Friday, June 17, 2011

Brenda's Photo Challenge (Playing)

Hello everyone! Brenda said the Theme for this Challenge was going to be "Playing"....Hahaaa...I couldn't find a thing in the past two weeks that even resembled playing...My Grandson, William came to work with his Mommy on Tuesday....He heard my whinning about having Nothing and said..."Hey Gamma! This is playing! Look! I play with this!" And so he does. Out came the camera and a few clicks later I had a photo. He's such a Sherlock!
Hope you all are enjoying your day...Hubby and I are out of town but will return soon. I'll hop over to visit you on Saturday...maybe late.
Go visit more photos at Brenda's Photo Challenge.


Anvilcloud said...

ND is quite intrigued with my magnifying glass, which was my mother's and her mother's.

Donna said...

I love it! What a ham too! I didn't find any cooperative children or animals for the challenge, so I had to dig into the archives, LOL.

Dawn said...

I want his blue eyes !! The girls are going to be all over him !! :) Safe travels !! :) *HUGS*

SquirrelQueen said...

That is so cute, it really shows off his gorgeous eyes. Great idea for Playing.

WR said...

He's a cute guy and it all looks like playing to me. :-)

Brenda said...

Yep, I believe Will would be playing alright. Love it!

GypsyFarmGirl said...

Your so lucky to have a great grandson to play along and let you take his pic!
I wanted to say thank you for all your time and efforts you put into leading the Brenda Photo Challenge. You did a great job!

SUGAR MOON said...

Love it!!!
I have been in five states in the past four days(two for fun and two for funeral)--without internet access, so I set the automatic timer, but it didn't post.
William really is a cutie and I can tell he has a personality to go with it.

Jeanette said...

What a cutie and look at the gorgeous blue eye! (I'm sure the other one looks the same!) Safe travels!

Out on the prairie said...

A very nice photo, I missed the notification for this I guess.

Sheryl Hastings said...

How nice to have a detective in the house! Great photo!

BTW..thanks for reminding me about the Brenda Photo Challenge. I thought for sure I'd remember!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this certainly counts as playing and i do a lot of playing with my camera and with mirrors but have not tried a magnifying glass, YET

Tes said...

William is so cute! Funny kid! Lovely capture! :)

Annie said...

Grandchildren can be very helpful...and cute..and a great source of wonderful photos!

Interesting note in your previous post..if ever I had an ipad etc

Ann said...

It's perfect and it made me laugh. That's a great picture and how sweet of your grandson to help you out with the challenge

Jeanne said...

hehe good going! I played too! I know I'm late but better late than never right???

Unknown said...

What a cute kid!!

MarissaDW said...

Awesome shot. Just posted mine - sorry for being late.

Dick said...

Nice shot, I like the color of his eyes.

Donna said...

Thanks Guys!!! You are SO Kind with your comments! I see there's a few late comers...Need to go check them out!
Have a great and safe Fathers Day!!!

Pat said...

This is SO COOL! And excellent lighting for this shot, too! I love it!

Paula said...

Ha! Too cute!!

Debbie Lo said...

William is obviously VERY creative! And with your expert photography skills, this photo was superb! (He's a cutie too.) I love it!