If you're a pet owner, I'll bet you've spent many a day cooking to an audience. Oh yes, it's the same at our house. Rattle one utensil and it's on! This is the daily scene in our kitchen...Buddy and Libby know their rights. When we cook, we always make enough for the "babies". A little bit mind you, but still, enough for a taste. I have never believed that animals can exist on solely, dry dog or cat food! All of my babies have had long lives...never less than 15 years and as old as 18 years old. Having pets on nothing but a "dry" food causes all sorts of hair, bone, and skin (among some) problems. Lazy Doctors blame most itching on allergies...well, they are partially right...wheat, oats, etc. in the dry foods are not good! Instead of putting them on all sorts of allergy meds, change their eating habits...Wonder what we'd look like after several years on a "dry" diet?!! Spring is springing around here...at least it's trying to. Seventies one day and forties the next. Crazy weather. We won't have steady temps for another few weeks. Well, hope you're having a peaceful and happy Thursday...I'll be around soon to check on you!
Well, it's time to get the homemade vanilla going. I try to make enough to last the year. Too easy! Buy a fifth of vodka, 10 to 15 vanilla beans...slice beans straight down the middle and wiggle it open...drop into the vodka...close the cap and, wait...weeks...months...I gently shake it every few weeks to stir it. When it's as dark and strong as you like it, start using it. It's not an exact science.
When Larry and I went to visit the kids in Magnolia, they took us to the CheeseCake Factory...You know, the place where Penny works (Big Bang). Anyway, the food was terrific and pricey. The cheesecake was wonderful! Rich in so many ways!
Can you say the babies miss their mom? Oh yeah...it's tough but we're slowly adjusting.
Very fancy...outside and inside!
But Lordy, the cheesecake was good!
AND the carrot cake... Sorry for the dark photos...just too lazy to do the edits. I have REALLY got to get with things! Have you ever been tired of being tired? Well, coming over to check on you all....Have a super day!
Ok...you're allowed to be shocked...two post in a matter of days...I get it. But I just knew you'd want to know that on Saturday, I had a wonderful breakfast of onioned scrambled eggs. Larry also took us to the famous Walmart for essentials. Then...as if in my heart I knew he'd provide more entertainment for us, we ended up at Lula Jane's for cinnamon rolls, bacon and cheese scones and coffee. But the piste de resistance' (great French, hey?) were the two French Bulldogs. Very friendly and super nosey...The one on the right just stared at me...continuously. He wanted my cinnamon roll. I know he did. He tried exercising a "mind meld" maneuver on me...I felt the power of it! And just as it was beginning to work, Larry saved me by exclaiming it was time to get moving! Saved! I stuffed the last of the roll in my mouth, gulped the last of my coffee and we split! Geeezzz louise! Here's hoping your weekend has been filled with exciting plans!
Hello from crazy land! A month is ridiculous! It's just been busy here...weekend visits to see the kids, them returning last weekend...voting...watching the returns...work...pooped out! Everything except blogging. I don't even get on Facebook much...pitiful! Oh well, if anyone reads this it'll be a miracle. But that's ok... This election year is just nuts here in the USA. Trump, Cruz...Rubio...We voted Cruz but I don't know if he'll make it...I don't know how any of this is going to end up...It's affecting the business because everyone is frightened...I just wish time would speed up and all this uncertainty would be over! Even Libby looks scared (above photo)!Hahaaa....Oh well...it is what it is... Hope you all are doing well and are safe and happy! Coming to check on you...