Sunday, April 3, 2011

Slug Bug and Cleaning...

Granson William spent the night with us Friday...It was full throttle on the spacemen, Lego's and SpongeBob scene. I took him with me to town and bought him some shorts and T's. It's starting to heat up here in Texas...Can't have the boy sweating!Hahaa.....He's such a sweetie. While driving to town, he likes to play a game called Slug-Bug. Object is to holler out SLUG BUG when you see a Volkswagen...Needless to say...IMO...he cheats!Lololol..... I got a lot of my household files cleaned up and Out yesterday. Where does it all come from??? I still have two more filing cabinet drawers left to go...sigh. Hubby has brought up the subject of retirement and since I'll be turning 60 this year, I guess I'd better start the planning of it. Where in the WORLD do you Start in this economy??? We are planning for five years but who knows? Everything is just so darn "Iffy". Oh well, Hope things are going smoothly in your worlds today. I hear more laundry screaming at me from the hamper...I'll need coffee.