Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Finding some Mojo...

 I'm really trying to find my mojo...I keep telling myself to just get Up!  Move...I find this time, to be harder than ever.  I asked Larry to take me over to Heritage Homestead for a coffee...they make a really good cappuccino so that's what I ordered.  We sat down by a window and just enjoyed the country scenery.  While we were out, I received a call from our next door  neighbor asking if I could come over and sit with his wife while he ran to town to get the car worked on.  No problem...I do this on occasion when he needs a break.  Gweny has Alzheimer's...and she seems to be getting worse every time I sit with her.  We've been friends for 48 years...this is so hard, watching her leave us, quietly...fading away. 

Well, I'll get on with the day instead of making you sad...Have a sweet day.  Coming to check on you.

             Gas was $3.49 at this one 7 Eleven!  Larry filled up.

Our daughter Crystal and SIL Tim waiting to fly back to Houston from visiting our grandson Tylar, on TDY (Air Force) from Hungary. 

Our granddaughter Samantha and her hubby, Everett.  Baby Sloane is expected to make her debut August 9th...MY birthday, exactly!  I'm excited... 

Breakfast on Monday

Breakfast on Tuesday, pancakes with lemon juice and powdered sugar...German style.

Monday's lunch, hamburger with mushroom sauce.

Sami with her SIL Cassidy and her new little boy.

My neighbor Gweny...

OurPuglet, Libby


Jeanette said...

I hear you on trying to find your mojo! Mine's been missing for a while now! Gas was around $3.67 down south and here in MI it's $3.99! Grrrr! Look how sweet your mama-to-be granddaughter looks! I'm so excited for you, buddy! I'm sorry about your friend. That is so sad! All your food looks so delicious as usual!

Mari said...

I need to find my mojo today too. So far I haven't accomplished much today.
Your family is so beautiful!
It was nice of you to spend some time with Gwenny. Alzheimers is so sad.
Our gas is $3.85.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm sorry to hear about your neighbor. I love the pillow she is holding...and believe with all my heart. Your cappuccino looks so good, and sometimes that's just what we need, a good cup of coffee. Looking out the window at a country scenery while enjoying coffee is even better. This is a sweet picture of your daughter and granddaughter. Your breakfast and lunch dishes look delicious. I am drooling over those pancakes.

Have a blessed week.


NanaDiana said...

What a wonderful post full of life and pictures, Donna. I am so sorry for your neighbor. My own mother had dementia and lived with us for four years. I would not wish that on anyone. It is such a sad, sad disease.

Your family is beautiful and I am sure you are excited about baby Sloane coming (hope it is on your birthday). xo Diana

Bill said...

That's nice that you sit with your neighbor as her husband goes out to do errands. It must be very hard to see your friend slipping away.
That's great that baby Sloane is expected to arrive for your birthday, what a great present that will be. Whenever I take a break from blogging I find it extremely hard to get back in to it but somehow I do. Enjoy your week, Donna.

Lin said...

Its nice that you help your friends out, even if it hurts to see Gweny slipping away. It means so much to him, I'm sure. You are a true friend.

Your family is so lovely!

Ann said...

You're not alone on the search for mojo. Mine has been missing quite a lot lately

Sandra Cox said...

Love that meme:) I always enjoy your foodie and family pics.
Hope you and your mojo hook up soon.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hugs to Gweny and what a blessing to be able to sit with her. Such a sweet smile.
I loved all your beverages, food and smiling faces. I'm a big fan of a large breakfast. In the winter we have them at supper time. We'll be going to First Watch for breakfast on 4/27 to celebrate my husband's birthday.
I always have a little salad with my 1000 Island Dressing.
Hugs Cecilia

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh dear, so sorry that Gweny is not doing well but how nice for her husband that he can call you to sit with her when he needs a minute. Sami looks so good and I do SO HOPE that darling little one is born on your birthday! But even if she isn't, what a day that will be! I LOVE to sit in coffee shops and loll over a cuppa and look out the window! One of my favorite things to do, which I don't get to do often enough! As always your meals look too good to be TRUE! I love that you cook and eat REAL food for REAL people! Love you xoxo

Sandra Cox said...

Hope Baby Sloane makes his debut on your bday:)

Jenny the Pirate said...

BTW I JUST REALIZED that in an answer on my blog to one of your comments (I don't know if you came back and saw it), I said that I had not been in Texas since 1982 (because I think you thought that I'd been near Waco when we went to Oklahoma last month, and didn't look you up, but we were not and I would never fail to look you up if I were anywhere near you), but I LIED! It was not on purpose! I just remembered that the last time I was in Texas was actually August of 2007, when we were in San Antonio for Andrew's graduation from BMT! At any rate, you can be assured that if I ever do make it to the Lone Star State, I will show up on your doorstep! xoxo