Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yes, It's Still Hot....

You go outside to do anything at all and you end up, soaking wet! It Is Hot Y'all!Hahaa...Yes, I'm screaming! Seems to be either Very hot or very cold here anymore. We really need some rain too.....I really miss the "seasons".

Hubby and I are looking forward to the three day weekend...4th of July...Independence Day here in America. Hubby has a case of Poison Ivy....from his Geocaching trips....WHAT??? I'm not saying a Word!!! I don't think I told y'all about our Geocache walk from hell, last weekend...I'll save it for later.

Don't forget Brenda's Photo Challenge is this Saturday...If you haven't signed up and want to play, go visit Brenda's blog!

Hope you are having a happy and productive day...

Monday, June 27, 2011

June 28th, 1973...Something Special Happened

Happy 38th to our Baby girl who is not a Baby anymore, Crystal Anne....NEVER forget how much we love you! Forever and Ever.....Mom and Dad

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

National Chocolate Eclair Day! June 22nd

Hahaaaa....How in the World do I find this stuff OUT??? I don't know...But, I'm IN!Hahaa...Paula Deen has a great sounding recipe for them so if you're interested, go to my Cooking blog and get 'ta baking up some YUM!!

Well, after months of it being a "dry bone" around here, we FINALLY got some rain! Last night I stayed up to listen to the storm roll in around midnight, in a big way! Heat lightening was non-stop...then the rain started along with thunder....sigh. God took pity and I am SO grateful!

Well, hope you all are happy and safe today...Now, go get in that kitchen and Celebrate with some eclairs of your own! I'm stuck at my desk...but donations WILL be accepted!!Hahaaaa

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Did he love us kids?? You bet he did...Was he a hard worker? You bet he was...Never knew a stranger and was always there when you needed him....In some ways, he still is. For those of you that are blessed in being able to throw your arms around your Dad it like there will be no tomorrow....Let them know that you'll love them till the end of time....Happy Father's Day Guys!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Brenda's Photo Challenge (Playing)

Hello everyone! Brenda said the Theme for this Challenge was going to be "Playing"....Hahaaa...I couldn't find a thing in the past two weeks that even resembled playing...My Grandson, William came to work with his Mommy on Tuesday....He heard my whinning about having Nothing and said..."Hey Gamma! This is playing! Look! I play with this!" And so he does. Out came the camera and a few clicks later I had a photo. He's such a Sherlock!
Hope you all are enjoying your day...Hubby and I are out of town but will return soon. I'll hop over to visit you on Saturday...maybe late.
Go visit more photos at Brenda's Photo Challenge.

Monday, June 13, 2011

IPhone, IPad, ITouch Users, Did You Know??

I have an IPhone4...It started giving me trouble about two months ago. When I would try to shut it off, it would freeze. The little white twirly thingy would just keep twirling in the center of a black screen...Major frustration. What you have to do is push the Off button and the bottom menu button at the same time for at least 5 seconds....over and over again I did this and Finally, the lock screen would pop up...thank goodness! Well it happened AGAIN Saturday and Hubby said "That's IT, lets GO!" You see, I hate to go to the AT&T store...Thousands of people, and only two people to assist customers...Makes for a LONG wait! WELL!! God is GOOD! In we walk and the girl at the front desk ask how she can help us. I tell her the problem and would you believe she gave me an answer to my problem? No Waiting for a "special" person to help me!! SO, here's the answer...IF you knew this then you are smarter than I am and you get the blue ribbon. NO ONE told me and I have NEVER seen this written in ANY manuel from Apple.

First, DOUBLE punch the button at the bottom of your IPhone. Up will pop these icons! See mine are Twitter, FBook, C2C, mail....At this point, swish your finger Right to Left. If you are like me, you will see lots of icons roll by! Guess what? Like your computer at home, you have desktop ICONS....Well, on an IPhone, if you open an app just STAYS open! This bogs down the speed of your IPhone to load things like your mail, Fbook, etc. SO, now go to the Next step below!

Put your finger on one of those open apps until they start wiggling....Up pops little red circles with minus signs. Touch the minus signs of ALL the apps you want to close. (I clicked them All, but that just me...) If some of them don't come back up and work properly, all you need to do is, Delete the old Icon then... go to the APP Store and download it again. Easy!

If you clicked them All, this is what your phone should look like (above photo). NOW...just punch the bottom button just Once! WaaaaLaaaaa.....You SHOULD do this at least once a week to keep things running smoothly! OH! And make SURE you get to ITunes and load the latest firmware and software! The "fix" is in the newest UpDate download!

SO....There you have it. Technology is a wonderful thing IF you can get the makers to pony-up ALL the info that goes with it...I hope this was helpful OR will be in the future for all you IPhone AND IPAD owners! Yes, the same applies to you IPAD OWNERS as well...And ITouch Owners!!! SO, get busy and clean things up Now, so hopefully YOU won't be in a panic if things freeze up on you!

I'm SORRY to my Blogger Buddies who don't own an Apple product...I know this was boring!

Have a great day!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What Happened to Spring?

Goodness, this week is going by fast! Thursday already...I have no idea what we'll be doing this weekend. I'm sure Hubby will want to do a bit if geocaching...sigh. I need to be thinking what to cook this weekend...right now, I have no clue! Ribs? Steak? Hamburgers? It's headed to 100 degrees outside and that puts a damper on my enthusiasm for shopping.
Guess I'll get this posted...The Zip has definately gone out of my doo da today! Hope yours is zipping right along!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday...

Crystal added a new family member to the mix...Meet Miss Mandy. Two years old rescue dog from Fuzzy Friends. Hope y'all are having a great Wednesday!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I know it's blurry....but couldn't fix it....

Yesterday, we did several things...My office manager, Ken, called early and said if we HURRIED...we could catch the Balloons lifting off from our local grocery store...Hahaaa...more hot coffee up my nose...ran and got dressed screaming at Hubby to RUN!!Hahahaaa.....MOVE IT!!! I've got a Balloon to catch!! We DID....catch the last one leaving town...and I took lots of shots...Camera was on the Wrong friggin' setting...Oh well....

SO....while we were out, we went to Sams Club to stock up on dry goods. Hubby wants to know if I'd like a coffee and Apricot cream cheese....something...Hahaaa..(don't know what they are but they're Good and I know how to point) Myself, who ALWAYS wants to play well with Others, said YES! Into the parking lot we pull, only to park WAY out by a lamp post in the back forty!

"Why the hell are we way out here...?"

He grins....

"Where you Going?"

Another grin as he hops out of the truck...

I watch him as he swings his head left than right...Ahhhhhh! A covert operation! Flipping something up then Out of the metal base of the lamp post, he removes his prize.

This small tube has a scroll that people locate, sign and then put back into the same spot they find it. have to report it to the....geocache gods....somewhere in computer land. We did this for a while on Saturday...Him jumping in and out of the truck, trying to find little prizes. He has some Android locator on his phone BUT it's not the greatest...He needs...Are you ready...a BETTER one! Yes folks...a Better one that will take you Right To the little prizes....

Oh alright....I refuse to tell him no. He seems to be enjoying jumping in and out of the truck so much that I just don't have it in me to Say no. So, Buddy (not Dusty-he hated the name) and I will sit and observe his athletic scurrying around...flipping rocks and leaning over bridges.

Doesn't take much to please him....

SO, hope you all are having a good Sunday...I am...Going in for more coffee. And depending on how expensive his new TOY is 'gonna be, I may be able to get him to grill some sausage this afternoon...yeppers....

Friday, June 3, 2011

What A Week!

My WORD, it's been a week around here! Last week I bought a new laptop...had to get it set up and ready to fly. Blogger then decides to poop out on us (some worse than others). Crystal's laptop had to be rescued from the brink of the dreaded "blue screen"...then I had to make-ready, my old laptop to give to my granddaughter, Samantha. I now believe I'm ready to go to work for HP! Learning, by Fire...I love it.
NOW! See that donut? It's National Donut Week here in the States! Oh Yeah! After the past week I've had...I was ready for some Donuts! (Really, ANY excuse will do...for a donut). So, I want you to go out and buy a donut and celebrate with the rest of the Nation. Dunkin' Donuts will give you a free one with the purchase of a drink...Hahaaaa....Now this is a celebration I can really sink my teeth into...
Now, on to other business...I've been trying to decide if I want to continue doing the Brenda Photo Challenges. Several years ago I was "challenged" by Miz Brenda to Get Off My Butt and Get Out There! As a new blogger I was enchanted by her photos and even though she was working full time and raising a family, she still found time to see the world around her through the lens of her camera. She has always been SO encouraging...hence...the Brenda Photo Challenge Blog.
Well, as time has moved on, so have we all. I'm busier than ever as I know you are. But! I AM now out there and learning as much as I can about photography. I LOVE it! SO...the short and sweet of it is, I'm done. I have enjoyed the challenges, and I have appreciated YOUR participation IN them, SO much! I have learned SO much from You! Thank you Brenda for my start. Everything I've done since then was because you sat beside me in spirit, reminding me to CARRY YOUR CAMERA EVERYWHERE GIRL!!!...Hahahaa... NOW....The GOOD NEWS! I just heard from Brenda and she wants to continue with the Challenges!! Wonderful news! SO, As Soon as I have all her new information on how to get to her new link, I'll post it for you here and on the old BPC Blog! (above link)
SO, that's about it for now...It's Friday, I have my coffee and donut AND my camera at the Ready! Enjoy the day Guys!


Here's Brenda's NEW BLOG LINK for her Photo Challenges!
GO Sign UP!!
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.