Thursday, December 5, 2024

A Prize....Lights, Gender Reveal, and Pneumonia.

Good morning, friends... Well, another week or so, has buzzed right on by.  Been a little busy what with the passing of Miss Kitty and Sloane getting sick...I'm trying to get back to a regular routine with my posting and visiting You!  
ALSO...If you can't watch the videos using IE (Internet Explorer), Use Google or Chrome as a search engine.  IE is wanting you to Verify that you are a Human...I'm so tired of IE and their garbage....
But!  I did win a contest!  See the snowman below?  He's adorable and now resides on the Christmas tree!
Thank you, Janice, at, Prims by the Water.

He's a real treasure...

I woke up early one morning and it just felt like a toast with honey kind of morning...

It was Libby approved...she knows she'll get a

Sloane got to stay the weekend with Lolli and Pops...they went to see Christmas lights.

It's a hard day's night, seeing all those lights! lol

Learning to bake at Lolli's...then, on Tuesday... Samantha stayed home with her on day one but, she had to do a re-shuffle with her I got to keep her Wednesday and today....

Sloane came to us while Samantha had to work...she has pneumonia.  Her doctor took x-rays... Can't tell by looking at her though...such a good baby.  I think she picked it up at daycare.  She's on antibiotics...

Then...Later that night...Sam picked up her Gender Reveal cake...but mind you...Sloane didn't understand why that beautiful cake was ruined! lolol

I had made cinnamon rolls earlier in the week...really good!  Grands Cinnabon with my homemade additions.

Then I'd made cabbage and sausage with tomatoes and yellow squash...yum!

Started back on my quilt...but had to stop to keep Sloane... (much rather do that then quilting right

Love this movie!!  A wonderful Christmas story about an Angel...

Well...really not much else to report.  It's a tiny bit busy but we are enjoying keeping the baby.  It's been raining here and cold.  Snuggle weather...
So... Until next time, thanks for the visit and...


Mari said...

I was happy to see that you won the snowman! He's very cute.
I hope Sloane is soon better.
Congrats on a baby girl! So nice for Sloane to have a sister.

Anvilcloud said...

We're all getting into the season. We have plenty of snow here at the moment. I don't know if it will stay or go.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your quilt is coming along nicely, and I love the color. The cinnamon rolls look Yummy. I used to stop at Cinnabon every time I went to the mall. Sloane must have loved those Christmas lights. So sorry she had pneumonia, and hope she's feeling better now. I haven't watched The Bishop's Wife yet. I chuckled with the Comet picture. I still use that to this day, and have a carton under the sink. It does wonders for stains and such. Love that first picture with the Christmas tree all lit up.

Enjoy the season!


Red Rose Alley said...

ps.....oh, I wasn't sure what the reveal was, but I'm guessing it's a girl.....wonderful!

Far Side of Fifty said...

A girl! Congratulations to all! Sloane will love having a sister! Stay warm!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no idea pneumonia is contagious until my visit to my doctor this week, she said its a viral one and that old people need to take that shot and to get myself to the pharmacy and get it and rsv shot. sorry to hear Sloane has it. does this mean Sloane is getting a sister? she is blessed to have sitters that love her

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Glad you won the snowman. I hope Sloane is better now. Hope you will have a Merry Christmas.

dori said...

O this wonderful heart-touching Sloane-scenes!! So lovely!!!! Her face and hands , when the cake was "destroyed"! She ist completely right!! :)

My consolation because of Kitty - so sorry....

And my great congratulatons for the newborn baby!!! A sister for Sloane: BEST!!!! Hope she will recover very soon from the pneunomia (if Iunderstood right) !
Sloane's partents are in LOVE I see! And Sloane's Grandparents are so lovely. How he holds her in the middle of the seat in the car !! And then sleeping exhausted in the sofa! :))

And you: the best Grandgrandma!

The Snowman is super!! The blanked will be super, too!!

Greetings and blessings to you all
from Dori from the Bavarian Forest!

dori said...

O diese wunderbaren, herzergreifenden Sloane-Szenen!! So schön!!!! Ihr Gesicht und ihre Hände, als der Kuchen „zerstört“ wurde! Sie hat vollkommen recht!! :)

Mein Trost wegen Kitty – es tut mir so leid....

Und meine herzlichen Glückwünsche zum neugeborenen Baby!!! Eine Schwester für Sloane: DAS BESTE!!!! Hoffentlich erholt sie sich bald von der Lungenentzündung (wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe)!

Sloanes Eltern sind VERLIEBT, wie ich sehe! Und Sloanes Großeltern sind so lieb. Wie er sie im Auto in der Mitte des Sitzes hält!! Und dann erschöpft auf dem Sofa schläft! :))

Und du: die beste Oma!

Der Schneemann ist super!! Die Decke wird auch super!!

Grüße und Segen an euch alle
von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald!

Linda said...

You have such a beautiful family! Loved 'seeing' everyone!

Wanda said...

Your blog is such a pleasure. Love all the pictures and food. I love toast and honey. We have a video so similar to yours as we found out the gender of our #5 grandson. It does mess up a beautiful cake, haha. I've been so slow in blogging lately, but had a burst of energy and got Fall down and a little Christmas up. Just read you post on the loss of your kitty. So sorry.
We ordered an airfryer, should come tomorrow.

Margaret D said...

Poor Sloane, sorry to read she isn't well.
Shame about the cake for her but she's too young to understand.
Lovely photos.
Take care and do keep warm as I'm sure you will.

Ann said...

OMG, that first video of Sloane melted my heart. She is just so adorable. Love the picture of her and Tim sleeping and the dog watching from the arm of the couch.

Shug said...

Sloan is the cutest little thing....Prayers that this pneumonia goes away quickly and this little one is well. I love all of the cute Christmas memes. I'm not sure who has time to sit around and make these things, but they sure do bring a lot of laughs to people. happy Weekend

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Donna - I feel so bad about Miss Kitty...we certainly love our fur babies and yes they become our children. Sending you a hug...Baby Sloane is wouldn't think she was sick - am sure she is getting great love and just what she needs from Grandpa & Grandma. Your toast looks so good spread with honey. Well take care friend. Hugs!

Linda said...

So precious, thank you for sharing and the many smiles.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Congratulations on the new baby! Sloane is such a sweet little girl, hope she gets well soon. How wonderful you won the is so cute. The Pastor's Wife is one of my favorite movies.......and not just at Christmas time!

Prims By The Water said...

Hope Sloan is feeling better. I was under the weather myself yesterday. Glad the snowman arrived an you like him Janice.

Lowcarb team member said...

Well done on winning the snowman.
I did enjoy Sloane's video with her babies, she is so cute. I do hope she is now a lot better and the antibiotics have worked.
Many congratulations on the baby girl.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

photowannabe said...

Oh I sure hope sweet Sloane gets well soon. DayCare places can be a petri dish for everything. (:0)
Love hearing her little voice and yours too. Congratulations on the new little girl coming to your family.
That toast with honey looks delicious. I may have to fix a slice myself.
Cute snowman that you won. I love getting things like that.
Thanks for visiting my blog. We are still on a roller coaster with my Hubby. Can't wait till the 11th to see where we go from here.

Bill said...

I like snowmen and the one you won is very nice. Hope Sloane is doing better and that you are enjoying the festive season. Stay warm.

Granny Marigold said...

Too bad Sloane got sick; hopefully soon she'll be feeling well again. Exciting news about the baby being a girl 💗💗💗💗

Barwitzki said...

All the best for Sloana, how good that we have antibiotics these days.
Your cinnamon rolls are terrific.
Congratulations on the success of your snowman.
Your quilt looks wonderful...I look forward to seeing more.
I have added your film to my list and hope that I will find it.
Hugs to you

Polyester Princess said...

Oh no Donna! I'm so sorry to hear about sweet little Sloane getting pneumonia! Sending oodles of healing vibes from Belgium!
I'm guessing she is getting a little sister? Congratulations to all!
Oh my, those cinnamon rolls do look delicious! xxx

Lee said...

I hope what I just wrote went through. It disappeared quickly this end.

Lee said...

Ahhhh! It didn't go through. I'll try again.

Dear little Sloane. I hope by the time I am writing this she has fully recovered. Sloane grows more beautiful by the day, if that is possible. The sweet little girl must be the apple of your eyes. A special cuddle for her from me. :)

I love the snowman...I love this fun, colourful post.

Thank you, too, Donna, for your words in my blog. I appreciate your support.

Take good care all of you. :)

Jeanette said...

Congratulations on the baby girl! I have to say Everette looked slightly disappointed! Normal reaction! I hope Sloane is feeling better by now! XO

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats on another girl:) Hope Miss Sloane gets to feeling better.

diane b said...

She is a darling. It must be fun having her. Those cinnamon buns look mouthwatering delicious.

Donna said...

Hi Jeanette! Actually, Everett was hoping for another girl…lolol…🩷

acorn hollow said...

I hope that sweet baby is on the mend. Congrats to the parents on a new little one.
Glad you won the snowman.
I make cinnamon buns every Christmas. They are such a splurge.

Catherine said...

Hope Sloane gets better soon . Nice to have a second baby girl. Your cinnamon rolls look very good. I tried twice but without any success for the moment I gave up!

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet photos and videos of Sloane. How wonderful it is to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. I hope she feels better very quickly. Congratulations to all for the new baby to come. A very exciting time for you all. Yummy food and a great post as always. Thanks Donna!

ashok said...

Amazing post for the Christmas season

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh children here have been so sick too! I hope that Sloane is all better by now. xoxo

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.