July 20th marked my Three Year Blogaversary. Can't believe the time has passed so quickly! This should be an excellent time to say a Hearty Thank You, to all of you, my Blogger Buds. Through all my highs and lows...you've been here. I try to not whine or moan...drool or cry. I want you to leave here with a smile and not shaking your head, thinking, "Lord, what a twit!"Hahaaaa.....or throwing your head back thinking, Oh Lord, not again!Hahahaa...I like it short and sweet...right to the point because that's the kind of person I am. I try not to be boring or long winded about...anything. And if I DO? I'm just venting. I write more like I'm using a diary instead of a journal. It just works for me...We all are different and I rejoice in the differences. You're my friends...family...and I'm SO happy you are in my life....Here's, hopefully, to another three years...