Well, we got the supplies for the painting to begin tomorrow...I'm excited to let the work Begin! Hubby got the lawn mowed yesterday so things are looking a bit better around here, finally. There's lots to get done before Winter sets in so the sooner, the better.
Is it Already Sunday?? I think Monday is tomorrow...right???Hahaa...Another week, another dime. Does school start for all your little chitlins this week? I believe it starts on Tuesday for our Babies. Where did Summer go? Oh well, Christmas will be here before you know it.
GEEZUS!!! A FOX NEWS ALERT just popped up on the TV screen..."Air Force One just lands for Obama VACATION at Martha's Vineyard..." LORDY!!! Six months on the job and already ANOTHER little getaway....(grinding teeth here...).
I better quit while I'm ahead...Happy week everyone!! Keep smiling!
PS-Don't forget to go over to sign up for the next Brenda Photo Challenge for next Saturday!
And I ranted again...
Lunch looks delisious! I love Mexican food! Can't wait to see your newly painted house:).
OOOOH, that food looks good, and I don't even eat Mexican!! The rest of my bunch loves it though.
Yeah, Air Force 1 is staying busy; sheesh!! I know they use it for security and all, but you'd think they'd share!! :)
Yumee! Don't get food like that over here..Just as well ~ I'm fat enough LOL!!
Your house will be lovely when it's all done
A x
Paint your pants off. Huh, that makes no sense.
OMG, your mexican food looks SO GOOD! It's almost dinner time here, I think I'm hungry.
Can't wait to see the new paint job!
ummm-yes! That makes me hungry! :)
Jealous of you getting your house painted!!! We sure could use some of that!!
I- for one- do not mind your RANTS at all!! (but you already know that!)
Goodness that spicy food looks good! We had homemade soup! Haha, you win!
Your house will look so spiffy when it's got a new coat of paint on it. Yep, I just looked at the calendar and we only have about one more week of August. I know where MY summer went - in the crapper with this stupid knee recovery! LOL!
in the crapper. haha.
oops sorry. but i can relate....
anyhow--- looks like paintin season.
love the food. i made some green chili stew today-- and put pics up.. and of my freshly painted bthroom teeewww.
just in case ya wanna look. ;))
i thought school started on tuesday here-- good thing i double checked--- it starts monday-- tomorrow--- eegads-
i mean... yippeeeeeeeeee .
whatever will i do with myself???
oh happy day
Just the thought of Christmas terrifies me right now!
My kids have been in school a week already, and I love it!
I love the house colors you picked out! Beautiful!
Our kids started back to school last Wednesday, didn't you hear me all the way down there making joyful noises?
I know you're really busy, but any news yet on how the surgery is going? Inquiring minds want to know these things. (((hugs)))
i have to say that lunch looks delicious, you will need the energy to get that house painted!
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