Well the SnowBug got us last night....He decided we needed to be hit. We got about 2 and 1/2 inches here at the shop and a bit more in other places. I have my trusty Jeep with Four Wheel Drive to help me out but I SWEAR...people are just plain DUMB! Some are still driving like they have NO Sense....Had to come in to get payroll done and as soon as the Hubby and Ken get back to the shop, Crys and I are out of here. The snow is packing and forming a plane of ice beneath it and it's only going to get worse this afternoon. Tomorrow, it's suppose to be 58degrees...go figure! Y'all keep safe and warm.....
That ice stuff is a misery. At least it will soon be gone. Drive carefully.
We have our share of dumb winter drivers here in Michigan too where is snows every year and yet they still cannot figure out how to drive in it!! Stay safe and warm!
Yikes! You guys be careful of those idiots on the roads. It's rainy & cold here, and I ain't goin' nowhere. There's been accidents galore the past two days!
Remember always steer into the skid, and don't over correct .. that is the #1 lesson in driving in ice or snow.
Have a great weekend xx00
I can't believe even you got a dusting. I could send you some more.
Be safe!
Understand about the drivers...I never go out if ice or snow are on the ground. Of course, hubby would when we owned a business in Austin.
Get out of there quick...and stay safe going home.
PS: We only got a dusting of snow.
Enjoy your 58 degree day tomorrow!
We got bit by the bug last night too! I think we ended up with almost 6 inches after the ice storm on Tues AM. We have been below freezing since the wee hours of Tues morn. So ready for the 40's we are promised tomorrow.
People are stupid in the snow. They really are. And the ice. I just hate driving period...in the snow and ice. Seriously....I should move to...Bermuda!! You be careful out there!! What I wouldn't give for some of your FIFTY degree weather!!! We MIGHT see that in June.
Hope you got home safe! Ice is the scariest. I just turn into a blubbering blog of nerves when there's ice on the road.
Hey, are we going to have another photo challenge coming up? Do you need me to send you some ideas?
I think people go out and drive around in it (like idjits) even when they don't have to go anywhere, just so's they can terrorize others and say they drove in it! Not me. One person breathes the word "ice" and I kick back in my easy chair with my remote, my doggie, my drinkie, my snackie, my blankie, my iPod, my phone, my writing tablet, my crosswords, my books ... you get the idea!
Not to make light of your 2 1/2 inches but that's merely a dusting for us. OK so I'm making light of it but it's the cold that makes me act this way....lol
Stay warm and stay safe :)
You're dusting was more than ours.... I think we had 1/4".... the kids were thrilled with a little, but disappointed that we didn't have more.
The sun is shining today... YEA... and 64 degrees..
we even had things freeze here in sunny az.....but today is in the
60's.....so warming up considerably!...stay warm and safe!
Thanks Everyone! The icy snow has melted and we're above the freeze zone here at least for awhile...
Maybe things can get back to normal around here!
Hope you all are having a grande weekend!!
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