I bought this ornament the year my Dad passed...love it.

The "Good" witch...Wizard of Oz

Our Buddy telling Daddy what he wants for Christmas...

Our tree which is NOT finished...more to do...
Well, Here it is again...Christmas! I LOVE this time of the year! Thanksgiving is wonderful of course, but you get to be Thankful AND tell Jesus Happy Birthday, for one whole month! Now that's what I call a celebration...
I always begin by watching Scrooge...the 1938 version...love it! I have all the filmed versions and the book. To me, the moral of the story is all about love...and if you have love in your heart for your fellow man, things all around you are seen in a totally different light. It's not about the "getting"...it's about the "giving"...reaching out to make someones day go just a little bit easier. These times are getting tougher. More and more people are loosing their jobs and even their homes. The word we'll be looking for is Patience. I think we can achieve much just by using it...Moms in grocery store lines with screaming babies...people that you know
see you but pretend
not to, as they rush into the stores and the door slams in your face...that guy that rides your bumper...the checkout lady who seems to have had the life slammed out of her...old people who just don't know how they'll eat today. These things are everywhere. I just truly believe that with Patience and "giving", we can all breathe a little easier. I try to give sourpusses
my smile...
hugs to those needing the touch of someone who cares and a few
bucks to the little old lady who wants to buy her cat a treat but can't decide whether to put back the canned corn or the flour. We can make it
happen! You know...that "thing" that makes it Christmas!
Do I believe in Santa Claus? You bet I do...he's...us.
Hope you're having a Wonderful start to all the festivities...It begins.