Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wasting Time...

Well, the plumber & pipefitter union auditor is paying me a visit this morning...We have only been visited twice previously in the twenty two years that I've worked here. Once in 1990 and not again until 2004. Then they hit again in 2007 and then, today. They seem to be picking up the pace on plumbing shops! Sure sign that they are scrambling to make sure they've squeezed every last cent out of us....WELL! My reports are correct so Good Luck Chuck! They've always been correct...geez. I can hear him clicking away on his laptop from the office next to mine...I had everything stacked and waiting for him to go through. He had wanted me to summarize all the hours and amounts for him...What? Do his job FOR him? Don't think so...have fun!!
SO, while I await the outcome, I sit at my computer and play around with photos.
This is our William from yesterday. Can you believe he'll be 13 on Saturday??? He's a sweetie...
Well, guess I'll go make our lunch...Hope you all are having a better morning than I, click, click.....Hahaaaa.......
UPDATE ON AUDIT at 12:19PM: We ACED another one! Oh Yeah!


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

"...the plumber & pipefitter union auditor..." Awwwwwwwwww, how utterly precious. NOT!

UNIONS! "Give us *our* money!!!" Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Hey, while making lunch, could you *manage* to fry-up-BURN some onions??? Heh, heh, heh... Just for some sweet smelling ambiance, to help him along with his *job*.

-cackle- -Heh, heh, heh...-

Donna said...

Those are two dreadful words if I ever heard them - union and auditor! Ugh. Good for you on not doing his job for him! Let him wade through it and earn his dough.

Oh that William is going to melt a lot of hearts with those beautiful eyes of his!

SUGAR MOON said...

Catching up on blogs today.
My little Moon Daisy turned 13 on June 4th that makes her and Will the same age Hmmmm. Just saying. lol
Loved the "Depressed" post.

Sally said...

Well! Of course you aced it, ACE! :)

Yes, that little Will is growing up way too fast. Absolutely gorgeous!

I'm sure you don't like the union stuff, but I gotta tell you ` okay, never mind. I know you love me anyway!!


Out on the prairie said...

I am very fickle at keeping my records anymore, I would drive a bookeeper crazy

Jill said...

WooHoo! Another audit behind you. Good job!

William is really a cutie!

Ms. Becky said...

this is a truly precious photo - love it. the eyes of both are very expressive. that's little Buddy, right? William and I share a birthday! Congrats on acing the audit! happy week to you Donna. {{{hugs}}}

Tricia said...

Well, that doesn't sound like a good experience. I'm glad it turned out okay for you. What a cute photo :)

romance-of-roses said...

Wow, William is a big boy now, soon to be a teenager. Handsome too. Love the doggy also, but don't love the idea of the auditors, yuck. Smiles, Lu

GypsyFarmGirl said...

Congrats on passing the audit! Great pic!

Anvilcloud said...

I had no doubts. Good for making him work for his money.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

July 27th..



What template, blog body layout, and blog parts widths, do you use???? You have beautifully big pics, plenty of Side bar room, and less Background space... And I love it!!! I *lust* over it, in fact. -giggggles-

Been playing with my blog and think I have majorly made-a-mess. Blahhh...

At present I am using.....

Template - Picture Window

Widths - Entire blog width 1490Px Max

Left Sidebar Width - 250Px

Layout - Header across top, Sidebar at Left, posts across rest of blog view.

My Header Pic is lovely and large. But my posted pictures are NOT. -pout- Even though I don't make my own photos any smaller. And click in Blogger, to have them show up as X-Large, in posts.

H-E-L-P!!! Please and thank you.

Gentle hugs,
Who loves biggggggg pics. :-)

Paula said...

I think that is what is called passive-aggressive behavior, Miss Donna... (But I think it is hilarious~ you go girl!!)
Sweet William is going to be such a heart-breaker! (He probably already is!)

Dolores said...

I know you're glad that's over with...ugh!!

William is so handsome, love those big blue eyes.... cute dog too.

Debbie said...

Congrats on the audit, but I had no doubts :)

William and his EYES! He is gorgeous LOL and I'm sure the ladies are already swooning. They still swoon don't they? LOL

Brenda said...

Way to make him do the work himself!
Your William is such a cutie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photograph!!!

I know what you mean about audits and inspections. We have too many on the farm these days - it's all about paperwork and red tape, trying to squeeze money out of working people who are just trying to make an honest living.

CJ x

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Aug. 1st...

My pics aren't quite as large as yours, but they are *pretty big.* And I'm pleased. :-)

Gentle hugs,

Jenny said...

Praise God about the audit. It makes me so mad that you had to go through that. I am so glad we live in a right-to-work state. The amount of Government and Union intrusion into private lives and businesses that we're all having to endure, is bordering on the obscene and immoral. Props to your family's shop for scoring a 100 A++++!!!!