This is heartbreaking…This is my granddaughter, Samantha’s, best friend, Raygen and her husband Michael. They’d been SO happy only a few days ago…now their son, Sutton, is gone.
Please say a prayer for them…💗🌷💗
Raygen writes……💙
Our sweet Sutton went to be with Jesus this evening. He is resting in the arms of our Lord. He fought the good fight, and now he’s our perfect guardian angel💙
Selfishly, I wish we could have kept him here with us forever, but his little body was so tired.
He is so handsome, so loved, so perfect. He made it way longer than they thought he would, and exceeded many expectations in his few days on earth. Every single second we got with him was an amazing blessing, and I’m so grateful for all the moments we spent with him. I cannot thank the NICU team enough for taking such good care of our boy, and us too. Those ladies are true angels on this earth.
Sutton Zane is the best gift I’ve ever received, and my proudest accomplishment, and I’m beyond proud to be his mama. 💙 I’m so thankful to have had his Daddy by my side through all of this. He is my rock. Please continue prayers for our family in the days that lie ahead. 💙