Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Fries...Mice, Quilt, Sloane and Zwilling

Good morning, Friends...Just stopping in to let you know everything is okay with Marie, across the street... (read my last post).  I guess she never even saw the A/C van parked out in front of our house. Nothing's been said in person or on Facebook...She hasn't befriended
Hopefully, all is well...
I hope all of you are doing good?  I pray so...


Leg quarters and fries for lunch...

Cinnamon rolls baked in the air fryer for breakfast.

Pork and corn with green beans another day...

This recipe looks easy!  I'll be trying it...  Let me know if you do, as well!

Playing with stitches on the sewing machine...Larry said they looked like ticks...I had to do some

Trying to finish the quilt.  It's been one thing after another and some laziness on my part...

Sloane had an ear infection again...and she has tubes...Maybe soon, she'll outgrow this?  Hope so.

Sam picking her up at the end of the day...feeling much better.  We always hate to see them leave...

I did an AI photo of our turned out almost like her!

I also did one of our Buddy...I never could get one to look like him and he's certainly not a puppy at 14!


I love my Zwilling device!  I ordered extra bags from Amazon. The device is sold there as well.

Well...that's about it for me, this week...I know...a bit boring but I'm really thankful it's been boring.  I had a YAG laser posterior capsulotomy done on my Right eye last Friday and will have the Left one done, this Friday.  All it does is clean the lens of scar tissue which had caused my vision to be a little misty white. Took about 10 seconds to do with the pain...sitting up position...clothes on!  The wait took an hour and a half!!!  (not every patient was there for a YAG procedure) Larry called it, a cattle call!  One patient after another...Hopefully, the wait time will be shorter this next appointment is at 8:25am. The other was at 11:05am. Wish me luck...If you are experiencing the same, ask your doctor about a YAG procedure.  It helps clear things up.
Have a great rest of the week and stay safe...until next time!