Look at what I Won!! Thanks Again goes to
Ann of Snap Edit Scrap...She and her cohort in crime, Duke (pictured on magnet and card) held a give-a-way and I was one of two lucky winners! I love her photos of The Duke! Go give her blog a visit...You won't be sorry!
Hope you all are enjoying your Wednesday...It's coffee time for me. Enjoy!
What a cutie! Congrats!
Thanks Pat!
Congratulations! I love Duke; he's so adorable!
You lucky duck, getting a Duke prize! Haha, I guess you miss me. We travel home tomorrow. I should resume posting this weekend!
Jeanette, Thanks Girl! Isn't he?!!! Enjoy your day!
Donna! It's Not Normal that you should be gone!Hahaaa...Marty has been throwing carrots out to the GIRL Bunnies for a Week! He just won't listen to me!!Hahaaa
Yeppers, missing 'ya!
Hope you're taking some Super shots!
You are very welcome. Duke was glad you won because he said he always wanted to visit Texas :)
Simply adorable!!! Very cute!! Congrats!!
Congrats, I laughed when I saw your name. Now you have a Dukester.
Congratulations! :-)
Have a cup of REAL coffee, for me, please. :-) I've been on decaf, for (tooooo) long.
Gentle hugs,
"The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on."
- Emily Dickinson
Thank You!!
It was fun!
Such a cutie..I love dogs..
Hope your day is beautiful
love nita
How lovely to hear from you, I popped by the other day to say hi and the telephone went and poof I forgot...so hear I am wishing you a lovely weekend..
Hugs Lynn xxxx
Congratulations! Duke is adorable!!
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