I was doodling in my new Windows 8.1 TRYING to figure it out. I ended up playing around with Sam's prom photo. There were about ten other students lined up behind her but I cropped it anyway and ended up with this! Nice and sharp... Hope you're having a peaceful day! Later taters! (Gee! I posted!Hahaaa)
Hi Donna, where do you get these beautiful girls in your family. Wow, she is stunning. I like this effect. I've just upgraded my computer and loaded Windows 8.1 . It's at home in SA so I've not been able to test drive it yet. Have a great day. Jo
Hi Donna, where do you get these beautiful girls in your family. Wow, she is stunning. I like this effect. I've just upgraded my computer and loaded Windows 8.1 . It's at home in SA so I've not been able to test drive it yet. Have a great day. Jo
What a gorgeous gal.
I love it - beautiful photo, beautiful granddaughter, Sam! :)
I agree with Miz Sally's comment! Great job on the editing, and she sure is stunning!
Sorry, can't help you on the Windows 8.1 issues. I went all Apple 4 years ago and never looked back.
Good work! She is a beautiful girl.
looks great, hard to go wrong with such a beautiful subject though
Gorgeous photo!!Love the edit and crop of it!
Beautiful photo! You did a great job.
Yay, it's good to know you're alive and kicking! I like the edit very much. Sam sure is a lovely girl. xoxo
Car 54, where aaaare youuuuu? LOL missing you my friend. Do come up for air soon, 'k? Hi to Crystal and smooches to Libby! xoxo
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