Monday, April 25, 2016

We're All Ready...for something.

For more rain, that is...I know the Houston area and other places have had enough but, here in Central Texas, we always could use more.  Gets pretty hot here in the Summer.  Something about the circular motion of air.  But Libby (above) is all ready.  I tried to put a raincoat on Buddy but he saw me coming...Hahaa...and he's fast!  Libby, on the other hand, is not...perfect target for Mom play dress-up with.  
We didn't do much this past weekend except company coming...laundry (as usual), cleaning under cushions, refrigerators, ovens, all those places that get overlooked with day to day living.  Found two socks behind...yes, behind the dryer...I have no idea how they got there.  Thank goodness for my long gripper!

It has saved me more then once.  Larry's not always around to grab things for me up high so this puppy does the trick.  Funny...when we were younger we laughed at some of the things we use to see for Seniors...not so funny anymore.
Well, hope you had a safe and peaceful weekend...aside from all the murders...election becoming women and wanting to go to the bathroom with me...general drama that seems to have become the new normal.  Sickening...and I am SO tired of the election drama going on here.  At this point, I think I'll write in Bugs one's listening to us voters anyway... 
SO...have a super week!  Get outside and get some sun, smell the roses, drink some coffee and do some laughing...I hear this might help...hell, I ain't going outside!  Might get mugged!Hahaaa

Friday, April 15, 2016

Sneaking off from Work...

Larry and I went to lunch today and enjoyed some barbecued ribs.  Yep...we snuck off and were late getting back to work.  The new Baylor Stadium is hosting the Brazos River Rib Fest this weekend so we thought we'd get there when it opened to check things out.  Five ribs...sweet tea...and an ice cream cookie later, we "rolled" back to the truck.  Goodness!  Good eats!
Ft Worth, Chicago, Nebraska, Austin and Arkansas were represented.  The only place I LOVED the sauce, didn't have ANY for sale...When I asked for some they all looked at me like I was a Northerner.  SO, to break up their "unease" at forgetting a great sale item, I simply replied..."Oh Hell No!" about scrambling to hunt up an empty container...!!  Buttt, being the sweet kind of gal I am...WHAT...I told them not to worry about it, I'd just have to forever hold that darn sauce in my loving memory...anyway, we all had a good laugh then I stuck a tip in the lonely tip jar and dropped my "Voted Best Ribs" ticket in their voter box. 
Well that's all the excitement I can muster up for you today.  Will be heading your way...Have a super weekend!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cake and Cameras...

Hope you all had a sweet and happy Easter.  We spent it at home, alone.  With the kids spread out all over Texas, it's not always easy to get together.  But we did get to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together and they've been here and we've been there so I won't whine about it.
I did bake a cake though!  Carrot with cinnamon cream cheese icing.  I must say it turned out wonderfully.  And yes, you're remembering that I just said we spent YES!!!  We ate the WHOLE darn thing!!  Just me and Larry...I feel shame... ;0)
We also needed to buy a camera for the motorhome to mount on the dash.  It's a pretty neat little thing.  You can video and it'll record not only sight but sound...not so good, at least for my big mouth!Hahaa.
If someone were to cut us off I might be guilty of saying something nobody needs to thank goodness, it has a mute button!  It's a motion camera so if something moves, it records it.  Best Buy installed it.  Did a good and fast job of it...good people.
Well guess I'll come check on you...Enjoy your day!
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.