I wish that I had a Big old honking slab of this bread, hot, out of the oven...all slathered with real butter! There would be a house to go with this fantasy...Old, two story, white clapboard...high on a rock and sandy hill. Its front porch facing the Atlantic Ocean so when I close my eyes, I can listen to the waves....
feel the wind as it glides across my skin. A warm and comfy chair to sit in, pulling my feet up and covering them with a colorful patchworked quilt. A big, chunky, coffee cup full of my favorite brew...my hands warmed by its heat. Seagulls flying high overhead, singing their song...yep...I wish...
I've Really 'gotta cut back on the sugar!Hahaaaa....Happy day everyone!
That bread sure makes you want to loaf around.
You know this always is something I would go for. The ocean scenery really sounds nice, save a piece for me.
Mmmmmm! Iced buns with currants, delish!!!
CJ xx
it's a lovely wish Donna. and I believe that wishes come true. have a great day you. {{{hugs}}}
Count me in.... I wanna be there and have those yummy snacks too...
Oh hello.....welcome back to earth!! That does look and sound wonderful, though!
And I'd be right there next to you Donna!!! I LOVE warm bread with cinnamon and butter and my fave...black coffee straight out of the pot!
I just checked out your Other Blog...the MOM..it is hilarious!!! OMG!
Please send the flat bed; I wanna go with ya! :)
Oh my~ I could eat that whole loaf right now!
Thanks a lot, Miss Donna- my mouth is hankering for something sweet now!
(Which is nothing new...)
Oh cool, you've come to visit me at my dream house. We'll have a great time hanging out on the front porch drinking coffee. I'll fill the carafe and we won't even have to get up to refill our cups.
Save me a place !! I am heading over now !! :) Sounds so peaceful. I have a good book that I am reading, too !! :) *HUGS*
I also forgot, I am in LOVE with that font you used to sign your signature !! :) I think I have told you that before !! :) *HUGS*
Thanks Guys! You are One Sweet Bunch of Friends!!
Happy night to you!!
Oh girl, I am so with you in that dream. I'll be quiet I promise ... but while your eyes are closed I might steal that last hunk of BREAD ... ahhhhhh ... sweet.
That bread looks amazing.
Oh, man! I'd be happy to share this fantasy with you ANYTIME, Donna!
That bread looks SO good!
We have the same dream!!
haha can you tell I got a backlog in my google reader? I just got to this post. Love it! I'm with you my dear!! Pour me a cup and cut me a big ol' hulking piece of that bread!
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