Monday, November 14, 2011


Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a Sweet and peaceful weekend. Hubby and I didn't really do Squat. I went to town Saturday to get a couple of birthday presents for this coming week...When I asked Hubby if he wanted to tag along, the answer was a resounding, No! and shopping just don't mix.
All the shopping I've done so far for Christmas was immediately brought home and WRAPPED! I just want to put up the tree and pop those presents under it! I, ALONE, do all the wrapping every year and by the time I get it done, my neck and back are killing me. Not This Year!Hahaaa.....I'm one up on Santa!
Well, guess I'll turn my attention to something useful here at work...I've just noticed my coffee cup is empty...That's just Not right! Happy day Guys!


Jeanette said...

Hey, at least you've done some shopping! It's pratically unheard of for me to shop before Thanksgiving!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Beeeeeeeeeeeutiful photo!

Actually, here... It's I who hate to go shopping. If I need something, I go, look, get it or move on... Zip. Zip. Zip. He is not so fast. I hate to shop with him. ,-)

I'm ready to pull my hair out, at how much time he has to spend. -giggles-

Even in the grocery store, we take separate lists/carts. :-)

How WISE of you. Wrap when you get 'em! Oh I hate to wrap tooooo! Always gonna' do it early. Never do it fully. Then again, I'm kind of *afraid* to finally get allllll wrappppppped early. It sounds like *completing a Bucket List.* Sounds like I'D BE DONE, if I did.

And I'm not ready to BE DONE yet. :-)

Gentle hugs,
“But see, in our open clearings, how golden the melons lie;
Enrich them with sweets and spices, and give us the pumpkin-pie!”

~Margaret Junkin Preston

Jill said...

Good for you! I'm a bit behind this year...I only have 2 gifts wrapped.

Dolores said...

I wish to goodness I had some shopping done. I haven't made a list yet...... I've gotta get busy.

I agree with you on the wrapping....every year I think I'll be good and wrap as I buy, but I'm usually not successful
Have a great week!

Pat said...

Love that header shot!

I've grabbed a couple of things here and there, but most of the things I buy on line and have them shipped because I am flying home for the holidays. I wrap them when I get back home.

SUGAR MOON said...

Love the picture! I don't have any shopping done yet, but for the last two years my granddaughter has come over the school break and wrapped every last present and even decorated my house. I am holding my breath in hopes she hasn't outgrown that this year.

Latane Barton said...

I find that shopping alone is usually the best bet. Even girlfriends can distract you and you end up with something you don't want.

I'm ready to start Christmas decorating, too. Well, Thanksgiving will be here before you know it and then I'll have at it.

Have a great week.

Out on the prairie said...

love to shop here, but do enjoy the adventure of having someone along

Donna said...

Are you Christmas shopping already? I am having a really hard time thinking that Thanksgiving is NEXT week! How did that happen?

Debbie said...

People that get it done early just plain get on my nerves ROFL....

I do not have much to buy this year and actually have bought 2 items, but they are not wrapped :)

Good for you!!

bichonpawz said...

I'm trying to finish up my shopping early too Donna. I just hate to wait until the last minute when there is absolutely no selection!! And...the crowds...lots and lots of crowds!!! I am quite happy sitting right here at my computer and typing in! Ha!

Have a great Tuesday!!

Anvilcloud said...

The wrapping works the same way here. :)

Anonymous said...

You and me both, Donna. I have loads of presents to wrap but I'm going to wait until ......

well actually, I might do them soon, lol.

CJ xx

Ann said...

I get the same answer from my husband when i ask him if he wants to go shopping. He hates shopping.
Wrapping is the worst job there is. I used to be able to sit on the floor and do all my wrapping at once but these days that would be a killer for me

Sandy Trefger said...

LOVE the photo! And you go girl. What a Santa!! Now you can enjoy the holidays without worrying about wrapping those gifts!

Paula said...

LURVE that photo, Miss Donna!
Loved hearing about your weekend~ sometimes doing "squat" is very nice. We don't get to very often but I enjoy it. :0)
Go grab another cuppa quickly!

Ms. Becky said...

You know, I just the other day drove past a building with the sign "Scuttlebutt' on it and thought of you Donna. I made a mental note to go back one day and photograph it. and mental notes do me no good - I forgot where it was! it must be written down on paper for fahgetaboutit. but I'll find it again. I'm in love with this photo - WOW. it's splendid! happy day to you girlfriend. {{{hugs}}}

Jenny said...

I do all the shopping and wrapping too, Donna. I doubt TG has ever wrapped a gift in his entire life. Good thing he married an efficient social secretary! BAHAHA!!! But it's fun and we're looking forward to all the holiday hoopla. Happy Wednesday to you my friend, and Happy Thanksgiving!

romance-of-roses said...

Well I think you are doing pretty good. I haven't done any shopping yet. Had to buy annniversary gift and was surprised that Macy's and Penney's do not do gift wrapping anymore. Guess it's been awhile since I had anything wrapped cause didn't know this. So now have to wrap all my own. Smiles...Lu BTW love the flower.

Sandi McBride said...

I haven't bought one dad burned thing yet much less wrapped it, lol! You're ahead of the game and I'll be a day late and a dollar short no doubt on Dec 23rd!

Unknown said...

"Made in Heaven" has been included in this weeks A Sunday Drive. I hope this helps to attract even more new visitors here.

Sally said...

That's a gorgeous photo, Donna. Love it. :)

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.