Those round balls are their version of hash browns...shredded hash browns mixed with mashed potatoes with seasonings. Pretty good. |
French toast with strawberry butter |
Granted...they were large biscuits! |
Larry did ribs for Sunday lunch... |
I made the buttered noodles with garlic, bell pepper, tomato and parmesan cheese |
A close up of the noodles...I know you needed a better view...Hahaaa |
Good Morning!
It was our granddaughter's 24th birthday on the 23rd of February and her birthday request was to eat at Chip & JoAnne Gaines', Magnolia Table on the Circle, here in Waco, Texas. Okay then...If that's what Baby wants, that's what Baby gets.
Larry and I, being in a family plumbing business, have our reasons as to why the very thought of giving the Gaines' any money for anything, leaves a sick feeling in the pit on one's stomach...I won't go into it but it's fair to say, being in the plumbing business...we got left at the alter...not their total $$$$$ invoice buttt...1/3rd left still owing. SO, Okay...I'll go into it...Hahaa... Chipper went around Larry and paid a visit to Larry's retired dad (then 85ish), presented a check and basically said, take it or leave it...of course, he took it...their flip and flop show depended on our taking it...I'm still pissed...buttt, oh well. Karma will visit one day.
SO...back to the birthday... Sam enjoyed her breakfast (we arrived in the rain at 5:45 AM to get in line...waited about 20 minutes...then were herded in. I must say the food was good...coffee...good...pancakes...good...biscuits good...couldn't find a thing wrong with it and believe me, I was looking. The waiter was very nice and even presented Sam with a birthday cookie...nice!
The bill came...for four people...one pancake breakfast, one french toast breakfast, two biscuit & gravy breakfast, a hot chocolate and two coffees... and a water...$109.00, $10 dollar tip included.
Did Sam love it? Yes she did...Is that what counts? Yes it is...and we'd do it again. But...y'all need to pray for me. Really...We weren't the only shop they left unpaid in town, or so we heard. Or just "settled" with...I just need to get over it. Larry keeps telling me to...Lotta' good that's doing. We also have not been downtown to see the SILO's...oh well.
Did you have any trouble getting up this morning because of the time change?
Stay warm or cool, where ever you are my friends!