Friday, April 29, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge (4-30-11) Repeating Patterns

I Love these flowers....not sure of the name of them though...Hahaaa.....

Tiled wall in the Collin Street Bakery, Waco, Texas....and I DO remember the name of the bakery 'cause Hubby and I stuffed our faces with Apricot and Cream cheese tarts and coffee!

Well! That was fun...Can't wait to get by Your place to see all your photos! Stop in for a visit at The Brenda Photo Challenge Blog to see all the others! I have company in this weekend so if I'm late getting by to see yours, don't worry...I'll play catch-up Sunday evening. I'll also have the next challenge posted by Monday evening. Have a great weekend guys!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


(Granddaughter Samantha)

I just don't have Any new news to share with you all today...I'm just sitting at my desk, doing a little last minute work and watching in horror at the total destruction in Alabama. God in Heaven....My heart and prayers go out to all those affected by these devastating storms... Here in Central Texas (Waco), we had several small tornados go above us and below us. We got a small smattering of hail, wind and rain and then it blew on out. It was scary for a few minutes but God held his hand close. I just have no words for what I'm seeing on the television.
Hang on tight to those you love through another worrisome Spring. Southerners traditionally hate Summer....but I do believe I'm yearning for it....Stay safe Friends!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Everywhere I look...

Hello everyone...Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. I know some of you didn't and for that, I'm so sorry...Friends lost, homes lost...storms...physical suffering...seems to be no end to it all. I truly wish my magic wand was working.
Spring is really popping out all over now. Seems everywhere I look I see something beautiful staring back at me.
Hubby and I did nothing in peticular...Sunday we went to the DFW (Dallas-Ft Worth Airport) to pick up Crys and Tim. They had driven with Tim's son (Tylar) to Atlanta, Georgia and then returned by plane. Tylar is assigned to a base in Charleston, SC, so he continued the trip by himself and Tim & Crys flew back home. It's hard to let them go...Ty is 19.
Well, have yourselves a calm and sweet evening...and try to stay out of trouble!Hahaaa....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Here's wishing...from Our house to yours...a Very Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

Had to delete the Kitty video...causing loading problems...SO, Here's hoping you all are having a Wonderful Wednesday! Isn't time flying by? Tomorrow is Already Thursday!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

We're Stuffed!

Hubby was at it again...No-Knead Whole Wheat Bread...goodness...This was my lunch...Hahahaaa....OhYeah! If you want the recipe, it's on my cooking blog, Here. Thirty minutes and we had, Bread. My Hubby is such a Good Boy! We had bread and sweet butter dribbling down our chins for at Least, an hour...Lolol...I feel like a stuffed pepper! And yes, the photo is awful (used Hubby's crap*y little work camera) but I'm too miserable (stuffed) to take care of it....I also got the next Photo Challenge posted, Here...Geez! Can't believe I'm all over, getting things posted! So, other than posting, cleaning, bread stuffing and coffee drinking...there hasn't been much else going on. Hope you all are having a great Sunday!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge (4-16-11) Spring Easy

Hope you all are having a Wonderful weekend! Thanks for playing along... Go HERE to see more "Spring Easy" Challenge photos! I'll be posting the Next Challenge later on this weekend! Enjoy your rest!!

SkyWatch Friday...

The pond in front of my Cousin's home in Voluntown, Connecticut. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Happy....

Good Wednesday morning! There's been SO much bad news lately...Every time I turn on the news I get downright sick. Japan, the Gulf, Three wars, the economy, our borders... and it seems there's no one at the helm. I'm seriously trying to find some "happy"....I know I put it somewhere but the search just seems to be revealing more madness and mayhem. Fuel and commodity prices are spiriling with no end in sight. I'm stocking up on all the canned and dry goods and seeds that I can in the hope that we won't need them....People who think that what's going on in Europe and the Middle East can't happen here, need a good "yank" on their intellegence chain. In one city, sack lunches prepared by parents are now banned...the Government states those children will now eat in the school cafeteria because the Government knows what's best for our children....I'd much rather tackle a problem then ignore it. Where's the Parents? Last week I'd realised I just needed a break...if only a moment so I stopped at a nursery. I didn't intend to stop...didn't really think about it until I saw their driveway. I turned the wheel of my Jeep and I was there...I now feel Hope again because of that one decision to turn the wheel...I was reminded by all the beauty I saw, that God was still watching...listening...loving. Hope you like the photo and hope you find your "happy", as well....

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


What a weird thing it is, growing on my rosebush, in front of my shop! An orange rose off of a yellow rosebush! There are hundreds of yellow ones and the oddball orange sticking out like a sore thumb...Hahaaa....Does this mean it's going to eventually turn completely orange? I had a white rose bush growing at home...It had been putting forth white blooms for the last five ALL the blooms are blood RED! What Gives? Is it all that dispersant they dumped on the oil blowout in the Gulf that has floated northward? It has absolutely destroyed the Gulf and had a devastating effect on all wildlife and plant life down there...of course the Media has stopped talking about it...naturally. Oh well...hard times are indeed ahead of us so I guess I'll find something that I CAN take care of...Coffee....I feel a pot coming on...Happy day everyone!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Slug Bug and Cleaning...

Granson William spent the night with us Friday...It was full throttle on the spacemen, Lego's and SpongeBob scene. I took him with me to town and bought him some shorts and T's. It's starting to heat up here in Texas...Can't have the boy sweating!Hahaa.....He's such a sweetie. While driving to town, he likes to play a game called Slug-Bug. Object is to holler out SLUG BUG when you see a Volkswagen...Needless to say...IMO...he cheats!Lololol..... I got a lot of my household files cleaned up and Out yesterday. Where does it all come from??? I still have two more filing cabinet drawers left to go...sigh. Hubby has brought up the subject of retirement and since I'll be turning 60 this year, I guess I'd better start the planning of it. Where in the WORLD do you Start in this economy??? We are planning for five years but who knows? Everything is just so darn "Iffy". Oh well, Hope things are going smoothly in your worlds today. I hear more laundry screaming at me from the hamper...I'll need coffee.
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.