Saturday, August 29, 2009


He's home and showing everyone's he's feeling Much better...Hahaa...tartlett!
I just wanted to go to the old antique store out in the country and found they had a car show going on...What is the name of this one??? Can't remember.
Hubby made Gumbo today and I took some over to the kids. Chicken and sausage...It was Very good!
Of course you can't go visit the kids without bringing home a Grandkid...hahaa...William wanted to spend the night so he's with us. Right now, he's in the bath tub...wasn't happy about That though!Hahaa...Oh well, Hubby's watching some football movie...Will's in the tub and I think that old coffee pot's a 'Calling my name. Goodnight sweet friends; hope you have a Wonderful evening...And If I haven't told you, Thank you SO much for all the prayers and good wishes for Tim and the family...Hope you All know what you mean to me....

Friday, August 28, 2009


It's Friday! Lordy, I've been looking forward to today for Four Whole Days!Hahaa....I'm here to report that Tim is now Finally home! He is still sick to his stomach a bit...probably too much pain medication and not enough food, but at least the healing can commence. Thank you all for the prayers and love you show my family!!! You are All, friends....<3

Progress on the house is slow but coming along nicely. I'll have pictures maybe tomorrow. I was just messing around with a photo I took of some flowers a while back...Just thinking about next weeks Color Purple Challenge...Pitiful isn't it?!!!Hahaaa....I just wanted to let you all know that Tim was now home...I'm gonna be a weenie and call it a night. My eyes feel like sand paper...Sweet dreams everyone OR enjoy that morning cup 'a Joe for me! I PROMISE I'll come for a visit tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Really Not Ignoring You!

Crystal came in for a few hours .....Ahhhhhhhh!!!
We came in to a Roasting Hot Office!!! Had to call the AC Repairman who didn't show up until about one in the HOT afternoon!!!
Ken (office mgr) grabbing a quick lunch...
Me grabbing a quick lunch...while working...Geez!! It was BUSY! Phones never let up! Did Obama say something GOOD for a change??Hahahaa....With Crystal going back and forth from the hospital things are a little dicey around the shop...It'll probably be that way until Tim can be left alone for longer spurts of time. He was in surgery almost 5 hours on Monday having steel plates put on both sides of his ankle. He's been in loads of pain since then but Hopefully things will start to calm down in a few days.
I have Not had a real moment to blog this week OR visit much at All, so please bear with me until things start getting back in their normal rut! Until then, hope you all are well and peaceful!!! Have a great week Guys!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


We picked out the colors for the house (exterior).
And it was SUCH hard work that we went to Don Carlo's for lunch...Hahaa..
Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas...geez...
Well, we got the supplies for the painting to begin tomorrow...I'm excited to let the work Begin! Hubby got the lawn mowed yesterday so things are looking a bit better around here, finally. There's lots to get done before Winter sets in so the sooner, the better.
Is it Already Sunday?? I think Monday is tomorrow...right???Hahaa...Another week, another dime. Does school start for all your little chitlins this week? I believe it starts on Tuesday for our Babies. Where did Summer go? Oh well, Christmas will be here before you know it.
GEEZUS!!! A FOX NEWS ALERT just popped up on the TV screen..."Air Force One just lands for Obama VACATION at Martha's Vineyard..." LORDY!!! Six months on the job and already ANOTHER little getaway....(grinding teeth here...).
I better quit while I'm ahead...Happy week everyone!! Keep smiling!
PS-Don't forget to go over to sign up for the next Brenda Photo Challenge for next Saturday!
And I ranted again...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Getting The House Painted...

Hello to you on this Friday!! Finally! I've decided it's time to get the house painted. It's time and we can't put it off another day! Hopefully the work can begin on Monday. Hubby will be buying all the material and we'll pay the labor to the guys...We have always kept things nice and tidy around here but this last year...WHAT???Hahaaa...Did Someone say OLD and TIRED???LOL...Hubby gets up at 4:00am everyday and I Try to sleep till 5...Get up, turn the coffee pot on, fix breakfast...bob our heads at each other...LOL!!! 20 minutes of FOX News...Now it's 5:58am and Hubby leaves first...I go get dressed...brush teeth...comb hair...brush each eyelid once with eye shadow...rouge the cheeks...cut off bathroom light...take out Corkey (the 17yr old pooch who's blind and deaf) shut off lights (except Corky's) look around one last time...hook phone to jeans and go out the door...EVERYDAY...Routine...GEEZUS!!!Hahahaa....Creature of habit????? So, Tired? Oh Yeah...but OLD??? Well......Hahaa... Now Where did I put my nightcap.....Night y'all!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

There's Always One...

There's Always going to be something in your life that messes up the waterworks...You'll Never be able to get all your chickens into one basket...So, what does that leave you with? Work with it...go with the flow...stop trying to paddle against the current...let your boat float With the current. It's hard to do isn't it?!! Just let that old boat...turn. I'm 'gonna laugh today if it kills me...Hahaa...Hope you do to!!! Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Tim had his MRI yesterday...He has to have surgery All Over Again...The...dr's in Oklahoma set the bone wrong...and his foot is Not looking good. It's scheduled for Monday...I should have known when Crystal said the dr. prescribed a medication that didn't exist...

Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm Thinking...

....About Chicken and dumplings for dinner tonight. I Know it's hot but it would taste SO darn good! So, on the way home I'll stop at the grocery and grab a fresh chicken. What's going to be on Your plates tonight?
Hope you all had a good weekend! We rested...felt SO good to just do nothing. Watched a good shoot-em-up movie called The Shooter (CIA stuff) and then Return to Witch Mountain starring, The Rock. They were both good...especially The Shooter.
Well, guess I'll start wrapping up my day and head home...Y'all have a Great night or day where ever you are!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sorry Everyone!

Sorry Guys! You Know I Always participate in the Challenges but not today. I've gotten out exactly Once in two weeks and would not have gotten anything worthwhile...But I'll certainly continue to be on board! On my way to see all of Your's!!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Good Day...

A little Angel from my sweetie Daughter...
A little brisket...

A whole lotta' chocolate....

With Pecans...

A healing love of my daughter's life...
Makes for Happy...all the way around! Hubby decided that he and I would do a little cookin' for the kids today. Brisket, mashed potatoes, salad and a wicked little dessert called Zebra Cake. We got it all done and took it to their place around 2:30...I think they liked it! Crystal gave me an Angel...So that was our day...short and sweet. Hope Your day was peaceful and happy...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Something Different Today...

After two weeks of worry and work I decided to do something different today...I carried myself downtown to join in with all the other Astroturfs...Congressman Chet Edwards was Nowhere to be seen. So everyone congregated outside his office on Austin Avenue. Car horns were honking and people were looking up at his office windows...nothing. Oh well, maybe his secretary let him know that not All was happy in his kingdom..."Ya Think?Hahaa....Night all.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It Was a Fight, But They're Home...

They made it home at 2:15 this Morning!! Dog tired but safe. They were told they could leave yesterday morning early because everything looked good concerning Tim's ankle...but the Dr. said he wanted to take one more look...right. What was suppose to be a minor delay turned into an ALL DAY affair...Long story short, by 8pm, Crystal finally lost her cool and let 'em have it! The last straw was a prescription the Dr. Did Not Exist...the medication...didn't Exist!! They had driven to five different pharmacies and No Such item existed...SO, BACK to the hospital. The Head of the hospital apologised profusely and eventually the offending physician corrected his GOOF...and they began, Again. I'm just glad they're home, safe and sound!!
Thank you ALL for your prayers!!! I Know it made a difference!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Update...

Crystal called and said everything was looking really good! Physical Therapy came and got Tim and gave him a good workout walking up and down the hospital hallway with crutches. The doctor will come by tonight and if he likes what he sees, they can get on the road tomorrow, for home! He has an appointment scheduled to see a surgeon here in town on the 17th...Crys had to go shopping at the local Target for extra pillows and a lightweight blanket...she's excited to finally being able to get rolling. I have a picture of what the contraption looks like without the bandage BUT...a few of you might run, screaming from the room, so I'll just leave things to your imaginations!Hahaa...Whimps!

Thank you All for your prayers and concerns!!! Hopefully, tomorrow night, I'll be letting you know that they are Finally home!! Have a great night or day everyone!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Surgery's done...Now We Wait...

This is called a Halo...The surgeons found not Nine fragments of bone, but FIFTEEN...How did they miss That on the CT Scan?? Oh well, at least they're out and now the healing process can begin. Crystal said it weighs at least ten pounds. They have to wait 48 to 72 hours...if everything is healing nicely, they can head home. Now that the surgery is over, Crystal and Tim told Samantha and Ty (Tim's son) to come home early...They left at one this afternoon and should get Here around six pm. I pray for their safe journey...Ty will be driving Crystal's car back to town.
Well, guess I'll get back to cleaning out Crystal's about a Mess!hahaaa...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday Update...

I think I'm tired...What a Week...Crystal Told me Tim's surgery would be Saturday morning but somewhere along the line, I got side tracked...I'm numb...I think I'll call it a day and go prop myself up somewhere. The kids are SO tired and Tim is sick of hurting with spasms...don't know what That's about. SO, I'll let you know tomorrow how it all you all...night.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thursday Update...

UPDATE- Crystal called and said the surgery will now be Saturday morning at 8:oo am.....

Well, short and sweet...Tim's surgery is scheduled for 8:00am in the morning! This is to go in and get the nine broken pieces of bone out of his ankle. If he does well...48 to 72 hours later, Crystal can bring him back to Waco...Thank you for All your prayers!!! I'm tired...'gonna go find some coffee.
PS- You're asking "Why a picture of George Clooney?"
Answer: Nicer to look at than an operating room....Hahaa...night!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday Update...

Nothing much to say today...except just Maybe the second surgery MAY be scheduled for Friday...If the Dr. can see the wrinkles in his toes (look at your toes, see the lines on the top of them? That's what he's talking about seeing...means the swelling is going down) then, he'll do the surgery. It's just the waiting game. I'm SO sorry I haven't been around to visit you!! Between work and worry, I'm doing good to get these updates out. Little William is being an absolute doll. I miss the kids something awful...Thanks Miz Brenda for those pictures...Hahaaaa...I needed poor old "Jeff"...LOL...Have a Safe and wonderful Wednesday everyone! Much love to all of you for caring!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday Update

Well, it's happening...loony-tunes...that Silly "tiredness" that starts to set in...You know the feeling....Don't know whether to laugh or cry.....William is Always telling Crystal that he likes My biscuits better than hers so he wanted to text her a photo of him eating some GOOD biscuits!Hahaaa...FORGET me trying to turn the photo right-side up!!! I tried EVERYTHING!!! Too Pooped to try anymore...just turn your heads to the left...Hahaa

This was Crystal's response from Tim's hospital room......

And William responded back from our house....little tarts!Hahaa...

Tim is just laying in the hospital bed, in some pain, waiting for the swelling to go down some so the Dr.'s can do the surgery to get the nine pieces of bone out of his foot. Maybe by Wednesday...So, in the meantime, they play the waiting game...Don't you just hate that??? They have him on oxygen to keep his levels up...Haven't heard about the CT Scan yet...

Well, guess I'll go throw myself across the bed...It's been a day...Loving thoughts to you all!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Update

Tim had a rough night of it...Said he couldn't feel his foot. His oxygen levels had dropped and they were giving him too much pain medication. Crystal went to the nurses station around midnight to let them know, an x-ray was ordered and they changed his meds...the feeling slowly came back to his foot once his oxygen level went back up. They are suppose to do a CT Scan this afternoon to locate all the bone fragments so I'll know more tonight. When they are satisfied that they have found them all, they'll schedule the surgery.

I just got back from doing some cleaning at their house...trash, laundry etc...William is with his Other Grandmother (Ex's mom) and will be bringing him to me this evening.

Keep your prayers coming! As soon as I hear anything different, I'll post it. I can't tell you All how much we Appreciate you!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Prayers Needed...

Tim was racing yesterday afternoon in Oklahoma...somehow fell and hurt his ankle...we couldn't tell what happened...Crystal had a computer link to the competition from my computer here in Texas....not sure how it works. Long story short, Crystal called at 9:15 last night saying she and Sami were on the way to a hospital in Oklahoma City, a six hour drive from here. They made it around 4:30 this morning. Tim's ankle was broken and the tibia and fibia shattered...He just got out of surgery a little while ago and is resting. He has to have a CT Scan to find all the pieces of bone which when they find them, they'll do another operation to remove them. Today they put some sort of steel plates on the ankle. IF an infection or gangrene sets in, they have to amputate his foot...Please pray for him.

The Brenda Photo Challenge (8-1-09)

Lemon and Chocolate Ice Cream!!

Fountain beside the convention center...

Another fountain beside the convention center...

Well, that's it for me! I want to say a Big Thank You to Judy (The Road to Here) for hosting this "Keeping Cool" challenge for us!! It was lots of fun and made us put our thinking caps on!

I Really wish I had the time to find those "perfect" shots...I need to work on that!!Hahaa...Here's hoping you all have a wonderful Saturday! I'm now on my way over to see Your shots!!
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.