Friday, December 7, 2012


Geezzzz.....WHAT a DAY we had yesterday!  We've been busy at work  and , helping out with Hubby's Mom (was in hospital) and Dad (had flu) all week.  Been doing extra cooking for them as well... Last night around 10, Buddy comes running in and jumps up on the bed.  NEVER does he do that!  And THEN...the SMELL...OMGGGG....!!!!  Needless to say, Three baths later HE was huggable again....the HOUSE?  OMGGGG..... It's Horrible!  The smell has even ruined my flippin' Purse!  The attack happened right by our back patio door...I just don't know HOW I'll ever get the stench out!  If y'all have ANY good ideas, Please share!!
We're just Sick!Hahahaaa.....NEVER a dull moment around here!
Y'all try to enjoy your weekend...You KNOW what I'll be doing!


Paula said...

Just watched a show on PBS the other night about skunks~ it said if your dog gets sprayed, put a mixture of 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda, and a teaspoon of dish detergent (or liquid soap), and put it on the dog and leave it for 10 minutes then rinse.
Hope this helps, Miss Donna!!
(And sorry about the purse! BUMMER!)

Paula said...

Oh~ and wear gloves and keep it away from his eyes! (You probably already figured that out... ) ((HUGS))

Sandy Trefger said...

Ha,ha,ha. I laugh because the weekend before Thanksgiving this happened to one of our cats!! Hubby & I were out of town and our daughter was taking care of the cats and brought him IN the house to wash his face and then took him to the vet in MY van! Needless to say my house stank something awful but my van really stank bad. Stink, Stank, Stunk! Okay we did the peroxide, baking soda, dish soap wash on him 4 times and he was much better. BUT every night he'd come home smelling skunky again. We found where it happened---in a culvert by hubby's shop. Obviously the cat was still going through it and getting re-stinky again. For the house, I tried vinegar in bowls everywhere and that resulted in a pickled skunk smell! I finally found OdoBan at Home Depot and sprayed it a LOT and that helped plus the weather was nice and I left all the windows open all day. So now the smell is gone or we are used to it. Ha, ha. The van is better but still has an odd fragrance to it. Good luck!!
visit my blog @ sandy's crafty creations

Jeanette said...

That happened to our dog a long time ago. I swear, I could smell skunk in my house for 10 years! LOL! Sorry, I'm not being very encouraging, am I?

Sally said...

I hate this for you guys. :(

Ms. Becky said...

ooh, I feel for you. this is rich - just two days ago a friend was telling me about how a skunk had gotten her car and she cannot get the smell out. she's tried everything, short of burning it. I have no suggestions, other than tomato juice if it's to rid the dog of the smell but that seems to be taken care of. Be careful what you spray around your home though - you will be absorbing it for a good long time. Try burning a candle with essential oils? good luck Donna, but I know you'll figure it out! have a good weekend in spite of the drama!

Ann said...

oh no, that is a horrible smell. Years ago when we had skunks spray outside our house we got something from an exterminator that is supposed to get rid of the odor.

Jenny said...

Like Ms. Becky, tomato juice is what I've always heard! Don't know if it works! Rambo, my son's dog, always gets into trouble with skunks. He smells for WEEKS!!!! But then he's a big dog. Good luck! If Javier ever tangles with a skunk I'll just leave him OUTSIDE!!

GypsyFarmGirl said...

Oh my goodness, bless your heart. Im thankful our inside dogs have never got sprayed. On the positive side - you can go purse shopping this weekend!

SUGAR MOON said...

OMG!!! I had a German Shepherd that loved to kill skunks. I swear she liked the smell. I never did anything for her except leave her outside and in a day or two it was gone. If I didn't pen her up the instant it started to get dark I would smell a skunk. She loved it. lol Sorry for your troubles.

bichonpawz said...

Oh NOOOOOO Donna! This is just awful!!! AWFUL!! One of our dogs had a run in with a skunk in the pool room. The smell lasted YEARS. Seriously. Years. My daughter's dog that got sprayed last year...he smelled for at least a year. If you are still having a problem by the end of the weekend with getting the smell out of his fur, let me know...I may be able to send you something that will help!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Eeeeeeeeek!!! Don't have dogs or outdoor pets, so I don't have any ideas. But I'm sure some of your other Dear Readers will be able to help.

More and more troubling things happening, here and there. I am beginning to think there may be something to this "Crisis Energy"... At this time of year... The darkest time of the year, actually.

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and hugs.............

Donna said...

Thanks for all the advice!!! Friends are Wonderful!
We tried all the tips and the peroxide seemed to be the best so far...Then Larry went to Pets Smart and got something called Skunk...I kid you not...Hahaaa...Anyway, I finally just poured some into a bowl and placed it in the A/C air return, on the floor, and it seems to be helping. I've been a Washing Fool around her!!Hahaaa

Donna said...

It sounds like you've already heard about the magic of hydrogen peroxide. Our Buddy got a faint odor of skunk once and we had to wash him several times because he was allowed to come back in. I feel for you!

Anvilcloud said...

Apparently tomato juice helps, and I don't mean drinking it.

Dawn said...

That is awful !! Being a dog owner myself, I wouldn't want that to happen myself. I have heard tomato juice. But so have others. Wishing you the best !! *HUGS*

Brenda said...

I hope you get the PePe la'pew smell outta there soon. Cat gets around those pole cats every so often (Jax kills em) and I use the baking soda/peroxide and for the house aroma, the melting scented wax disguises it some. Along with sprinkling baking soda on carpets and vacuuming it up.

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.