Monday, April 25, 2016

We're All Ready...for something.

For more rain, that is...I know the Houston area and other places have had enough but, here in Central Texas, we always could use more.  Gets pretty hot here in the Summer.  Something about the circular motion of air.  But Libby (above) is all ready.  I tried to put a raincoat on Buddy but he saw me coming...Hahaa...and he's fast!  Libby, on the other hand, is not...perfect target for Mom play dress-up with.  
We didn't do much this past weekend except company coming...laundry (as usual), cleaning under cushions, refrigerators, ovens, all those places that get overlooked with day to day living.  Found two socks behind...yes, behind the dryer...I have no idea how they got there.  Thank goodness for my long gripper!

It has saved me more then once.  Larry's not always around to grab things for me up high so this puppy does the trick.  Funny...when we were younger we laughed at some of the things we use to see for Seniors...not so funny anymore.
Well, hope you had a safe and peaceful weekend...aside from all the murders...election becoming women and wanting to go to the bathroom with me...general drama that seems to have become the new normal.  Sickening...and I am SO tired of the election drama going on here.  At this point, I think I'll write in Bugs one's listening to us voters anyway... 
SO...have a super week!  Get outside and get some sun, smell the roses, drink some coffee and do some laughing...I hear this might help...hell, I ain't going outside!  Might get mugged!Hahaaa


Sally said...

Well, hell I ain't going to the ladies room unless it's a one stall with a lock on the door. Good grief, what are they going to come up with next? Beats me.

Libby is so cute, and yes she looks ready! :)


Jeanette said...

I literally laughed out loud at the men becoming women line! Love Libbys little rain coat! She's looking a little trapped there!

Sandy Trefger said...

I haven't bought a grabber yet. Might need too! And Libby looks perfectly ready for that rain and cute too!

Out on the prairie said...

Glad to her you are staying dry, the flooding has been bad.I caught a bunch of walleye today, good eating.

Judy said...

I don't even like to go into a multi-stall public restroom with a bunch of women, let alone be doing my business and see a pair of hairy, males legs below the stall next to me. Put in a bathroom, like the family ones. Just one room with facilities and they can use that one. Put a sign on the door with a big question mark.

Sandee said...

I see everyone is boycotting Target for anyone can go into any restroom they feel they should. Good grief.

I too am sick of this election. There just isn't anyone to pick that halfway decent.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

Lin said...

I'm sorry, but why do I have to accept everything? I don't want to. So....I will pee at home, thank you very much.

World is nuts.

Anvilcloud said...

Ahah! Sue also has one of those grippers. Yay!

Ann said...

Oh my word, could Libby be any cuter? I think she should run for office, I would vote for her.

Jenny said...

I'm right there with you. Bugs Bunny it is. I've long said, I have no voice in Washington D.C. or anywhere else. They're going to do whatever benefits them the most, and we can just suck it up. I have three of those grabbers and I don't know what I'd do without them. I drop nine out of ten things I touch. It's dry here too. I was shocked at the photos from Houston but we could use a rainy day. Libby is DARLING in her raincoat. xoxo

Lee said...

Those long grippers are ideal...they are for me when I drop something and then have to groan and grumble when trying to retrieve it! lol The aches and pains that come with old age are no fun at all!

Poor Libby...she's not at all happy (please don't tell her I laughed at her photo)! :)