THEN, I heard on the news that Mr Camping was at it again. He'd admitted he's made a mistake on the May 21st date for Rapture to take place....yeppers...Now it's going to be October 21st....Bless their little hearts, but if anyone else listens to that man...they get what they deserve. Imagine him farting around with predictions while SO many people are suffering and in pain today!! Yes...I'm taking issue with him...the moron!
OkOkOk....I'm better....Ughhhhhh!
THEN, Blogger gives me fits, posting comments, almost all friggin day! What is up with Blogger these days? I should go back to Word Press (if I had a brain which I don't)! I could load all my post on it so if something awful happens Here, the last 4 years will not have been in vain. Decisions...procrastination.
Now I'm home again...ahhhhh....peace and quiet. Here's hoping you all have a nice, quiet evening. I'm going in search of my dark closet and huddle for a while!Hahaaa.... And yes, Hubby's fever is now...gone. To WORK with him tomorrow!
Night All!