Saturday, May 31, 2008

Window Day & Is She?

Well, it was "Installing the Window" day. The very last one! Thank Goodness it's done. The day started off cloudy so Hubby jumped to it. Had that window torn out in No time flat. Installed the new one and now we're good to go. I Love these windows because you can swing them down to clean. The old ones came on the house and were 36yrs old...geez. We've also got a guy, that works for us, coming next weekend to start the larger "honey do's" around here. Makes searching for someone to do the hard stuff just a little easier! The carport beams need scraping and painting...patio cover (wood) needs mending...House needs painting...on and on. We will buy the material and pay him labor.
Now, the "is she" part...LOL....Not That!!! Moving! Moving!!LOL....Long story short, Crystal is thinking of moving out to her own little home. We all had a long conversation about it last night and she really feels this might just be the right time for her to make the leap. She has had talks with the kiddos about it, especially Sami, who says although she loves Gamma and Gampa very much, she just wondered why they didn't have their Own home...(LOL...Will said he Wasn't moving...Until he found out the townhouse had stairs...little traitor)!!LOL...So anyway, she started looking today and has an expectant and happy aire about her...excitement! We're happy for her and the children. That's as it Should be. Hubby and I have told her we're here for her no matter what happens. This is her home. Always.

So, while eating dinner, the doorbell rang and it was my friend Ellani. She, Crystal and I had a fun visit with lots of laughs while Hubby called it a night. She's gone now and I remembered I needed to get Saturdays post if None of this made sense? I'm sorry! But I'm off to bed. Windows, mowing, working the garden..and all that darn laughing...I'm pooped! Night all.....

Friday, May 30, 2008

Brenda Photo Challenge

Looks like a pretty good head on the...LOL...A&W Cream Soda...WHAT?!!....snort..snort

I was captivated by the bubbles!

Perfume...WHAT?!!....LOL...Well it IS liquid!!!

This Was TOUGH!!! At first I thought it would be a snap, then the days turned into a week...still no pictures!! Then the rains hit and I didn't go out to look for anything. Then, by Monday, I'd eyeballed Everything for a possible solution (play on words) when I spyed Samantha's empty drink can...Finally!! LIQUID!!LOL...Then it turned to perfume....Ahhh, now I don't have to tell Dabrah, the dog ate my homework!!LOL....Have a Happy night or day everyone!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

First Kiss and Aliens on Friday?

The First Kiss

It's your First Kiss and several questions might come to mind:
Is it the right time?
Is anyone watching?
Does your partner even want to?
Is your breath fresh?
AND,---Should you use some tongue?
Then you say . . .. 'What the heck!' and Just Go for it!!!

LOLOL.....This must be a 2nd or 3rd child... because Mom grabbed the camera and not the kid!

ALSO!!! If you're interested in Aliens....follow this link!! Happy Thursday and don't forget the Brenda Photo Challenge tomorrow!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...

Geez, I Wish I'd taken this picture...Happy day everyone...I'm Really trying to be wordless...LOL

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Mummy3...That's Right!

All Right all you Mummy fans!!! Here we go again!! LOL...Yes, It will be out Aug 1st!!! I'm SO excited about this! I Love the Mummy movies.
Hope you all had fun this past weekend. We rested, cooked, watched movies (Alien vs Preditor)(YUCK)!!...Don't bother with That's stupid. Lower than a B movie.
National Treasure2...wonderful and action packed.
Hubby watched 3:10 to Yuma with Russel Crowe. He said it was good. Nice "guy" movie...and no, I didn't watch it...LOL....(If it's cowboys I want to watch, all I have to do is look out the window).
Also don't forget the "Brenda Photo Challenge" over at Dabrah's blog!! Pictures need to be posted for Friday, May 30th. Jump over there and let her know you want to play along so she can list your names! That way, we'll all be able to come see your entries! The theme is Liquid......Well, guess I'll get going. Ya'll have a wonderful afternoon or night and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Thank you Daddy, Gerald and Larry. I love you all very much. And a huge Thank you, to all the brave soldiers everywhere, for all you've done for me and mine. May God bless and keep you...always.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lazy Day

Well, first of all, I...yes...I made breakfast...Hubby got an omelet (green onion, cheddar, bacon) topped with tomato slices and more cheese, and English toasting bread toast. It was Very good, if I Do say so myself!LOL...Afterward, I took a stroll around the yard snapping pictures then came in to find Hubby stewing a chicken for chicken and rice soup. Kitchen smelt wonderful... AND, mission accomplished! Finally got to watch National Treasure2 and I must say, it really did keep with the tradition of the first movie! It seemed to start off a bit slow but when it shot into overdrive, off we went!! It was Fun. Well, I hope you made a lazy day of it...I Did change the sheets on one bed...LOL...But now I'm being Lazy....feels good. Y'all have a great night or day. I'm off to make a cuppa coffee...

Friday, May 23, 2008

A Man and His Dog....

Well, I'm just sitting here after cleaning the bathroom....LOL. Gads! I have the run of the Whole house and finding all sorts of things to peak my cleaning interest....SO, thought while I'm taking my break, I'd post a couple of pictures that I had of Crystal and her Beau. He came into the shop today and met Hubby and myself. Seems to be a very nice young 34 young?LOL, anyway, he'll probably be Another one I won't have any "power" over so I totally give up...I'll just clean bathrooms, eat cheese and crackers and be content that Crys is happy...finally. And you Have to admit, any guy that names his dog Gracie, lets her sleep with him and cuddles her, is a good man...LOL. I'm off again. I hear some dust bunnies calling my name...night! Really!.......

Happy Friday's Friday! A Nice long weekend with Monday off! We're So ready for it. Have to get to the grocery....uggggg....go to the meat market...and at least start on getting this weekends menu pulled together. The Granbabies are off to Crystal's Ex's Dad's house...Did you get that??LOL...The kiddos Other Grandparents. Better? Crystal will be off to the Beau's house, so Hubby and I will kick around here I guess and play house....You know! Cleaning, cooking, yard work?LOL....And I really would like to watch National Treasure2. The first one was great, hope this one is as good. So, guess I'll get my work finished and get on to better things. Y'all have a wonderful Friday and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday...and She's back...

Crystal's back at work today...throat is 95% better. She insisted on coming in...that's just her. I think she should have spent another day at home, but, that's where that thing called power comes in...LOL...yeah.

Well, it's already Thursday. I got to work this morning and my computer went on the fritz again...The OS on this thing is Professional 2000. Getting a little old. I think WindowsXP would be wonderful but convincing Hubby is another story...Probably won't happen.

Cooking for the weekend holiday?? What 'cha making? I think I'll make up a barbecue "type" sauce for shish kabobs. I've got a good recipe at home for it. You make up the sauce, cube the meat and veggies; soak them in the sauce overnight then grill 'em the next day. Geez, it's good.But that only takes care of one day....for a three day weekend. And you can't forget dessert!! Cheesecake anyone??? I'd better get my thinking cap on!
Y'all take care and have a wonderful night and I'll talk to you tomorrow...
PS- Go take a look at the new blog Dabrah created just for flowers...mainly Roses!! I Drooled!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...Really

Yes, it's Wordless Wednesday......Crystal has strep throat. She went to the Dr.'s this morning and that was his pronouncement. She's feeling really awful so if you don't see her around for awhile, you'll know why....poor thang....Momma'll have to make her some soup. So, y'all try to stay well. The Dr. said he didn't know Why, but always, at this time of the year, he sees Tons of cases of strep. Not a good thing. Have a happy and safe night!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

She's Not A Happy Camper!

Well Crystal has the sore throat, snobby nose and the attitude to go along with it...Memorial Day weekend is coming up and it's no fun being sick on a holiday! LOL...I told her if she was still ill by Friday, she was to remain in the bed!! NO traveling to see the Beau...No visitors...Nothing, Nada!!....WELL...I tried. I guess I just don't have the Power anymore. You know about the Power? The look that says, be quiet. The nod of your head that says it's okay. The hand that points and they automatically follow. The keys to the car. The money....LOL. Geez! Anyone out there have any Power left??? I tried to squeeze my power pac and all I got was a burp. I cannot believe she thinks she's grown...Twit! Momma knows best??....right. Thirty four's not grown...WHAT??......Night y'all. I've gotta go find some power. Can't imagine where I put it!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Oh My Goodness.....LOL

How's this for a gunshot survivor...

Linda Burnett, 23, a resident of San Diego, was visiting her in-laws and while there, went to a nearby supermarket to pick up some groceries. Several people noticed her sitting in her car with the windows rolled up and with her eyes closed, with both hands behind the back of her head.
One customer who had been at the store for a while became concerned and walked over to the car. He noticed that Linda's eyes were now open, and she looked very strange. He asked her if she was okay, and Linda replied that she had been shot in the back of the head, and had been holding her brains in for over an hour.
The man called the paramedics, who broke into the car because the doors were locked and Linda refused to remove her hands from her head. When they finally got in, they found that Linda had a wad of bread dough on the back of her head. A Pillsbury biscuit canister had exploded from the heat, making a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot, and the wad of dough hit her in the back of her head. When she reached back to find out what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She initially passed out, but quickly recovered.
Linda is a blonde and a Democrat, and an Obama supporter, but that would be irrelevant.
Can you just imagine your car being that hot?? And you being that frightened??? Y'all have a fun day!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

HoHum...Sure is Quiet...

Well first of all, I want to thank everyone for making the Brenda Photo Challenge such a Fun one!! Dabrah has answered the challenge call and will be hosting the next challenge on May 30th. (See her post for Saturday, May 17th) The theme she has picked is Liquid. So Anything liquid is the challenge for your photos. This should be interesting!! Make Sure you go to her blog and leave a comment stating that you want to play, so she can put you on a link...Have Fun!

Well, it Sure is Quiet around here!! Crystal and the Granbabies have headed off to see her Beau for the day. She was here long enough yesterday to see Williams baseball game then headed off with the Beau again. Her "EX" attended the game as well...Hadn't seen the children for over a year, and he only lives about twenty minutes from us...And as expected, William wanted to spend the night with "daddy". He did. Haven't heard the outcome of all of this. Samantha chose to spend the night with a girlfriend....hummmm. I'll just have to wait until tonight to get the details folks. Well, guess I'll get in there and prod the Hubby. All this Quiet time has us plum flummoxed....You know the signs. Glassy eyed, staring off into space...LOL. Guess we'd best get use to it! Anyway, Y'all have a Wonderful day...I'm off now to find those books that tell you how to cook for Two...Hubby hauled out a turkey and just looked at me...LOL...shaking my head, I gently lead him back to the freezer...

Friday, May 16, 2008

The "Brenda" Photo Challenge for Friday, May 16th

Bright lights....

Reflective lavatory sink....Come on now...I'm a plumber's wife...LOL

A man Must have his shiny grill! (And as Jenn reminded me...A Woman must have her grill as well)!!...LOL...

This challenge was the idea of Brenda over at Whats Up Down South! She's constantly giving me encouragement on using my camera to the best of my ability...So she began this challenge!! It Really is fun and gets you out and about looking at "subject matter" a little bit differently!!LOL...
1. Up To 3 pictures allowed
2. If you've been chosen, pick a Theme for your challenge then set a date for it. Please give participants time to get out and about and do their picture taking. I gave them two weeks between challenges.
3. Hence forth, this challenge shall be known as The "Brenda" Photo Challenge
4. Anyone who wants to play along must leave a comment letting You know who to link to.
5. Have your link list at the bottom of your post so others can go visiting...
6. Pick a person to pass the challenge on to and let them know! If they don't respond? Pick someone else!
That's It!!!
If you just Can't think of what picture to take...Don't Worry!! This is about FUN...LAUGHTER!!
And LEARNING!! If you have ANY photography tips to pass along as well...PLEASE DO!!

Well these are my three entries. Below, you'll find links to other entries. This was fun, but Now, I choose Dabrah to pick a date and theme for the Next Photo Challenge! What Say You, Dabrah?....LOL....Have a happy day!
PS-Thought I'd add Crystal's pictures as well...LOL...Well I Did say, Bright, Reflective or Shiny!! And they Are some wonderful sunset pictures!!...cute sunset...... Happy day everyone!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Don't Forget the Photo Challenge Tomorrow!

Photo Challenge is tomorrow the 16th!....Yes Already!!LOL....Goodness, time has really flown by! If you want to play along, please make Sure you remember to post a comment so that everyone can come by to see your entry! Just say...I'm Playing!!....If you Don't say that, then don't worry! Just leave your usual sweet comments and I won't hound you!LOL... This is Not about perfection people, this is about Fun....
The storms Really packed a punch last night. They rode their way east, just barely missing us with the bad stuff. Ten miles south of us....goodness. Howling winds and thunder. Mainly just noisy.
Well, guess I'll go see who I can irritate...likely candidate is Crystal concerning her new beau. I Swear she has smiled for 3 days...straight.....Happy day everyone!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

We got at least 4 inches overnight

Thank God for these drains we'd put in about ten years ago! We put in three of them and let me tell you, they've saved us from flooding in the house. We were flooded out once...we learn quick!
What a Nasty morning!! Goodness, at least when the storms moved through here early this morning, we managed to dodge a few bullets! Several towns close to us weren't so lucky. Salado, which is about 40 miles south of us, (Jenna Bush had her wedding party there) Have huge old oak trees pulled up all over the place. Haven't heard the full extent of all the damage. As the morning goes on, I'm sure we will. So, since this is Wordless Wed, I'll shut up...LOL.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saturdays and Baseball

Morning! Nothing much happening here except "weather". Storms are expected again today...and it's not the rain that is worrisome...always a chance for tornados. Tonight and tomorrow morning should be the worse of them. We'll be hanging onto our hats!
Here's a couple of pictures I took at Williams baseball game, Saturday. We won the game. He did So well and had fun doing it....The two suspicious characters on the bleachers showed up to harass the little star of the game...I took their picture in case there's an investigation later...LOL. Well, y'all have fun today...laugh a Lot!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pancakes...and a Reminder!

Good morning! Hope all you ladies had a Wonderful Mother's Day! Crystal got up Sunday morning and fixed us some Pancakes!! They were Very good! Thank you sweetie. She Also did laundry....nice!
Well, lets see....this is Already the 12th of May???!! Time is zipping right along...Don't forget!! Remember on the 16th of May we have the Photo Challenge to look forward to! Anyone who wants to, can participate!...All it takes is a camera. You can shoot up to three pictures of anything...Bright or shiny or reflective. Just post the pictures on your blog and let me know so we can all come over and see!! No prizes!!...WHAT!!!..LOL....It's just for a bunch of Oooohs and Awwwww's! Everybody likes those!!LOL....So until tomorrow, y'all have a wonderful and safe day!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fabio on Mother's Day.....LOL

I have been unmercifully teased, over the years, because I've always liked Fabio..It was He, who was on the cover of the romances in the 80's. The publishing companies sold Plenty of those books just because of the cover art...Fabio...Happy Mother's Day girls......

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I Want a Chicken....

This has been...a week. Rain, nasty..wind...tornado watches everywhere. Scary. I pop the television on here at work and there's SO many things happening..Everywhere!! Horrible weather, sink holes, cyclones.....A Million people displaced....A Million!!! My mind can't wrap around that number! So much......I want a chicken....
When I was little...Ten yrs old, we lived on a farm. One hundred acres of farmland, fields of corn, cows, horses, turkeys, pet skunks, pet crows...and chickens. I use to gather the hen eggs from the hen house. Every time I opened the swinging door the chickens would start clucking and fussing; giving me "the eye"...I'd reach in each nest and gently feel for eggs. Sometimes there'd still be a hen sitting on the nest....she'd squawk, but I'd get the egg! I would sometimes wonder why I had to Always be the one to gather the eggs....It was hot in there during the summer and I'd dread...going in. If the rooster was Anywhere around he'd take a good run at me with those dreaded spurs they have....Gads, between running from the roosters and getting pecked by the hens, I truly felt this was the lowest "job" that my Mom could have given me...punishment for Something....I pop on the TV.... I miss the hen house....I miss the warmth and safety...... of that old hen house...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Is it EVER going to be Over???

Really Brave soul!!LOL...

Why do they do this to my Mr. Bean?.......

Hope you all have a happy night...or day on Wordless Wednesday..

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ironman and Rainy...

What a dreary little day!! Misty, shadowdy...LOL! Well, it Is!! I've just been waiting for the sun to peek out, but it's a no-show. Maybe tomorrow.
One of my favorite actors, Robert Downey Jr., has done it again. Ironman... Broke records here in the USA last weekend. I think I'll make Hubby take me to the theater to see this one. We usually just wait for the DVD to come out but, I think this one is just Meant to be seen on the Big screen.We love the action-adventure-fantasy-fun movies. Larger than life.
So, here's hoping the weather is wonderful where ever you may be, and who knows...maybe we'll see you at the movies!! Happy night or day to you and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Baby Boom for Mother's Day

This was one of the best movies I'd seen in a long time...Mothers and babies. Love. If you haven't seen it, go rent it. It was one of those 80's "feel good" movies starring Diane Keaton and Sam Sheppard. The old, girl inherets baby from dead cousin, boyfriend leaves her, leaves her high powered job, moves to the country...with all the funny stuff in between! Fun movie. If you want to watch the clip, don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of this page and shut off my music box!!
Well, it rained All Day here. Nothing Big or slushing...just drizzled. I think we're suppose to get more of the same for the next several days. Oh well, we need it. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend on this cinco de mayo...Lots of celebrations going on here. So, hope it's beautiful and happy where you are and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Have Not Posted...I am ashamed...LOL

A Big Hello!!

Crystal soaking up every word of what Ellani was saying...

Ellani saying something "intense" to me!!lol...

The Golden Compass....good movie!

Well I didn't fall over a cliff...OR pass out at the grocery!...I just didn't post!! I Didn't!! I'm So Bad!!LOL.....I was Busy! I Played with the girlfriends, yesterday and this morning, and watched The Golden Compass dvd this afternoon. Good movie, by the way! We are suppose to also watch something called Alien vs Preditor??? Guess that's right...Don't know if we'll do that one...I think I "saw" that one at the grocery store on Friday...LOL.

Now, here's a good one! Only 55 out of Every 100 people can read this following paragraph. Are You one of them??? I could read it....It was fun to do. Lets see if You can!

Don't even think about using spell check!!!!!!!!

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid t oo. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghi t pcl ae. The rset can be a taotl mses and y ou can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

Well??? How did you do?? Weird but fun. Well, hope your week is filled with wonder and happiness...and Tons of love! Talk to you tomorrow!

Friday, May 2, 2008

What a Friday....

Well, I'm Late getting this one done!! Shoot, it's almost Saturday! Hubby said this morning that he didn't want to wait until next week to go to the chiropractor....he wanted to go today if they'd take him. They did...and I Swear, you could have heard that bone, that had been out for Heaven knows How long, pop back into place all the way to Austin!! He said he felt an instant relief, but looked a little green around the gills.....(I am NOT smiling). Can I say...just once..."I told you so"????.....WHAT???....Alright....I'll be good. I've always said, if you can't find a good Doc the first or even the third time around, Keep looking!!! This one's good. It took me three different tries to find him, but I kept looking.
Anyway, after I wave goodbye to Hubby, off I go to the grocery. Pull into the parking spot and can't get my keys out of the ignition....Super....Can't go into the store with my keys still in the car, so out I back and head to the dealership. Tell them the problem, tell them I need a rental...the rental place guy is there within ten minutes, carries me back to the rental rent a car. All I want is a set of wheels....Nope, Do Not want the caddie. No mam, there Aren't any mini pintos either. All they have is the same car Crystal drives...exact. Geez, I did Not want a larger car than my Jeep. I Love my Jeep...Oh well, off I go to the grocery, and get the shopping done. $235.00 dollars later.....(fainting and passing out) out of the store I stumble. Ridiculous!!!!! Meat literally Moo'ed and cackled at me as I passed by the coolers!!! What?? Did I purchase the Whole animal??? Do the eggs come with a stamped Guarantee??? Ringed in Silver and gold?? Talk about Grocery shock!!! I'm weak at this point and the Only thing that will help, and Did, was a mocha every time. So tomorrow, if some of you venture forth to stock up the pantries....beware. There's a cow or chicken calling Your name....loudly!!! Happy shopping!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

National Day of Prayer

Good morning everyone. It's May 1st....time's flying, isn't it? Today is the National Day of Prayer here in the US. Geez....there's SO much to pray about. Friends, family, Remember us all today.

I have Finally convinced Hubby to go see the bone cracker!lol....But, he Won't go until he's feeling better. I don't blame him for that. If it hurts, it's hard to move the bone. So, he'll wait until next week. Me? I'm going in today. Neck's out, back and hips, from the fall I took in January. I'm not in that bone "jarring" pain anymore so the Doc can "crack" away!

Y'all have a Happy day and I'll talk to you tomorrow!