Good morning friends...just checking in to say we lost our Miss Kitty yesterday. Turns out, after several Vet visits, she was 7 years old...there-abouts and a very sick kitty. Leukemia, Feline aids, and FIP which basically, destroys the nervous system. Vomiting...fever...listlessness...for the last 4 days...not eating or drinking. We've had her a little over a year...time to become deeply entrenched in loving her and caring for her. She had gotten where she'd come into the house at night and other odd times of the day. We loved the progress she was making. And we loved her...Yesterday was a day spent bawling like crazy...Larry had gone to town when the doctor called with the results of her blood panel...and after explaining everything to me, I made the decision to help her over the Rainbow Bridge. I know God sent her to us last year, knowing what her journey was going to be, had she not had us to help her. And we did, gladly. She would have been out in the cold Winter...no food...and in pain...dying alone.
Driving home, with her in my arms, I said to Larry, "It's so much harder to lose them, when you get older!! I thought it might be a bit easier..."
Larry then said the truth of it..."They become our children...they're not just our pets...", and as he said it, tears were just silently rolling down our cheeks...
It was a hard day.... but we know she's with our other babies on the Other Side and Miss Kitty is now proudly, sitting on the lap of Jesus...We'll see you again, sweet Girl...
Oh no...I am so very, very sorry. You treated her so well and gave her a life that nobody else could. Thank you for loving her and taking such good care of her. Those are horrible diseases and you made the right decision by ending her suffering. FIP is just awful for them to go through. My heart breaks for you both.
So sorry to read this, but you can rest in the knowledge that you gave her a wonderful last year and she trusted and thanked you for it. Larry is right - they do become our children, especially when we have no human ones of our own. Sending warm hugs x
Sorry for your loss. I just looked down at our old girl beside my chair, hoping that she will be healthy for years to come.
My condolences for your loss. I too am a life long gatherer of strays, and have lost several...they often have health problems when rescued from the street. Giving homes to stray animals is a noble endeavor and I hope you continue, it's one of those things that's a good fight.
I'm so sorry! She was as blessed to have you, as you were to have her.
I am so so sorry sweet friend. Sending you much love and hugs.
So sorry, it is really hard. You did the best you could for her and with much love. Hopefully that gives you some comfort!
I'm so sorry to read of your loss, such a beautiful cat, love the black and yes rather young.
Animals as our pets are certainly like our children.
Take care.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Miss Kitty had the best life this past year and now it seems it was time for her to go.
I am so sorry for your loss. Larry is so right, they are like our children and it doesn't take long to become attached to them. Miss Kitty was lucky to have found you when she did and you gave a wonderful last year of life.
Oh no Donna! I'm so sorry for your loss. Larry is absolutely right, pets do indeed become ones's children. But Miss Kitty was lucky finding you for the last year of her life, so there is definitely some solace in that. Sending you virtual hugs from across the ocean! xxx
So sorry for you loss. We lost our last kitty this year too. It is so very hard losing a pet. They become family. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving though in spite of your loss. Janice
We have rescued 6 dogs in our 40 years and and as we aged we started to rescue senior dogs. I am going to do a post about Big Boy and Beau and God.. you have made me decide to do it... I believe God sent Miss kitty to you because she needed you and I am in tears while typing, she sent Big Boy to us, like Miss kitty, for their sake not ours. and God bless you for letting her go in her pain. I sobbed for 3 days when Big boy died, he was 7 when we got him and 2 years later he was gone,... I feel your hurt and so happy for Miss Kittie that you had her and made her life good. I hate to think how she would have suffered if not for the two of you.
You have my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your kitty. I am a relatively new cat owner having adopted my boy Stanley during the pandemic. This was a first for me because I grew up a dog person, but now I can’t imagine my life without him. Seven years old does not seem very old for a cat. I am so sorry.
So sorry to hear this sad news. You gave her a home when she needed it and both could share the love she brought with her. Thanks for being a very kind person, not everyone would do something like that.
Oh! Donna...I am sincerely so, so sorry for your loss of your beloved Miss Kitty. I empathise. It was two years ago Wednesday just gone that I lost my darling Remy. And I still love and miss him just as much. Six months after Remy died, his sister, Shama died. They were part of my life for 20 years... a long time, but not long enough. Unashamedly, I admit, I still shed tears over them.
Take good care, my dear.
Oh I'm sorry my friend. You gave her the best life possible even if it was only for a short time. Each time we lose one of our kitties it's devastating to both of us. XO
My condolences.
Oh I'm so sorry but very grateful that you were there to give her the love she needed to go over the rainbow bridge.
Beautifully written.
How fortunate Miss Kitty was to spend her last years so well loved!!
So sad and difficult moment. Our son’s adopted stray cat was gone two weeks ago had many health illness too. She has been lucky to have you both for a time and you did good care to her.
You had her for a short time which seemed like a lifetime. I am so sorry Donna, a lucky kitty to have found a family who gave her a whole lot of love.Larry said it, they are our children.
Oh, Donna. I am so sorry, but I am profoundly glad she had you in the last year of her life. You were definitely a blessing to her. Hugs,
Donna, I'm so sorry you lost Miss Kitty. I didn't realize she was so sick. You took such good care of her, and she was fortunate to have you as a mama. Thinking of you today, and sending thoughts of comfort and love.
Just caught up with your sad news. You are so right saying goodbye gets harder as you get older, it’s extra baggage we have to carry and the price we pay for loving our pets. Sending love x
I am so very sorry for you losing your Miss Kitty. She looks very much like our Taboo. We have lost so many sweet pets through the years......all of them living for many years with us......and it hurts so much to lose them. I don't want anymore pets after our Taboo passes.....the pain is too unbearable.
So sorry to read this, my condolences.
All the best Jan
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