Monday, November 29, 2010

Thank You Miz Donna!

I'm a Winner!! Oh Yeah!Hahaaaa.....I just do Not win things...and if I Do, it's considered a miracle! And just Look at what I won! A Polar Bear Babies calendar, an official Polar Bear Club patch, Churchill, Manitoba Canada! Beautifully hand sewn tissue holders and handmade note cards! Donna from Cottage Days had a giveaway...and I won! She handmade everything but the calendar and with a little push from her friends, I'll bet she could make up a beautiful one! If you haven't seen her photos, you're in for a treat! Hop on over and check out her blog!!
Thank you Donna (and Marty;o)) for holding this giveaway! It was a genuine surprise for me to win!!
PS- I just read about a Blogger Buddy (Ellen) whose Mother was in a bad car accident! Can you please send prayers?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dwayne wants to know what "Free-Range Turkeys" mean and, should he be worried???Hahaa... Here's hoping you have a Wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving Everyone!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Let the Holidays begin!

Good Monday Morning Everyone! Well, it was a babysitting kind of weekend again. Around the holidays, Will and Sami like to spend nights with the "old folks"...We baked something called Pumpkin flats, made with carrot cake mix and made strawberry and banana smoothies. The flat pumpkin things were really good and the smoothies were...interesting...Lolol. We watched The Christmas Carol (new one) and The Last Airbender. They were both good movies. The main thing we did though, was snuggle and have fun. Hope you all had a great weekend as well. Looks like we're headed into Thanksgiving week. Time to get that frozen turkey set out into the refrigerator....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Update On Dwayne...

I feel confident in saying, that I know you all were wondering about the progress of Dwayne's hair....It's growing...Long...Maybe, in a few more days, I think I'll be giving him an old fashioned Buzz Top. Poor Dwayne...It's getting a bit cold sitting on that ledge all by himself...

Goodnight Dwayne... :o)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Vintage Roses Lesson

Original photo.....
Photo that I worked on...I think it looks much better. I've gotten online and am trying to learn how to use my Photoshop program. I wanted to start out with building my own background but got flippin' sidetracked with all the cool stuff to learn. The reworked photo looks cleaner and brighter and a more true color. I got to play with layers...I LOVE photography....when the photo turns out..Hahaaa...There's SO much to learn, but I'm trying!
Y'all have a great day!

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Be Canning and Stuff...

Here's some 12x12 papers I finally bought and did as a bunch of you suggested, and cut down to 8 1/2 x 11. I'll play with these on the scanner tonight hopefully.
I Canned this weekend....Finally! I had bought several pounds of tomatoes and thought I'd try my hand at it. It Worked!Lolol...I did everything I was suppose to and in the end, those lids all popped just like they were suppose to! I had more jars than tomatoes...but I now know approximates on both. Next, I think I'll try my hand at jelly. Well, hope you all had a great weekend! I'm Also letting all the Brenda Photo Challenge participants know the Blog is Closed for the Holidays! I'll start it up again in January, so check back. InLinkz Also notified me they are going to start charging for the link so I've found someone else to use...It looks easy to use but I just need to play with it. Y'all have a great night!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Dance Here....

To ALL unbelievers...Gamma did the Impossible! She single-handily got Dwayne, our Grandson William's plant GROW! I've been dutifully watering it...singing to it...discussing daily problems with it...and patting it's little bald head. This morning as I was making coffee I happened to look up at those Big Blue Eyes sitting in the window sill, and what do you think I spotted? See the tiny green hairs popping up behind its eyeball??? Silent Happy Dance going on here....I Hate to admit defeat!!Hahaaaaaa.....Thank goodness for those grass hairs. When Will handed it to me to "fix", I Knew my Gamma Reputation was on the Line Here!! You know the one...."The All Knowing One".....I have not failed! Reputation has been saved! For a while longer, at least.
Went to town this morning hunting "papers" to scan into my computer so I can work on a background for my blog...Huhhh! Well, guess what...They no Longer make beautiful papers in the 8 1/2 x 11 size! Only 12x12's! I kid you Not! Won't fit my scanner! When did That happen? I tried to download some yesterday on the computer...Hahaaaa....Me and "Zip File" do Not get along! Zip my butt...Good Lord, why can't it just LOAD! Oh well, I shall persist....Hope you all are having a good weekend! Will is visiting us so I have a playmate tonight. Hubby says he's preparing breakfast for tomorrow....I don't think I'll ask him What he's making. Cabinet doors are popping open and shut so I'll leave him to it. Happy night to all....

The Brenda Photo Challenge (11-13-10) Broken

Broken branches laying on the ground in Sedona, Arizona...

Good Morning everyone! Usually when something breaks around here and it can't be fixed, out to the trash it goes. So...I had a time of it trying to think of something for this challenge! Then I remembered...Daddy's old Rabbit! This "toy" is over a hundred years old. My Grandmother brought it from Vienna, Austria when they emigrated to this country. She gave it to my father as a toy for Christmas one year and he played with it for years. After he grew up, it stayed on his dresser as a rememberence of his childhood. I inherited it from him years ago...I love him. I have Always been partial to rabbits I think, because of him and his "charm..."
Y'all have a great weekend!
To see more entries, go here:

Friday, November 12, 2010


Oh Brother...It just keeps getting worser and worser.....Hahahaaa.....At least I'll have this weekend to play around with backgrounds...who knows! Hope your Friday is a good one...Going to the grocery this afternoon....FUN!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

To all the Veterans, I say Thank You for what you did and Are doing for our Nation...God Bless You and God Bless and Keep, America.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's Fall and I'm Still looking...

Forgive my feeble attempt at changing my background...I do Not like it! Bare with me while I figure out how to upload a nice paper...unzip it...and use it as a background. I have seen some really pretty ones but am ignorant when it comes to loading them as backgrounds. Going in search of a tutorial online. There's bound to be one out there somewhere. I'm tired of having other peoples banners in the upper left hand corner of my blog! I Did manage to Move the banner to the lower left...Way down the page...but it's still there! One of those things that irritates you...You KNOW it's there...Hahaaa
Hope all is wonderful in Your worlds today...It turned out to be pretty here, 75degrees already and sunny. Nice. Well, guess I'll get busy and put on my thinking cap. If you click on and the page looks strange...don't worry. It's just me testing stuff. Why do things Always have to be complicated? Happy day everyone!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Good Morning People! It's that time of year again when we need to set our clocks BACK one hour (USA and Canada) before going to bed tonight. We think we're getting that precious hour back when in just tends to make My day longer. will be nice to get up to some light outside simply because I'm still the Evil forces of work and save the planet by installing the best pottys this side of the Mississippi. The photo above is another snapshot from the museum in Roswell, New Mexico. The Aliens forgot to set Their clocks back last you can see...NOT a good thing to forget!Hahaaa
Hope you have a Wonderful Saturday! Guess I'll go get dressed and hit the Sam's Club. Enjoy your day!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The Museum.....You can see and do all you need to in the museum in about an hour...or less. It wasn't what I'd hoped it would be and they Really need to update it.

Betty Hill and friend....I read the Betty & Barney Hill story...riveting!

Pie Town Cafe....close to the border of Arizona. A "joint" but a Good one!

Wonder who ordered this Delicious Peach Pie???

A rendition of "the Crash" in the museum display case. I believe this really DID happen. I believe the Government has tried to cover it up all these years. There are just too many sightings and witnesses. As usual, America is just about the Last country to disclose its findings...gracefully. We are Not a stupid society....give me a Break! When Generals finally start talking about the truth of it all, I think it's time. Why should we humans think we are the only ones in this Universe? My God made this HUGE Universe...for just Me and my tiny piece of pie?? I don't think so.....I also think Aliens enjoy pie....peach pie. My piece of pie is missing...Hubby denies taking it....This is what I mean by "full disclosure..." Somebody Better Disclose...PDQ!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Morons and Wow.....

Hi Everyone! Well, we're Back! Finally! I only have the strength to load these two photos.Hahaaaa..... The Grand Canyon was Truly, Grand!! How Beautiful it is. It was one of those "take your breath away" moments. I could not believe the beauty that this photo just does Not convey...Of course Hubby and I had a good laugh while taking this shot....

Hubby: Now honey, one more step.....just one more...

Me: Here? Here? One more??

Hubby: Yes my love....just One more....

Hahaaaaaa......but I tricked him...I kept moving Forward!

We Also now know WHY there's been so many deaths at the Grand Canyon! See the top photo??? MORON!!! No Matter how many warnings they are given, they Still do Very stupid things! Unbelievable stunts! We are now no longer sympathetic! If you are told NOT to do something because you could DIE....Don't Do It!! Simple! At this point, it's ONE MILE DOWN!
We traveled almost 2800 miles round trip and still feel like we're rolling along on the road! Most of the hotels we stayed at had hard beds, hard pillows and A/C's that turned on and off using sensors!! Drove us Nuts! I love technology, but this is ridiculous!
I'll post more later about the highlights and lowlights over the next few weeks...Don't want to give you "Trip Overload!" Hope you all are safe and well and enjoying your warm or cold evening!
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.