Sunday, December 30, 2012

 Our Buddy enjoying his Christmas toy...

 Granddaughter Ruth Ann...

 Granddaughter Samantha...

 Grandson William...

 Son in Law Tim...

Daughter Crystal...
Need a closer view?  Click on pictures...

Wow wow and double wow....The last two weeks have gone by in a whirlwind!!  Can't remember the last time we had a day all to ourselves without having to buy something, go somewhere, work, cook, decorate, or blow our noses...My favorite holiday of them All is Christmas but I Swear, this year, I don't think I even came Close to getting in the spirit of things!  THAT is a NEVER for me!  Hubby's Mom went through her surgery just fine and for a few days her dizziness was gone...mission accomplished, or so we thought.  The dizziness is back.  Now what...Who can find out?  Well, not us apparently.  The Dr's office isn't answering his phone so I guess we play the waiting game again...
My Aunt Josephine passed away on the 26th...(94).  She had a full life and tons of people who love her....She was my last Aunt to cross over...You know, I'm only 61...Where'd Everybody Go????Hahaaa....geeeez.....
Well, guess I'll get busy doing Something...A nice hot coffee would be a great start to things.
Enjoy your day guys!!


Jill said...

My goodness! Everyone in your family has the most amazing, beautiful eyes!

I'm so sorry about the loss of your aunt. When I lost my Mom at 43, she was the last to go. It's tough wihtout aunts, uncles and parents. I'm here for you though. Anytime. :)

Jeanette said...

Wow is right. Christmas just flew by! You have a beautiful family, Donna! I'm sorry for the loss of your aunt but yes, she did have a long and full life! Happy New Year, buddy!

Ann said...

Beautiful shots of the family. So sory to hear about your aunt. Maybe now that the holidays are over you can take a breather

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

What a gorgeous family, you have!!!

Sorry for the 'bumps in the road' at Christmas Time, though...

Gentle hugs...

bichonpawz said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous eyes!! Love these pics! I cannot believe how quickly Christmas went either. My condolences on your Aunt's passing.

Sally said...

I'm sorry about your aunt, Donna. :(

Again, let me say; Your family, each and every one, so beautiful and handsome. :)

Great photo's.

I hope 2013 will be good to all of you. We shall see!


A Colorful World said...

Christmas did take a lot out of me, but most exertion does anymore, but it was a real blessing. Hope yours was as well.

We have a lot to concern us about the coming year, and I pray it won't be as bad as we are expecting. All my best, dear blogger friend!

SUGAR MOON said...

Beautiful family. I didn't realize you had another granddaughter. She is just as beautiful as Samantha. Happy New Year!!!

Dawn said...

You know I think you have the most beautiful family, including your hubby and yourself. :)

Wow, I am so sorry to hear about hubby's mother. Sounds like round 3, is it ?!? On trying to figure out what is wrong. Poor grandma.

Then, I am sorry to hear about your Aunt's passing. Aunts are so important to us. I don't have any left either and I will be 50 in 2013.

I am wishing you a Happy New Year that is filled with Love, Joy and Happiness along with Prosperity. xoxo

Anvilcloud said...

A great looking group, but where are you?

Happy New Year.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...


I'm sure you have already done this but...... Wondering about a Net Search, for possible causes of this dizziness, in an older person...

On good net sites of course! There are some weird sites, wanting to sell weird stuff. But I do tend to trust ones like the mayo clinic, etc.

I say this, because back when one of my daughter's in law's father was simply wasting away in hospital, and docs couldn't seem to figure out what was wrong.... His Mom read an article about Gluten Intolerance. And sure enough, that's what he had. And dealing with it, brought him back to health.

"Patient, heal thyself" and all that jazzzz.

Happy New Year's Eve, to you, my Dear Blogging Friend!

Crystal said...

Where'd everybody go?! LOLOL!!!!! I love it. I sure am glad I can find the humor in crossing over now. Thanks for helping with that Mammy. Good to know u'll be with us at least 50 more years too!!!!

Crystal said...


Jenny said...

We had a good time for Christmas but I'm glad it's over and done! Sorry to hear of the health problems with the old ones. God bless you, Donna!

Sandy Trefger said...

Yep, Christmas came and went in a blur! Though the trees are still up and all the decorations too. Guess I'll try to pack them up this weekend. Sorry to hear about your Aunt. I lost my last living Aunt last year near Thanksgiving. How discouraging about your Mother-in-law, I do hope they figure it out. And you got a good looking family there. Great photos!
visit my blog @ sandy's crafty creations

Donna said...

Hey, I missed this post somehow! The portraits look splendid. Such pretty eyes, everywhere you look!

I'm sorry that your MIL is having health issues. Darn it all! I hope the doctor is back at work and trying to figure out what else could be going on.

And I am sorry for the loss of your aunt.

Dolores said...

Your family is beautiful/handsome!!!

I love the picture of your puppy enjoying the Christmas treat!

Happy New year my sweet friend!!!

Paula said...

WOW~ these pictures are all AWESOME, Miss Donna!!
I'm trying to get caught up with everyone... hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.