Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Fries...Mice, Quilt, Sloane and Zwilling

Good morning, Friends...Just stopping in to let you know everything is okay with Marie, across the street... (read my last post).  I guess she never even saw the A/C van parked out in front of our house. Nothing's been said in person or on Facebook...She hasn't befriended
Hopefully, all is well...
I hope all of you are doing good?  I pray so...


Leg quarters and fries for lunch...

Cinnamon rolls baked in the air fryer for breakfast.

Pork and corn with green beans another day...

This recipe looks easy!  I'll be trying it...  Let me know if you do, as well!

Playing with stitches on the sewing machine...Larry said they looked like ticks...I had to do some

Trying to finish the quilt.  It's been one thing after another and some laziness on my part...

Sloane had an ear infection again...and she has tubes...Maybe soon, she'll outgrow this?  Hope so.

Sam picking her up at the end of the day...feeling much better.  We always hate to see them leave...

I did an AI photo of our turned out almost like her!

I also did one of our Buddy...I never could get one to look like him and he's certainly not a puppy at 14!


I love my Zwilling device!  I ordered extra bags from Amazon. The device is sold there as well.

Well...that's about it for me, this week...I know...a bit boring but I'm really thankful it's been boring.  I had a YAG laser posterior capsulotomy done on my Right eye last Friday and will have the Left one done, this Friday.  All it does is clean the lens of scar tissue which had caused my vision to be a little misty white. Took about 10 seconds to do with the pain...sitting up position...clothes on!  The wait took an hour and a half!!!  (not every patient was there for a YAG procedure) Larry called it, a cattle call!  One patient after another...Hopefully, the wait time will be shorter this next appointment is at 8:25am. The other was at 11:05am. Wish me luck...If you are experiencing the same, ask your doctor about a YAG procedure.  It helps clear things up.
Have a great rest of the week and stay safe...until next time!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

God sent His Angel...A/C Dilemma, Yogurt and Hot Air.

Good morning, Friends...It's been a little busier around here, than usual.  Our air conditioner coils are leaking and Larry doesn't want to replace them.  Almost $3000 just for the coil labor...and if anything else goes wrong with the a/c, more money, so...we are getting a new complete unit.  The guy starts on it today.  
Larry has been mowing our across the street neighbor's lawn, now for almost three years.  The husband (Al) owned an air conditioning business.  Before he passed away, he asked Larry to just be there if his wife Marie, needed help.  Well, Larry just started mowing her lawn, no charge.  And we are there if she needs anything else.  Well, that's the dilemma...
The last time one of Marie's techs (Al's brother) came to refill the freon (because it has a slow leak no one told us about it) Larry asked him to please work us up an estimate on a new unit.  Well, that was over 2 months ago and still no word.  Well...we then called a company called Jacobs-Cathey.  We worked with them a lot in all the years we worked in our plumbing business... (now we are retired, and Larry's brother and wife are running it).  Well, that was about two weeks ago...Larry went there personally to talk with them...they apologized and said the tech must have just gotten busy and forgot to turn the work sheet in.  ok...that estimate turned out to be over $11 thousand dollars...(grabbing my chest).  SO he called an a/c guy that our daughter and granddaughter had worked for years ago...Bailey AC.  He called Larry back about an hour later...came by an hour after that and had our bid for $8300 in less than 30 minutes.
Now...When Marie see's Bailey AC in our driveway...what do I tell her??  I know she's going to be upset about us using someone else.  
Larry said to just tell her the truth...her tech never got back to us..."it's business", he said.  I know she's going to be upset...I'll let you know how it turns out...say a prayer for peaceful waters.  We've had enough shocks this week...

We stopped at our favorite Chinese food joint...They are cheap and give you enough food for several days!  This was Larry's Chicken Fried Rice...

Waiting for our order...

After we got home, Samantha called asking if we could pick our Sloane up from daycare...they were going car shopping and didn't think Sloane would do well.  We picked her up at 2pm and they picked her back up around 9:30pm.  Nope...too long a wait for a baby.

We had a fun time and a change of her banana all over herself...I missed the piece on her

A new project all folded away when I get through with the quilt...hopefully, soon! lol
The material I found is so sweet...

I made air fryer Cornish hen...

I made Instant Pot yogurt...Seriously good!!  I never knew that the longer you leave the yogurt to ferment, the tangier the taste!  SO, I left it for just 6 hours and talk about delicious!!  Vanilla...
The other photo was my Lemon chicken...

Here's an upgraded plastic bag blower Larry made!  It works great and I can easily wash and dry them now.  Too darn expensive to throw away!

I made Chicken Salad...delicious if you like a sweet salad.  
Grapes, chicken chunks, mayonnaise, mustard, slivered almonds and about 2 cups of Cool Whip.  Mix well and refrigerate.
Serve on your favorite bread.

Well, that's about it for me...Hope you all are all well and safe.  Please pray for America...and the families of the shooting that happened this past Sunday.  Thank God President Trump turned his head...ever so slightly.  Pray for unity...and a peaceful election.

So... until next time...

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Collages...Will, Tim, and PF Chang

Good morning, Friends...I thought I'd try out collages since I have a tendency to post a lot of photos... ( I heard that! lol ).  
Sloane and cousin, Arlis out to watch the fireworks.

Our sweet grandson, William, came for a really quick visit.  He showed up on Wednesday but had to leave on Friday because his truck kept stalling out.  He wanted to get back to Cabot, Arkansas, to the AF base where he's stationed.  If repairs took too long to do here, it would present a problem with him getting back by Sunday for work on Monday.  He said there's a repair shop on base he'd rather use, just to be safe.  Our baby took his testing for Staff Sergeant (E5) a while ago and will hear results in August. 

Our Sloane and Uncle William

William's fur baby, sweet.  He found her in the pound and rescued her...for some reason, black dogs have trouble getting adopted...I can't imagine why...she's adorable and smart!

Will leaving and our little daredevil, Sloane.  She's not quite 2 yet but doesn't let that stop her!  Doesn't need Momma to help her once she gets the hang of something.

Mommy Sam and Sloane

This is so cool!

We went to PF Chang's yesterday...We won't be going again.  It wasn't the was the food...and the food all over the floor...and the waitstaff.  It was like walking into an old Taco Bell...I know most Asian restaurants put MSG in the food...okay, no problem...but the amount of ginger?  Overpowering!  Strong!  It's supposed to be orange chicken, not "Slap yo' Momma Silly, Hot Ginger chicken"...Then, while cleaning tables, we watched the young man wipe all the crumbs from the tables onto the floor!  Who does that??? Anyway, when leaving, I told Larry to watch where he stepped...That's all we need is for one of us to slip and fall.  I kid you was that bad.  I wished I'd shot a photo of it but, we just wanted out. 

I made William his favorite, sausage gravy and biscuits.

Ribs and Sweet Bacon Beans

Air fryer chicken and smashed potatoes

Well...I guess that's about it for me this week.  Hope you all made it through the storms.  We got a
little rain but not much.  Daughter and SIL Tim, got a lot...they live close to Houston and we're just now finding out they have no power...over 2 million are once again, without power!  Houston is shut down...Tim said he had a generator wired into the house about a month ago, so they do have lights and air...thank God...Crystal hasn't said a word about the no power thing!  Bad girl!  Didn't want us to worry...Tim will be heading home again when he's done doing whatever he
 Tim (SIL) just paid us a surprise visit on his way to another job.  He works for Praxair.

So, until next time...


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Joy...Project, Potatoes and Fajitas

Happy Independence Day, America!
May we always remain free...

Good morning, friends...Hope you all are doing well.  Not much happening on our home front except doctor visits.   Larry had his 2nd round of BCG treatments Monday morning, once a week, for 3 weeks...I was ready for any adverse responses this time around!  He woke up next day, just fine.

Bright spot!  Sloane and Sam spent the weekend with Sloane's Lolli and Pops.  They had a blast.  It was non-stop fun.  There's so much to do in Magnolia, Tx (suburb of Houston) and surrounding areas.

Sloane and Pops... <3 


Mommy and Sloane...

Cooling things

Nothing like cold watermelon on a hot Summer's day.

We ate out at a small cafe called Muffin's Cafe in Marlin, Texas last Saturday.  These were the hash browns we were served...Paper thin and fried...delicious!  We've never had them like this before...maybe something I can duplicate here at home.

If you're Not a quilter or might want to just skip on past this pattern and electric machine stuff... :oO



Getting ready to finish up on my blue quilt so I can start my new project.  Everything's in its bin...just waiting for me to get off my duff and get busy.  My next project in the top photo is the original pattern of a ribbon...I thought it looked out of sorts so, I changed the design to make the middle tie area and edges, larger and more realistic...for a bow block.  I'm still trying to decide about the top edges, R and L.  
Do you like page A or B

Just some scrap material to tr things out...Love it!  And it will cut up to 6 layers of material!  Just realize that if you buy a die machine, you get a free die with it but if you want more, you'll need to buy them, ranging between $15 up to $300 or more dollars.

My wrists ache trying to cut all the blocks for quilts and such.  I found this marvelous machine at Accuquilt.  It's a Godsend.  If you are a quilter then you know how long it can take to cut out your patterns.  That's 3/4 the battle!  And you want complete accuracy...I played around with it yesterday and it worked great.  My Go Big model wasn't cheap but the hand crank models are more moderately priced. They have different types of machines...mostly with hand cranks.  I just needed the electric machine.  Early birthday gift from Larry! lol
Click here to go to YouTube to check out the machine for yourself, if interested!

My material for the Ribbon Blocks.  I'm gifting it to our granddaughter, Samantha...

Don't forget the fur babies and fireworks!!  It scares them!!

We went to Rosebud, Tx to a quilting store called The Fabric Barn.  I could spend all day in a fabric store! lol
While we were in town, I saw a place that sold these Mocha Frappuccino's.  Wonderful!  It was already 88 degrees out...   

Lastly, Larry felt like cooking fajitas.  They were really good.
Well guys...guess that's it for me this week.  Hope you all are well and happy.
So...until next time...