Friday, December 29, 2017


Our daughter's pup, Bo
Our daughter Crystal's boxer, Toby, and our pug, Libby acting like they are the Food Police!

When you've had enough turkey, roast and stews...Fried Chicken and fries to the rescue!

Toby the Boxer weights 70 pounds...but he refuses to be outdone in the lap sitting competition...

Well, Christmas has, yet again, come and gone.  It's my favorite time of the year.  People are kinder...more smiles coming at you from complete strangers.  Family visiting...the Christmas smells...the lights...laughter. 
We are Pup Sitting while all the kiddos go skiing in Colorado...and Larry's now sick with a cold.  I'm just trying to get the house organized again.
We had a good Christmas and hope you did to.....