My WORD, it's been a week around here! Last week I bought a new laptop...had to get it set up and ready to fly. Blogger then decides to poop out on us (some worse than others). Crystal's laptop had to be rescued from the brink of the dreaded "blue screen"...then I had to make-ready, my old laptop to give to my granddaughter, Samantha. I now believe I'm ready to go to work for HP! Learning, by Fire...I love it.
NOW! See that donut? It's National Donut Week here in the States! Oh Yeah! After the past week I've had...I was ready for some Donuts! (Really, ANY excuse will do...for a donut). So, I want you to go out and buy a donut and celebrate with the rest of the Nation. Dunkin' Donuts will give you a free one with the purchase of a drink...Hahaaaa....Now this is a celebration I can really sink my teeth into...
Now, on to other business...I've been trying to decide if I want to continue doing the Brenda Photo Challenges. Several years ago I was "challenged" by Miz Brenda to Get Off My Butt and Get Out There! As a new blogger I was enchanted by her photos and even though she was working full time and raising a family, she still found time to see the world around her through the lens of her camera. She has always been SO encouraging...hence...the
Brenda Photo Challenge Blog.
Well, as time has moved on, so have we all. I'm busier than ever as I know you are. But! I AM now out there and learning as much as I can about photography. I LOVE it! SO...the short and sweet of it is, I'm done. I have enjoyed the challenges, and I have appreciated YOUR participation IN them, SO much! I have learned SO much from You! Thank you Brenda for my start. Everything I've done since then was because you sat beside me in spirit, reminding me to CARRY YOUR CAMERA EVERYWHERE GIRL!!!...Hahahaa... NOW....The GOOD NEWS! I just heard from Brenda and she wants to continue with the Challenges!! Wonderful news! SO, As Soon as I have all her new information on how to get to her new link, I'll post it for you here and on the old BPC Blog! (above link)
SO, that's about it for now...It's Friday, I have my coffee and donut AND my camera at the Ready! Enjoy the day Guys!
Brenda's NEW BLOG LINK for her Photo Challenges!
GO Sign UP!!