Good morning, friends... Well, another week or so, has buzzed right on by. Been a little busy what with the passing of Miss Kitty and Sloane getting sick...I'm trying to get back to a regular routine with my posting and visiting You!
ALSO...If you can't watch the videos using IE (Internet Explorer), Use Google or Chrome as a search engine. IE is wanting you to Verify that you are a Human...I'm so tired of IE and their garbage....
But! I did win a contest! See the snowman below? He's adorable and now resides on the Christmas tree!
Thank you, Janice, at, Prims by the Water.
He's a real treasure...
Learning to bake at Lolli's...then, on Tuesday... Samantha stayed home with her on day one but, she had to do a re-shuffle with her I got to keep her Wednesday and today....
Sloane came to us while Samantha had to work...she has pneumonia. Her doctor took x-rays... Can't tell by looking at her though...such a good baby. I think she picked it up at daycare. She's on antibiotics...
Then...Later that night...Sam picked up her Gender Reveal cake...but mind you...Sloane didn't understand why that beautiful cake was ruined! lolol
I had made cinnamon rolls earlier in the week...really good! Grands Cinnabon with my homemade additions.
Started back on my quilt...but had to stop to keep Sloane... (much rather do that then quilting right
Love this movie!! A wonderful Christmas story about an Angel...
Well...really not much else to report. It's a tiny bit busy but we are enjoying keeping the baby. It's been raining here and cold. Snuggle weather...
So... Until next time, thanks for the visit and...