Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This is ME on....Ice and Icy Rain and possible Snow! I'm so sick of all these freezing temps! It's been cold here lots of times before but I must say this is a bit of the unusual. I will never understand how all you Northerners DO this! Days and days of it...and yes, I'm whining....I'm a weenie. I like sunshine and flowers...snowCONES and popcorn. The sound of a swinging screen door in the Summer...iced TEA...the feel of clover under my bare foot...the smell of hay. Tell me those days are coming. Gads, since it's not here yet, guess I'll turn on the movie, 2012. I hear it's all about the end of the world...Hahaaaa...STARZ seems to be free today...Y'all have a nice Warm evening.....


Vero said...

Did you create this image? If so, good job. It's pretty good.

Lynn said...

lol...is it really THAT bad? We did not get the snow you had nor the ice. I made more preparations on the well for the cattle and rainwater for the house.

I do not remember ever having this much freezing weather for such a long duration. But, remember last year we had a nasty cold spell. We lost all water and the main line into the house broke. I think we still had electricity.

Hopefully, I'm prepared and no pipes freeze up.

Jeanette said...

Oh just hang in there! It's almost over!!

Ann said...

Days of it? We have months of it. I ask myself every day why I still live here...lol
Hope it warms up for you soon

jenn said...

We're expecting more tomorrow night, too. Hopefully it won't be enough to close the schools. I don't think I could handle THAT again.

Donna said...

Vero, no... Not my image but it certainly fits my mood!Lolol...

Lynn, YES!, Hahaaa... I know it could be worse but dadgumit, I'm tired of the cold!
And, I know a good plumber....hahahaaa

Jeanette, yes mam.... Are we There Yet???Hahaaaa

Ann... Months... Omgggg... You are a superwoman! At least you have The Duke to keep you warm!Lolol

Jenn....Hahahaa...... Send 'em to me... I could stay home and we could play!

dabrah said...

Those spring and summer days are coming. The daffodils in my garden have pushed up through the ground and are now about 4 or 5 inches tall. There are little buds on all the bare tree stems and today the sun shone practically all day, so I actually did some gardening.

Anonymous said...

I could gloat but won't, its sunny here and about 70 outside...getting ready to take the dog for a walk...spring is coming!

Donna said...

Dee, oh goodness girl! I can almost smell the turned over dirt!

Dani!!! You're SO Bad!!!Hahaaaa

Jeanne said...

haha just the way we're feeling here in the Northeast Donna. So sick and tired of clearing snow/ice off the car, inching out into a street to see over/around snowbanks higher than the car if there's traffic coming, bundling up in layers, boots, and more layers. Ack! We watched 2012 a couple weeks ago. It was entertaining but a bit more comical than I expected. The Mt Everest scene near the end. 'snicker'

GypsyFarmGirl said...

I feel the same way. Can I just copy your post and publish on my blog?!? I'm depressed and cold after watching the weather tonight. I'm so ready for spring, not 3-5 inches of snow. Of course last week we were suppose to get 1-2 and got more like 6 inches of snow. Ugggghhhh

Ms. Becky said...

Hey Donna, I can commiserate with you, but here's how us Northerners do it - we know it makes Spring all the more worth it when it finally does arrive. At least that's what works for me. I wonder if I'd appreciate the Spring and Summer as much if I didn't have Winter to suffer through. I've never lived anywhere else, all I've ever known is 4 seasons and the winters are much milder than when I was a kid. It will be over in the blink of an eye, you'll see. And very soon I'll be complaining about the heat and humidity. Ugh...that's what really gets to me. But yeah, I could sure use an early Spring, I tell ya. hang in there!

Dolores said...

Oh my this white creature scared me to death..... but I do agree with you......I like sunshine and flowers. I'm a spring girl, and I'm so sick of winter. And we've only had 1/4" of snow... talk about a weenie.
Stay warm sweet friend!

bichonpawz said...

FOUR degrees right now! I'm tired of it too. Seriously...it has been very cold this year. And snowy. We got almost a foot last night.

Really looking forward to heading south to get some SUN!

Sally said...

Hunter saw that pic and ran from the room. Thanks, now I can read blogs. :)

Out on the prairie said...

It is the warm that we look forward to that makes our season go by quicker. If it doesn't we head for TX, but not this year, you are too cold also.It was 1 on my car thermometer when I ran out for breakfast, but suppose to be 40 Saturday.

JunieRose2005 said...

:) I'm with you, Donna. Even here in north Fl we've had much too much cold weather.... I'm sick of it! I want spring-and flowers!

Yikes! That cat is something else!!
~Can't blame Sally's Hunter for running away from that!! ;)

Hang in there, girl!



Donna said...

That's one of the reasons we moved south.....however, it's cold here too, and a chance of snow tonight. ?????

Keep thinking summer!

Paula said...

Yikes!!! Good kitty... please don't bite... *LOL*
Miss Donna, I think you need some serious springtime! I'm ready for it too, but wouldn't you know it- we're supposed to get more of that white crap tonight! UGH!

Joan said...

Hey...it looks good on ya!! I don't like to suffer in this alone.

Dick said...

You look good, lol. That kind of winter is what we had last year and it made me sick too. This year we didn't get much snow. It may take some time but better times ahead.

Donna said...

Hahaha, you have to SUFFER along with the rest of us! We're going to have our TENTH snowfall of the season tonight!!!!!! It is just crazy. Owl Gore can stick that global warming crap back to where it came from!

Anvilcloud said...

So, that's what a snow cat looks like, eh? We went for a lovely stroll in the gently falling snow tonight. It's about learning to live with winter. :)

Anonymous said...

I am sick of winter as well. And I live in Canada, where winter never ends!!

Debbie said...

I don't mean to laugh, but the image is PERFECT! I want Spring NOW too!!

We'll all wait together :)

Nita Jo said...

Okay... Very Scary Kitty! Lol!
Sorry about the cold. My Sis-in-Law got to be at the Super Bowl. She texted that it was just "Wrong" that it was colder there than in Colorado. She was looking forward to a warm get-away. On the bright side... I really, really believe spring is not far off!

Nita Jo

Ms. Becky said...

Hi Donna, I've been catching a bit of the weather you're experiencing in parts of Texas - it must be hard when you're not used to that stuff. I'm hoping things are easing a bit - I think I saw that it's supposed to warm nicely this weekend. Spring is on its way! I just know it! {{{hugs}}}

Anonymous said...

I hope those days come soon because I'm fed up with the miserable weather too. It's not snowing and icy but it is raining a lot and very mucky outside. I'm sick of mopping!!

Have a great weekend, CJ xx

Jenny said...

I'm gonna have nightmares if I look at that picture again!

It was 55 and sunny in Columbia today. Wish you were here.

Brenda said...

I hear ya darlin, I hear ya. I've had about all the cold I can stand.

CityMom2 said...

So sorry our winter weather overflowed down to TX! It's been a rough one. you hang in there. The sun always comes back.

kimberly said...

come visit arizona donna....shorts wearin/sandal wearin/ice tea sippin day today.....75 degrees right now!! course don't wait too long....you'll be sweatin/scorchin/hibernating/heat strokin in a few months!!! :-)
but we are enjoying the gloriousness of this in-between weather right now!!!

SOUL said...

i love that pic-- it depicts my 'winter' feelings to a T. i hope you're gettin some of the weather we are havin lately -- mid to high seventies -- 7 day forecast ! you know i'm in heaven.

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.