I'm just Good for Nothing! I DO have excuses for not posting this week....really....well....sorta...well, at work it's been the End of the month and year book work to get done...Hahahaaa....Well, it DID have to get done! We also have company coming in this weekend so I really had to find the time to get the house in order...uggggg! But tonight, I really WILL be busy! The Vice Presidential Debate will be on between Ryan/Biden. Another round of popcorn is in order. Hope you all enjoy the evening and may God keep His Hand on Ryan!
*HAHA* You are too funny, Miss Donna~ love the kitty!! Hope you enjoyed the debate... I think I fell asleep somewhere in the middle. I can't stay awake for nuthin' these days! *yawn*(giggle)
Btw, we had some of the Debate on, after he came home from a meeting. I kept reading, but looked up, now and then.
Then........ I blew......... If I had to have that &**(&^$&*&(* grinning face in front of me, one more minute, I would..... !!!!!!!!!
Poor 'Uncle A.'! He said he had asked me if it would bother me, to turn debate on and I had said no. He turned it to something else and I simmered down.
Ugh... Ugh... Ugh... Can't stand to look at the *Grinning Old Fool Veep,* or the self-satisfied *B.O. One,* at the top of the ticket.
look at the face on that kitty!!! I have tuned out all debates/campaigns/polls/bulls--t. I live in a swing state and the TV ads are obnoxious and tiresome. nuff said. Have a fun weekend with your friends Donna. forget about politics! {{{hugs}}}
Well, we watched it and my poor TV got screamed at but Good!!Hahaaa... I hope to Never see Biden "grin" again!! He was SOO disrespectful! But Ryan's message got through... hughugs
We only partially watched the debate. We've been so exhausted at night that it's hard to concentrate on anything of a serious nature. It seems like Romney and Ryan are holding their own though, so that's good! :-)
LOVE this sweet kitty! Is it yours?
Enjoy the debate...and ...the popcorn. :)
Yes, I may need to keep some fine, single-barrel bourbon on hand too! To show a nod of respect to my KY neighbor, that is.
God bless Mr. Ryan!
It's ok you don't need to make excuses but it's fun hearing them :)
*HAHA* You are too funny, Miss Donna~ love the kitty!! Hope you enjoyed the debate... I think I fell asleep somewhere in the middle. I can't stay awake for nuthin' these days! *yawn*(giggle)
Love the sweet kitty, Donna. Hope you enjoy the popcorn, er the debate! Have a great weekend. (((hugs))) Jo
Enjoy all!
Especially after the *dreaded* getting house in order stuff is done! -chuckle- That is not enjoyment here, either. ,-)
Btw, we had some of the Debate on, after he came home from a meeting. I kept reading, but looked up, now and then.
Then........ I blew......... If I had to have that &**(&^$&*&(* grinning face in front of me, one more minute, I would..... !!!!!!!!!
Poor 'Uncle A.'! He said he had asked me if it would bother me, to turn debate on and I had said no. He turned it to something else and I simmered down.
Ugh... Ugh... Ugh... Can't stand to look at the *Grinning Old Fool Veep,* or the self-satisfied *B.O. One,* at the top of the ticket.
I blogged about a conversation I got into with some HS friends of mine...smh.....Tim and Will had bbq!
look at the face on that kitty!!! I have tuned out all debates/campaigns/polls/bulls--t. I live in a swing state and the TV ads are obnoxious and tiresome. nuff said. Have a fun weekend with your friends Donna. forget about politics! {{{hugs}}}
Well, we watched it and my poor TV got screamed at but Good!!Hahaaa...
I hope to Never see Biden "grin" again!! He was SOO disrespectful! But Ryan's message got through...
Awwww. Cute little kitty!
We only partially watched the debate. We've been so exhausted at night that it's hard to concentrate on anything of a serious nature. It seems like Romney and Ryan are holding their own though, so that's good! :-)
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