Well, it's SPRING FORWARD time this Saturday night here in the States. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead by one hour. It's rainy here today to, thank God. We certainly do need each and every drop.
Has the sun burst affected your internet or phone service yet? It's been on the news all morning. I think we, here in Texas, are too far away to feel any effect of it...but you never can tell. I don't think I'll need my GPS to find my way home...that is, IF my car starts...Hahaaa...They say if it was bad enough, it could do tons of damage. Somebody better get our Grid protected!!
Hope you all are safe and sound...Oh well, I'll pray anyway....
You tell Will that he is an AMAZING photographer, and I hope he gets a new camera for his birthday! That's a great photo.
Nothing happening here yet; I need to go get my driver's license, but I don't wann!
I'll pray right along with you,and as always Donna, thank you SO much for your support.
Love ya!!
-grin- Just as I predicted, you'll be getting him his own camera. Wonderful!
It must be so great, to have him be so pleased with seeing his pictures up. Way to go, Nana!!!
Nope, no sun-spots-issues here, that I know of. But wow! Combine these sun spots issues, with the Full Moon! Eeeek! *Head for the hills!* -grin-
THIS Sunday? Gosh, I'm in the clouds! I had no idea it was this Sunday already. Thank you!
Your photo is gorgeous, Donna!
Awww, I see a professional photographer in the making!
another great shot by Will. I would say a camera of his own is a must :)
Love this photo.
Ol' TVA has been keeping the power going here without a hitch. But we lost internet connection for about 10 minutes this morning! Thank goodness I wasn't right in the middle of something and lost my work!
Williams got the eye! That's a beauty of a photo there. Yes, I can predict a camera coming his way this summer! I can recommend the Nikon point-&-shoots! And the best place to buy is from B&H Photo out of NY city.
Wow Donna! He is an awesome photographer!!! Definitely has the eye! I LOVE that photo! We will all continue to pray!! xo
Will's photo is great and he'll be learnin' from one of the best if Grandma teaches him! Have a nice day.
You tell William this is an awesome photo ! I remember texting him last year for his birthday ! I hope Crystal does it again this year ! Didn't have any service interruption on anything that I know of. Have a great weekend !! *HUGS*
Oh, I forgot, that YES, I think he will be getting a camera for his b-day !! :) *More Hugs*
I'm so happy daylight savings time begins this weekend! They day we could get 8 inches of rain this weekend...we are over 1/4 way there already.
Tell Will that he has a beautiful picture!
Thanks everyone! And Yea! It's raining here to...thank God!
I love this photo! Gorgeous! I actually stopped by to let you know I gave you an award. Should you choose to accept, just hop on over to today's post. *Hugs*
Love the picture!
Wednesday night (or rather early Thursday morning) my internet seemed to be acting odd. It was fine Thursday during the day. I called the Mayor's office to update my wedding paperwork (since the Mayor is marrying us) and his assistant ended up having to try three times before the computer would save the changes.
Perhaps a coincidence...but I don't know.
William is doing an outstanding job...love this one :)
Didn't notice anything weird, but I'm weird so??? LOL
I'll probably forget to change the clock and run around Sunday doing it. Have a great weekend hon :)
These photos are turning out so well. He should be pleased. You too.
I have a couple of friends that follow you and just stopped by to say hello - this time change kills me! lol sandie
My fav!!!
Will is doing a great job.
Oh wow, this is a great photo! :)
Another great photo. William is following your footsteps...
I agree, get him a camera. He is very talented. My son got his first camera when he was 8. Love this pic. Hugs..Lu
Mar. 13th
RE: Your comment in my latest post. There may be surgery, to replace some hearing loss. But I hardly think there is any, just for natural hearing loss which comes with age.
Otherwise, why would they have adds for so many hearing aids?
"When someone in the family has a hearing loss,
the entire family has a hearing problem."
~Mark Ross, Ph.D.
This one is great too, Miss Donna! Will definitely takes some great pictures!
William's turning into quite the shutterbug! Good for him. As for the sunburst, I didn't even know there was one. Ignorance really is bliss.
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