Friday, September 2, 2011

Still No Rain...

I'm playing around with the NEW layout in Blogger....Don't think I like it.  If the print is small, I apologise.  Not MY doing.  Just checking in to experiment.  Guess I'll try to figure out how to get my OTHER layout back.  Have a great evening Guys!
Let me see now....hit publish.....right.....

Here's a smile while I try to figure this stuff out...

Ole and Sven are quietly sitting in a boat fishing chewing and drinking beer when suddenly Sven says, "I tink I'm gonna divorce my wife. She ain't spoke to me in over 2 months." Ole spits, sips his beer and says, "Better tink dat over...........wimen like dat are hard to find.".


Pat said...

I have not even looked at the new layout! I've only heard bad things about it, too, so I'm not changing anytime soon.

I had to laugh at your joke!

Hard to believe that you don't have any rain when other parts of the country are getting deluged!

Anvilcloud said...

Blog looks fine. Nice giggle there. :) Have a good weekend.

Jill said...

Looks good on my end. I haven't tried the new one yet either...I'm always afraid to try new things on here.

I love your photo. Sending you rain prayers.

Out on the prairie said...

Good joke! It looks like you have a shooting range in your yard perhaps.

Dolores said...

Actually, your blog looks great....
No changes for me, I have enough of those in real life.
Hope you have a great weekend!

Jeanne said...

Wish we could send you some of ours. Blog looks okay at this end.

Donna said...

Thanks for the Rain Wishes Guys! Maybe that storm that's hitting LA will take pity on us and swing to the left...There's fires up around FT Worth again...geeez.
Happy weekend!

Donna said...

Hey, I like this new look! The print is just fine too! I've thought about playing about with the new templates, but I just don't have time to figure stuff out right now. I hope you made a copy of all of your html before you switched! Love the rose background. Is it one that blogger offer?

Love the joke too! Hope you get rain. We need it too, but not as badly as you guys do. Big storm is coming in through the gulf, so maybe we'll get some from that. Eventually...

Ann said...

I think the blog looks great. I've been thinking about redoing mine but right now I have too much other stuff going on.

Anonymous said...

Great joke and I love the look of the blog.

bichonpawz said...

Your blog ALWAYS looks good!!! Hoping you guys get some RAIN!!!! Love the giggle! Have a Happy Saturday!!

'Auntie' said...

Looks/reads fine to me my Dear.

Brave you, trying something new. New is scary, since it's usually still *in BETA.* (Meaning, something "new" which is thrown out there, and the users get to find the kinks, so they can be gotten out.... I don't like BETA. -smile-)

Wishing you well, with no rain and the terror or fires. -sighhhhhhh- So unfair that I can't send you some of the *oodles* of rain, we got up here. -sighhh-

Gentle hugs...

'Auntie' said...

Proof read "Auntie"!!!

That should have read... the terror OF fires.

Anji said...

I'm working out how to do more to my layout. I love the roses, are they really blogger, or some of yours?

Nita Jo said...

LOL! Great joke, and I love your new blog look. I tried playing around with mine, but got confused and gave up for now. I'm also loving the nature sounds!

Donna said...

I like to make changes to my blog layout too, but sometimes afraid what I'll end up with. Yours looks good! Hope you get rain soon.


Anonymous said...

Your blog always looks fab! Your beautiful photographs alone give it a wonderful vibrancy that draws the eye.

Just look at that picture. I've seen a few posts about Irene and it seems to have destroyed many beautiful trees in its wake.

Stay safe, lovely lady.
CJ xx

Debbie said...

Looks pretty darn good from here!

Header seems plain or something is missing or just something LOL

ROFL at the joke...FUNNY!!

Will do nekkid rain dance. Worked for Ms. Sally hahahaha

Ms. Becky said...

hey, first off, I like the new look, very much. and what's with the new layout and blogger? I noticed it but was hesitant to do anything with it for fear of losing everything. it's been known to happen you know! you had me in stitches with that joke. happy day to you Donna.

Caroline said...

Hi ya Donna hope you had a great weekend. It was Fathers Day here in Aussie on Sunday.
Cheers to ya

SUGAR MOON said...

I love your site. Your header is wonderful. I keep wanting to change mine, but need my daughter's help.
There hasn't been any rain here, but last night and today it was cooler and breezier. There's hope. LOL. I love your pic of Perry. Did you create it yourself or can anyone put it on their site? I would like one on mine.

SUGAR MOON said...

oh, and the joke was great too!

Jeanette said...

I like your new look...I better not mess too much with mine! I'd never get it back!! Hope you enjoyed the weekend!

WR said...

I've been playing with the new layout as well. Takes a bit of getting use to but your blog looks great. /Love all the recent photos.

Your poor state has been taking it on the chin in terms of heat and fires. Hope you are safe and in enjoying air conditioning.


Jenny said...

Print's nice and big on my side of the blogosphere! Me likey! Sorry about your drought. We finally got some liquid sunshine late last night and it was most welcome. Now if I could just recover from all that holiday "relaxation" and get back into some semblance of a routine! Happy week to you!

romance-of-roses said...

Joke is so funny, needed a good laugh today, thanks. We now have hot weather also, 100 deg. hope it cools down soon, also with you. Think everyone will be so happy to see rain. Thanks for visiting. Hugs...Lu

nonizamboni said...

I love the new beauty but I know its a bit dicey to work with. Just what we need, more dicey-ness, aye?!
Enjoy your--possibly dry--weekend, my friend!

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.