Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  And there's nothing more wonderful than Rod Stewart ringing in the year with his version of Auld Lang Syne...

Good morning, Friends...We had a really fun Christmas morning. The kids turned up and we all enjoyed the Taco breakfast.  Of course, Sloane had a really good time...We love our babies over the Moon!
Hope you all had a wonderful day?  Now it's almost a new year!  Can you believe it?  I never imagined I'd be writing 2025 on checks (yes, I still pay a few things with checks...like donations).  God has been good to us!  Still alive and kicking...lol

I made some Cranberry Pecan Cookies...really good!

I made air fryer chicken and dressing for Larry and myself on December 26th...and this is about the time Larry started getting sick with his yearly, and I do mean yearly, sinus infection and cough...every year, like clockwork.

A scene from the 1950's...I still remember our small television from 1957...I was born in 1951.  TV night was always fun...we were glued to the screen until Mom made us head to bed.  Sister Ruth Ann and I were in school by then...I was 6.

I made Biscuits & Gravy Casserole...Larry loved it. 

This is a touching image of Crystal and her grandfather, Gerald (Larry's Dad) who's just turned 99.  You never know when it'll be your last hug...They don't see much of each other...(Crys is almost 3 hours away)...mainly at family gatherings.  Gerald seems to be going downhill...he was so feeble at breakfast.  I mentioned it to Larry though, so I know he'll be watching.  He almost fell which is so unlike him.

I think Sloane was just about walking on her own last nerve...lol...getting sleepy.

I can't seem to find a decent collage maker...Any suggestions?  I know I post a lot of photos at times... I think this would cut down on the amount.  Can't have you all falling asleep in your chairs! lolol

This was sent to me by my GranDaughter-in law, Sara (now in Hungary) for my Christmas.  We drew names.  They shred almost anything you want!  Garlic, onions, bell peppers...etc.  I love them!

Well, nothing really left to report on, from this last week.  I've got a lab appointment next week, my yearly doctor's appointment.  It'll be with a new doctor as our last one retired...don't you hate when that happens??  Trick is to get a doctor younger than yourself.  And our new one, is that!  Larry has already seen him and says he's a good kid...give him a chance...well okay then...lol

Well, I suppose I'll head to the barn...Please have a safe and happy week...stay out of trouble and have a 
Happy New Year, wherever you are!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all my Blogging Friends!  

I hope you all have been well and have all of your shopping and errands done?  Only a few more days until Christmas...

We all have so much to be grateful for!  It'll be raining here on Tuesday but clear on Christmas day...I'm SO grateful! lol...because it'll be raining again on Thursday, so...it'll miss us, if the weatherman knows what he's talking about.

We will be having all the children in for an early morning breakfast...Breakfast Tacos.  Larry bought a three slotted warmer for the tortillas, bacon and sausage and eggs.  We always talked about getting one but never did...Would have come in handy!  I suppose better late than never.

Sam and Everett took Sloane and Cousin Arlis to the Waco Zoo to see the Christmas lights. Oh, to be a child one more time...

Twirling and laughing without a care in the world...how wonderful!

Colors bright and vivid...I think only a child knows the secret to the magical world of Christmas...

For there was born a King...

Well, since I'm far from being a child, Larry and I visited a coffee shop in downtown Waco called, The Olive Branch.  I was trying to find a place that served coffee and pie but without any luck, would you believe?!  We finally settled on chocolate filled croissants.  We really need an old-fashioned diner that serves coffee and pie any time of the day or night.   We used to have one but, it went to the elephant bone yard about ten years ago...sad to see history disappear. 

We also went out to eat at a place called The Summer Palace...Chinese buffet.  I had fish and wings with those little wontons filled with sweetened cream cheese...so good!

Larry had a mixture of goodies...

We were working around the house, so I made some hot chocolate for our break time.

I wanted to buy some body powder (Flower Bomb fragrance) and decided it's ridiculously expensive!  We are not destitute by any means but...Why spend a gazillion dollars on something I can make at home??  So, I did!  The above photo is my cologne and cornstarch with perfumed cotton balls pushed down into the cornstarch!  It's wonderful!  You just fill a container, with a lid, with cornstarch.  Then get a cotton ball or pad and spray your favorite fragrance on it or them ( I used about 5 for my small container), then push them all down into the cornstarch.  Leave at least overnight before you start using it...Wonderful!!  I'll never buy expensive powder again!  And several of my fragrances don't sell powder...so I'll make my own.  I need to find a wider container with a lid.  Time to go to the antique stores!  I love the old glass jars...lol

Larry made Onion soup...It is wonderful!  We just didn't bother with the fancy presentation.  Cheese on top of French toast, laying on top of the soup.  I just made cheddar toast on Italian bread...Lordy it was good.

I made a Nativity Scene back in 1980.  The camel stands 10" tall at the pommel of the saddle.  It took several months to pour the figurines...fire them then paint.  It's a big set but I love it.

I bought Sloane some fancy shoes! lol

Our Libby hoping for a treat...lol

Well Friends...Here's hoping all your dreams and wishes come true!  Be safe out there...stay out of trouble...because Santa is watching you!

So, until we meet again...Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Journaling...Buns, Nostalgia and Pralines.

Good Morning Friends... I've been busy doing a lot of nothing.  Time certainly can get away from you!  I hadn't intended to be away so long...
What news...let's see...I found a journal that I had bought years ago with the intention of writing in it daily.  Well, you know what they say about good intentions...lol... but...at long last I've decided it's never too late to begin. Or, like that old Cole Porter song, Begin the Beguine...and it must be sung by Johnny Mathis!  lol  

Granddaughter Samantha with hubby Everett...baby Sloane and, still cooking baby girl, Lottie?  Don't know for sure yet...

This is so true!  I refuse to let myself go...Gotta' keep trying.  Hopefully, RFK Jr can get the harmful, additive and poisonous ingredients out of our food!  Get some popcorn (real buttered) because it's going to be a fight!  No other country on the planet, has in their food what we do! 

I added Mickey Mouse for Sloane, in the front mudroom.  She likes Mickey and Minnie...

I made cinnamon rolls...so good!  Haven't made any for several weeks.

Here's some neat and easy cakes you can make for the holidays... or whenever!

I made Corn Chowder and added chives, bacon and cheese.  Hit the spot on that cold, rainy day....

Do you remember the potholder loom?  Well, I bought a kit the other day and made a few.  My mother made the blue and white one on the left, years ago.  It's getting worn and almost unmanageably dirty even though I use bleach on it when I wash.  It's needing to be retired and let the new ones take over.  It's a good memory... 

Here we go, again!

Has anyone ever made these praline cookies?  Wondering how they taste...I'm sure, good!

Got my Christmas cards finished and mailed.

Sam and Sloane having some fun...


Made Texas Chili without beans!  We don't "do" beans in our chili...alongside, some scratch cheesy cornbread.

"Fried" chicken (crushed pork rinds and some cornstarch for the breading).  Did the thighs in the air fryer.

Larry made corn, pork and potatoes, au gratin...tasted really good but made me gain 6 ozs!  Bad Donna! lol  
This meal plus a cinnamon roll and no walking will add the pounds.

Too true...People are like dominoes... Tell one a story then the rest say the same thing...over and over.  SO many of our gluten-free foods still contain gluten...

Well, I suppose I'll get off of here and let you get back to doing what you were doing... I hope you all have a sweet and happy weekend so, until next time...

Thursday, December 5, 2024

A Prize....Lights, Gender Reveal, and Pneumonia.

Good morning, friends... Well, another week or so, has buzzed right on by.  Been a little busy what with the passing of Miss Kitty and Sloane getting sick...I'm trying to get back to a regular routine with my posting and visiting You!  
ALSO...If you can't watch the videos using IE (Internet Explorer), Use Google or Chrome as a search engine.  IE is wanting you to Verify that you are a Human...I'm so tired of IE and their garbage....
But!  I did win a contest!  See the snowman below?  He's adorable and now resides on the Christmas tree!
Thank you, Janice, at, Prims by the Water.

He's a real treasure...

I woke up early one morning and it just felt like a toast with honey kind of morning...

It was Libby approved...she knows she'll get a bite...lol

Sloane got to stay the weekend with Lolli and Pops...they went to see Christmas lights.

It's a hard day's night, seeing all those lights! lol

Learning to bake at Lolli's...then, on Tuesday... Samantha stayed home with her on day one but, she had to do a re-shuffle with her clients...so I got to keep her Wednesday and today....

Sloane came to us while Samantha had to work...she has pneumonia.  Her doctor took x-rays... Can't tell by looking at her though...such a good baby.  I think she picked it up at daycare.  She's on antibiotics...

Then...Later that night...Sam picked up her Gender Reveal cake...but mind you...Sloane didn't understand why that beautiful cake was ruined! lolol

I had made cinnamon rolls earlier in the week...really good!  Grands Cinnabon with my homemade additions.

Then I'd made cabbage and sausage with tomatoes and yellow squash...yum!

Started back on my quilt...but had to stop to keep Sloane... (much rather do that then quilting right now...lol

Love this movie!!  A wonderful Christmas story about an Angel...

Well...really not much else to report.  It's a tiny bit busy but we are enjoying keeping the baby.  It's been raining here and cold.  Snuggle weather...
So... Until next time, thanks for the visit and...

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.