Before Edits.....

After Edits....Color AND CLARITY!!!Hahaaa....I'm a slow learner.....

Before Edits...

After Edits....
Good Sunday afternoon everyone! SO sorry about not posting lately but Hubby had a PHCC (Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors) meeting in Harlengen, Texas Thursday and Friday. That's WAY down South, almost to the border of Texas. We drove...8 hours one way on Thursday...8 hours back again, on Saturday morning. It was a long haul but we made it, AND, where EVER Hubby goes, Wife (me) must follow! I know, I know...it's simply NOT fair for wives to have to do this sort of thing BUT, If I want him to keep cooking on the weekends, just call me "She Who Must Obey"...Hahaaa....yeppers.
For those of you that follow me on FaceBook, I'm sorry you must be subjected to these photos again...but! I didn't show Before and After's over there but am doing so, here. The day was very cloudy and damp but I still got some good shots. I'm still trying to learn how to get more clarity when using the camera and PhotoShopEle10, so bare with me. What I HAVE learned to do is to add color! What fun that is....I like photos that have light added to them but NOT those that are SOOOO light, all you can see are people's eyes and lips!! You've seen those edits here on the web...That's not for me...I'm all about Color...and an occasional black and white or vintage shot.
Well, I'm still doing laundry and trying to find the energy to get things ready for work tomorrow. Hope you all have a great Monday!!