Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hello Sunday...

Good Morning!   Well, don't be shocked...I'm blogging!  I HAVE been such a bad blogger lately, no excuse.  But...I have been in the kitchen more.  Chocolate fried pies and french toast, among other things.  Hubby mainly does the important cooking and I mainly do the "fluff" stuff.  Although, I have been known to whip up a two courser or three!
See?  Hubby is already getting started on the Sunday fare.  Out to the grill soon.
The weather has been gorgeous here...80 degrees yesterday and today.  Mowed the lawn...cleaned out more stuff from the closets to put into the donation box...and my eternal favorite, laundry.  
Back to work again tomorrow and already looking forward to Friday and the three day weekend.  We celebrate Good Friday at our shop!
Going to fold the last of the blankets and will be peeking in on you in a bit!
Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tomato Plate Trick...

 Morning!  Yes, yes, I's been a while hasn't it?!  Oh well, I've been letting life take over a bit.  We were sick then had Libby the Pug spayed and I guess I just got lazy about blogging.  But!  I learned a neat trick while I was "living the Life"....How to cut a bunch of cherry tomatoes all at once!
See the bottom ring of the dinner plate?  Put the tomatoes on the bottom, inside the ring.  Now, get another plate, bottom side down on top of the tomatoes.  Use a serrated, long, bread knife for slicing.  Apply pressure using your hand on the top plate and holding that position...slice between the plates and walahhh!!!  No muss, no fuss!  Done....I still need to figure out a neat trick for cutting bell peppers.  Oh well, one trick a day is enough.

I think we're over all the flu garbage.  It's been cloudy and rainy here lately.  The Sun finally came out yesterday.  It will be 80 degrees here today...nice!
So, going for another coffee and will be visiting you soon! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Feeling? Suspicious!!

Well, we did it...Libby got "fixed".  I HATED it, I think as much as she probably did.  A total betrayal.  For, at least, 36 hours afterward, she didn't want me around much; giving me this "Why" look!  I seriously do not remember any of our male babies giving us "the look"...guess the male species is just like memories...of anything...much...WHAT???Hahaaa...I mean of the canine persuasion of course!  It killed my soul to see her look at me this way...sigh.
Speaking of cold...It has been cold here.  A mixture of snowy ice.  Awful stuff.  Southerners do NOT drive well on it.  If you have front wheel drive you tend to do better and if you have four wheel drive...Lordy how I miss my jeep!  Loved the four wheel drive it had.  But, I made it to work while passing up vehicles that were not so lucky.  Thank You Jesus!  Why do people drive so darn fast?
SO...that's been my week so far.  Suppose to start warming back up this weekend which I am SO ready.  I know you "Snow" people are probably thinking, "What a WEENEY"!!!!!  Hahaaa....and you'd probably be right but...when you don't see much freezing weather you tend to freak out when you do.
Onward and Upward!  Coming for visits right after I refill my coffee...Fifteen more days till Spring!
OH!  Don't forget to set your clocks FORWARD one hour this Saturday night in the USA!

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.