stuck my wash rag under it and "buzzzz"...Soap on my rag!!Hahaa....Then, I Demanded....my OWN grill to be placed on the patio! Makes it so much easier to grill when you don't have to walk to the back "40" to cook. I made pork ribs and think they turned out pretty good. I still need practice when cooking asparagus...over cooked them! Oh, and by the way...Our buying the grill is Totally Donna's fault (
Cottage Days)....totally!! I couldn't unstick Hubby's face from the photo on her blog post about Their grill...Hubby was salivating all over my computer! Hence...MY new grill. It IS pretty...brown enamel. Should be easy to keep clean. I Also finished the book I was reading, The Help. Wonderful!
Well, hope you all have a wonderful Monday. I need to figure out what I'll be making for supper...on MY grill.