Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Early Voting ... Carnival, Birthday Video and CurbSide.

Good morning. Friends... Well, I'm back, trying to get a post out in between doctor visits. My eye surgery went well and I'm slowly healing.  There's a gas bubble in my eye that needs to absorb, and it is...slowly!  It's now the size of a dime...and makes focusing a bit tricky.  I will see the doctor again in one month.  The bubble must be completely gone before he'll cut my green Warning bracelet off...a necessary pain in the patootie.  I can't go skydiving...climb a mountain or do anything that changes the pressure in my eye.  No airplane rides...nothing.
He had a patient that ignored his repeated warnings and went mounting hiking.  He went up the mountain, a seeing man, and came down the other side...blind.  I don't think I'll be disobeying Doc.

Sloane painting her pumpkin for Halloween...

She is really into it! Lolol...sweet baby!

All Done!  

I bought her a cat basket...it'll be filled with goodies...

Samantha, Sloane and Everett...

I had made a chocolate pie (half blind) for Larry's 77th birthday.

Sloane sings Happy Birthday to Gampa! lolol
We loved it!!

Here, he was 34

Larry made us some garlic chicken and sweet potatoes...yum!

                                           And a cheese and tomato pie...

Then later in the 2nd week, we tried out Curbside service at out HEB grocery store.  I love it!!  No more fighting the crowds!

I had made this traditional chow the day before surgery.  Turned out okay...but I'll be hunting a new recipe.

Then I made sweet beans and air fryer chicken.

Larry made cream potatoes and roast.

And finally, yesterday we ate out for breakfast...I'm now able to sit upright!  Yeah Me!

It was a bit of a challenge to vote...we now have paper ballots...so you have to color in each candidate with the black ink pen...but I did it.
Please don't sit this election out!  Go Vote!

Well, hopefully, I'll see you next week but if not, soon after.
Have a wonderful week!


Mari said...

Hi! Nice to see you again. Hope that bubble goes away quickly! Glad you are listening to your Dr.
Happy belated birthday to Larry. The pie looks good.
Sloane is as cute as ever and she's really growing!
We voted too. Now we pray for the outcome.

Ann said...

So glad to hear your surgery went well. I can't believe anyone would risk blindness and ignore a doctors warnings. That's rather sad.
Once again you've made me hungry with all the food you posted.

Bill said...

Glad the surgery went fine and now time will help your eye heal. Looks like Sloane is ready for Halloween, love her painted pumpkin. Take it easy, have some of that great looking food. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good to hear that your eye surgery went well. Now you just have to curb your appetite for sky diving or hiking up mountains! Sloane did a great job painting her pumpkin! Yes we will vote on election day!!

Chatty Crone said...

Love your blog - and I am so glad you are okay from your surgery. Your food looks delicious.
I voted for Trump too and Mari is right - now we pray.

Dianna said...

Donna, it is so good to see a post from you again! I've continued to pray for you and have been wondering how you are doing. Be sure and keep Larry around! When a man can cook like he does to take care of his dear wife, he needs to be kept for sure! As always, all of the food pictures (both of what he made and what you made) look delicious! And I'm so glad that you have no intentions of disobeying your doctor! Hugs to you, my friend.

dori said...

Dear Donna, best wishes for the healing of your eye! You are brave and I see, that you don't forget to laugh and also to make us smile :)! Sweet Sloane makes happiness! She painted an amazing pumpkin! She looks VERY nice! My congratulations to Larry - he was and IS an attractive person! In Crystal's Blog I saw newborn Sloane... I included her already in my heart.. I love the cheese and tomato pie...
Hope your land has a good choice!
Many greetings and blessings to you and to all your family from Dori from the Bavarian Forest!

dori said...

Liebe Donna, alles Gute zur Heilung deines Auges! Du bist tapfer und ich sehe, dass du nicht vergisst zu lachen und uns auch zum Lächeln zu bringen :)! Die süße Sloane macht glücklich! Sie hat einen tollen Kürbis bemalt! Sie sieht SEHR hübsch aus! Meine Glückwünsche an Larry – er war und IST ein attraktiver Mensch! In Crystals Blog habe ich die neugeborene Sloane gesehen... ich habe sie bereits in mein Herz geschlossen... Ich liebe den Käse- und Tomatenkuchen...
Hoffe, dein Land hat eine gute Wahl!
Viele Grüße und Segen an dich und deine ganze Familie von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are back. I have been praying for you and that all goes well. I also had a macular hole repaired june10th of this year. I am concerned that the other eye may develop same problem. It was explained to me that it just happens to some people with the vitreous separation. Thankful you are out and about. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Nice poster of Trump and so true, the country's economy can't take four years of that cackling ninny, not to mention the forever wars. It is more imperative for the world as well for Americans to vote. Nice pumpkin paint job, for sure there is a swanky celebrity art gallery somewhere that would welcome this abstract art.

Margaret D said...

How wonderful to have the operation over and done with and still recovering with your gas bubble - good luck and take care.
Love Sloane's pumpkin, she has done a wonderful job - your cooking looks good as does Larry's, a handy man to have indeed.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Glad your are back and the eye surgery went well. Take it easy with the recovery. Missed you lots.

Jeanette said...

Hey! Nice to see you back! I'm glad your eye is healing and hope you get the bracelet off soon! OMG Sloane singing Happy Birthday to Gampa is so stinking cute! You and Larry make such scrumptious looking food! Rich and I did early voting this year too. I normally like to go on election day because I feel all patriotic and stuff but it's safer to vote early this year! I don't trust the other side to not pull some kind of shenanigan before November 5th!

Shug said...

Sloan has the cutest painted pumpkin...I hope you save the picture for her to see in later years. My husband had this kind of eye surgery and had to be so very careful due to the bubble. Praying everything heals well for you. You sure have some great looking dishes here..made me hungry. I am going to vote tomorrow!! ❤️🇺🇸

Jenny the Pirate said...

That out-to-breakfast is FIRE my friend! Ugh I cannot tell you how much I love to go out and eat pancakes. As soon as I wear this dress for Audrey's wedding, I'm going to do that! Dagny and I have big plans for the two weeks her mother is away on her honeymoon. We're doing everything from photo shoots to fashion shows, and taking in a few new eating places. We're stoked. Sloane's song for Gampa nearly took me OUT. The sweetness is almost unbearable. And her pumpkin is so avant garde! I think there's a budding artist in there. What a handsome devil your Larry is! And wow y'all can he ever COOK! You two are a force to be reckoned with individually but as a couple you are intrepid! Especially in the kitchen! I want me some roast and cream potatoes now! I voted on Monday and now we will just keep on praying for #TRUMP2024 xoxo

photowannabe said...

Yay !! Glad to see you Upright and Healing. Prayers for the gas bubble to go away completely.
Oh, your Sloane is so adorable. Love her singing to her Gampa...
We are voting early too. Let's get this thing done!!

acorn hollow said...

What a relief it must be to have the surgery behind you and you are healing.
Your little grand is so sweet and I love her artwork
I would take pie over cake anyway for my birthday.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see this post from you and catch-up with how things are going. I do hope the bubble goes away quickly, so important to follow your Doctors instructions!
Belated birthday wishes to Larry.
Lovely photographs of your sweet Sloane and I loved the video, I'm still smiling now :)

Take care, sending lots of good wishes to you.

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

Hope you get your bracelet off soon. Also hope Sloane gets lots of candy. I noticed that Beetle Juice pumpkin. I loved the new movie. Sure hope Trump gets in. God help us all if he does not. Janice

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm glad that your eye surgery went well, and it's healing nicely. Sloane's painted pumpkin is delightful. I hope it last for a couple of months. That chocolate pie you made for Larry looks Yummy! All the food on here looks really good, especially the garlic chicken and sweet potatoes. The cream potatoes look delicious too. It's no fun fighting the crowds at the grocery store. Glad to hear you found a new way of shopping. Take care, Donna, and I hope all goes well next month at the eye appt.


Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Donna - just catching up on your posts. So glad your eye surgery went well and praying that the bubble dissolves sooner than later. Adored the video of Sloane singing Happy Birthday to Larry. How precious. Well take care and yes do follow the doctor's orders. Hugs!

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday to your best nurse ever. I'm sure he did not even complain when those bithday skydiving plans had to be cancelled! Hope your voting ballot did not look like Sloane's pumpkin. Any reason to not count it (just sayin). Thanks for the reminder to vote!! Take it easy until that bubble is gone for good!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I’m glad to hear that your eye surgery went well and that you are taking good care of yourself. I cannot imagine someone going against doctor’s wishes and going hiking after eye surgery. They’re not fooling around when they tell you to take it easy. That type of thing is in my future, I’m sure, but I certainly will be following instructions to a T.

Linda said...

Awwww.....Sloane is something else, precious. smiles. Wishing you a fast recovery, my friend.

DeniseinVA said...

Wise doctor! I have never heard of that before and I hope this goes away real soon. Must be very frustrating. Skydiving ? Not in my wildest dreams, lol! I loved little Sloane painting her pumpkin, and a sweet one with her mom and dad. Great photo of Larry, and a Happy Birthday! Your food always looks yummy. Thanks for the reminder to vote.

Lin said...

I'm glad they make you wear the bracelet so you (and nobody else) forgets how serious the eye bubble is! I think being a good patient is key to recovery. No use fooling around climbing mountains or anything. We voted early as well.

Linda said...

God bless you! Praying for your recovery. You and Larry are such a great couple and your Sloane is absolutely adorable!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so sorry to read this today and the one below that tels about your surgery. I have been Missing since sept 26 and dealing with life and 2 monster hurricanes, so missed all this and am sending prayers for you upward. i can't even imagine keeping my head down for 12 hours and I agree, sight is MOST important
things are not going well here, with hubby and i may be disapearing again. thanks for your comment today and other days

Lee said...

Hi Donna....I hope you are healing well, and quickly. Dear little Sloane is such a lovely little girl. :)

It is so important to vote. Voting is compulsory down this way. We had a state election this past weekend, and thankfully, the party I follow...always follow...won. I'm a conservative voter...always have been...and always will be.

Take good care. I hope you enjoy your Halloween...and I hope next week brings the result you want. :)

Sandi said...

I voted early. The line was long, an hour and forty minutes!

Catherine said...

Happy belated Birthday to Larry. Nice to hear Sloane singing so nice